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profile questions

Personal Details
Name       Mobile      
Program       Email      
Current Year of Study (eg. 3rd) or Graduation Year (eg. 2009):      
Position Title and Employer (if currently working):      

What’s the RMIT Difference?

Some thoughts….. Why did you choose RMIT?
Why were you attracted to the degree?
What skills/qualities have you gained from your degree?
How has RMIT prepared you for world of work?
Answer (approx 200 words):      

Study highlights?
Some thoughts….. What has been a highlight of your study and why?
Work integrated learning? Study tours? Work experience? How has this helped?
Study abroad?
Answer (approx 200 words):      

Career moves?
Some thoughts….. Where do you hope your degree takes you?
What is your dream job?
Are you working in your industry now? How did you get the job? Typical day?
Future plans?
Answer (approx 200 words):      

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