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illustrative purposes that identifies

Potential Downtown potential milestones and approvals. 3
Arena: Governance The City would provide oversight for the
Framework entire project through the use of both
internal and external resources.
Protection of the City’s interests was
Recommendation: another key issue raised during the
public consultation. Details on the City
That the April 6, 2011, Finance and
oversight role would be presented to
Treasury Department report
Council at the time approval of the
2011FT2799, be received for
capital budget profiles is sought.
Report Summary Prior reports to Council have also
identified the potential for the arena to
This report provides options to
be managed by the Katz Group. Under
manage the City’s interests during
that model, the Katz Group might
the design, construction and
engage the services of a third party to
management phases of a potential
operate the arena.
downtown arena project.
Report There would still be a need for
continuing oversight of the lease
Prior reports to Council have identified
agreement, including facility
that a downtown arena could be
maintenance. Administration has
constructed through a partnership with
identified three options to address this
the Katz Group that would see the Katz
Group construct the arena under a
1) Internal oversight
construction management model with
2) Contract with a 3rd Party
the City as the owner. City ownership of
3) Establish a separate organization
the arena has been a key point raised
during the public consultation.
Internal Oversight
If Council decides to pursue the • Internal resources could be allocated
development of a downtown arena to manage the lease agreement with
under those circumstances, an the Katz Group and provide
appropriate process would need to be appropriate oversight.
put in place to ensure the City’s • The City Manager would provide
interests are considered. regular reporting to Council.
• Major capital requests would be part
The process would incorporate of the capital budgeting process.
approvals by Council analogous to • A facility example of this model is
those that would be in place if the Commonwealth Stadium.
design and construction project were
being managed by the City. Attachment Contract with a 3rd Party
1 has a summary of the key Council • A contractor could be engaged by
approvals and directions that would be the City to manage the lease
included, as well as a flowchart for

ROUTING - City Council | DELEGATION – S. Farbrother/L. Rosen/R. G. Klassen

WRITTEN BY – A. Giesbrecht | April 6, 2011 – Finance and Treasury Department 2011FT2799
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Potential Downtown Arena: Governance Framework

agreement and provide oversight on Policy

behalf of the City. Any recommended governance model
• The contractor performs its duties in must comply with the Municipal
accordance with the contract and Government Act, Procedures and
generally provides all of its own Committee Bylaw 12300 and City Policy
resources to perform its duties, C476.
including any expertise required.
• Major capital requests would still be Budget/Financial Implications
part of the capital budgeting process. Budget and financial implications would
• An example of this type of model be addressed if Council chooses to
exists in Pittsburgh with Oxford pursue the development of a downtown
Developments as the owner’s arena.
Legal Implications
Separate Organization Council has the power to incorporate
On January 17 and March 2, 2011, non-profit companies, and to borrow on
Administration provided information to their behalf or guarantee loans for them
Council on a potential foundation model (Municipal Government Act, R.S.A.
for the downtown arena development. 2000, c. M-26, s. 11, 264).
Council has the power to delegate any
A Foundation would: of its powers, duties or functions to a
• be the arena owner’s representative Council Committee, the City Manager or
• oversee the terms of the agreements a delegated officer, except for: the
• oversee the operations and power to pass budgets; grant tax relief;
management of the facility appoint/revoke the appointment of the
• be the liaison between the primary City Manager; or to hear appeals unless
tenant the City the delegation is to a Commission taxed
with that obligation (Municipal
A Foundation would not be: Government Act, s. 203(2).
• the day to day manager of the facility
Council may not delegate any powers,
Attachment 1 summarizes foundation duties or functions that are already
options for managing the City’s interests expressly delegated to the City Manager
after the arena is built, together with the (Municipal Government Act, s. 201).
pros and cons of each approach.
Council is bound by whatever policy with
Next Steps which it chooses to bind itself (Municipal
Government Act, s. 5)
If Council decides to proceed with the
development of a downtown arena, Attachments
Council will need to provide further 1a. Summary of Key Milestones
direction as to approval processes and 1b. Flowchart of Key Milestones
oversight for the design, construction 2. Options for Managing the City’s
and management of the facility. Interests in the Arena

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Potential Downtown Arena: Governance Framework

Others Reviewing this Report

• R. G. Klassen, General Manager,
Planning and Development

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Attachment 1a.

Summary of Key Milestones

1. Council approves the budget for the land purchase
2. After a conditional land agreement is reaches, Transportation and Public Works
Committee approves the purchase agreement

1. Council approves the Capital Profiles
2. Council gives 1st Reading to the Borrowing Bylaws
3. Council gives 2nd and 3rd Reading to the Borrowing Bylaws

Community Revitalization Levy

1. Council directs Administration to pursue CRL with the Province
2. Council is presented with the CRL Plan
3. Statutory Public Hearing on the CRL Plan
4. Council approves the CRL Plan
5. Council gives 1st Reading of the CRL Bylaw
6. Council gives 2nd and 3rd Reading of the CRL Bylaw

Design and Construction

1. Targeted public involvement
2. Open House on Design
3. Presentation to Edmonton Design Committee
4. Council approval of the design

Page 1 of 1 Report: 2011FT2799 Attachment 1a

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