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Présidence de la République République de Côte d’Ivoire

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Union – Discipline – Travail



Ladies and gentlemen, my dear compatriots.

Our country is at an important juncture in its history

Despite numerous calls to Mr Laurent Gbagbo and those close to him for a peaceful transfer
to power, the only answer to this outstretched hand was violence.

In an attempt to put an end to this escalation of violence in our country, the Forces
Républicaines de Cote d'Ivoire have undertaken, in accordance with their mission, to ensure
the protection of the population and their goods, and against that of militia and mercenaries
under the command of Mr Laurent Gbagbo.

They have decided to re-establish democracy and to respect the vote of the people.

In all the towns where they passed, they were received popularly. Today, they are at the
gates of Abidjan.

To all those who are still hesitant, be you general officers, superior officers, officers or lower
ranks, I ask you to make yourself available to your country and join together in a legal force.

There is still time to join your brothers in arms of the Forces Republicaines. The country is
calling you.
Your republican spirit will help avoid new suffering on the part of the population.

I would like to thank the Forces Republicaines de Cote d'Ivoire, along with all the military
forces and paramilitaries who have assisted them.

I salute their courage, their sense of republican valour and their commitment to the respect of
law and democracy in our country.

I urge them to secure, as a whole, the people and their property in according with their
governing powers and prevent looting of property and atrocities against the people.

For my part, I reaffirm my determination and commitment to build with them a new republican
army, equipped with all means to allow them accomplish their missions efficiently, an army
liked and respected by all and who will renew the pride of all Ivorians.

My dear compatriots,

In memory of our founding fathers and for the generations to come, we must come together
and build Ivory Coast in peace.

Long live the Republic.

Vive la Cote d'Ivoire.
May God bless our country.


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