Audience Feedback

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For the audience feedback, me and my

partner gave our media class a
questionnaire each, this was 12 people,
once doing this we showed our film, the
answers of the questions are as


his is a very general question, 8 out of the 12

people said that they did understand the film. 2
said that it was complicated but just grasped the
idea and another 2 said they did not understand

he reason for the lack of understanding would be

because the genre of film me and my partner
decided to do is indeed hard to understand.
Confusion is a necessary part.


he genre that me and my partner classify our film

as is a Psychological
hriller, this is due to the
subject matter being something to do with the
mind. However as we had such a short time to
perform this in, the
hriller part is possibly
However from the questionnaire 9 people
answered that they thought this was the genre
of the film.
he other 3 people did not answer,
therefore the problem we foresaw with the lack
of the
hriller part may have been an issure
ðany people commented on the fact that the
mise-en-scene is dark, they liked how this
showed the bleakness of the characters life.
Everyone commented stating how effective the
editing was, particularly the part at the end
where the shot splits and shows a double of the
main character and the bus scene with the cuts
to show time passing.
ðe and my partner were heavily influenced by
such films as µFight Club¶ and µ
he Ghost Writer.¶

he idea of the book coming through from µ
Ghost Writer¶ and the idea of a split personality
from µFight Club.¶ Other people suggested our
film reminded them of:
-Shutter Island
alented ðr. Ripley
-Sixth Sense


þ few examples of what people said was good are:
-Variety of music
-Camera Framing
he pace
he editing overall


he resounding response from the audience

feedback was to sort the sound out.
he cut that
we showed the participants in our research did
not have the sound cut together properly,
therefore there were some issues with fading
out and fading in. We have corrected this now.

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