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Saga Of Char Lifeline in Brahmaputra Valley


Case Study Number – A : (River Erosion)
“..... I lost my lands, house-hold properties and 04 to 05 bighas of paddy lands in to the river-bed of the
Brahmaputra 12 to 13 years ago ( that is, in the year 1988), which has not still reemerged. My eldest son becomes
a Rickshawala (that is, rickshaw-puller), second-born is working as daily-labour and third or little son pulls Thela
(that is, hand-barrow), while the younger ones are small vegetable-vender in the towns, sub-divisions, districts
and cities. They send me money after every 02 or 03 months. They will return home only, when my land re-
Truly speaking, this river has deserted me having been devouring all wealth and presently, I have no other
options. The turbulent current of the river Brahmaputra washed-out it all away during rainy season, when river
becomes turgid.
Even, we spend months together in boats and wait for the emergence of new chars nearly, when our chars
totally go under water. Although, shifting tendency from one char to another is a common phenomenon in our life
.....”, regrets septuagenarian, Muhammed Selim Sheikh of Chengmari char-village of Barpeta district of North
East Indian State, Assam.
Case Study Number – B : (Land Capture)
“..... this river has deserted me and destroyed all my wealth. At present, I have no other option, but to
accept of begging, for I have lost my house, house-hold-goods, relatives et cetera. The turbulent current of the
river Brahmaputra washed out all away during rainy seasons, when river becomes turgid and our chars goes under
Even, we spend months together in boats and to wait for the emergence of new chars. This forces us to
shifting tendency from one char to another, which is a common phenomenon in our life. Truly speaking, I have
changed my houses 15 times to 20 times in my life.
This year also 10 Bighas (that is, 01, 44,000 square feet) of my land has sunk into the river Brahmaputra
during flood. After flood the members of our family captured another new one, but could not keep under control,
everything lost.
I personally captured 04 bighas to 05 bighas of land to reconstruct my house. After few days, there erupt
up a new problem. It shocked me; because, suddenly, a few powerful men, called Mattabar or Dewani or Dalal
(that is, middleman) came with Lathial (that is, men with sticks in hand) and recaptured those lands by force and
sold them off. I could not do anything against them. There was no security of any sort against forcible occupation
of land by the muscle and money.
Practically, every years, floods have made new unstable chars and that is why; the change in land
character also support the landlords to sell the plot of char-lands more than once, which are renewable sources
of income for them.
In fact, after the flood, the followers make regular rounds of the riverbank areas, look ing for newly
emerged chars and capturing these even before the original possessors can make command. In this connection, as
per current proverb goes to in our areas that Jaar lathi, tar mati .....”, 60-years-old Abul Hussein inhabitant of
Marichkandi char-village of Kamrup district of North East Indian State, Assam points out a awry finger to his
Case Study Number – C : (Electricity System)
“..... Like our village, all most all the char villages are without electricity. We the char village peoples are so
poor; therefore, it is impossible to buy a generator for electricity to each family. Now, you can understand that
how can our village peoples are passing their entire night. Not only is that without light, children are unable to get
better education also. I have five children including three daughters. My two sons (one is 12-years-old and other
is 13-years-old) go to the urban areas as a daily-labour. They earn Rs. 30 per day and my two daughters (one is 14-
years- old and another is 15-years-old) go to town areas to work as a maidservant with her mother and earn Rs. 50
to Rs. 90 per month. Tell me; is it possible for us to buy a generator for light? What can we do? You know that how
can be a family consisting of 07 to 08 members run .....?”, claims Fazal Ali of Borbeel char-village of Morigaon
district of North East Indian State, Assam.
Case Study Number – D : (Health System)
“….. I lost my wife, Sofia Begum (17) at the time of delivery of my fourth issue. I could not afford money
for taking her to the hospital. Because, in my village, there is no PHC (that is, Public Health Centre or Primary
Health Centre) or Hospital nearby. We are very needy …..”, bemoans Motiur Rahaman Mondal, a resident of
Nayer char-village area of Barpeta district of North East Indian State, Assam.
Case Study Number – E : (Education System)
“..... we are not getting any monthly salary timely. Our school building is broken. Sometimes, we teach
them under the tree and if rain appears or thunderstorm comes, the school remains closed. During rainy season,

we close the school for 04 to 06 months every year. Because, the char is a flood prone area, which remain sub-
merged under water for long 90 to 100 days every year.
Even, astonishing fact is that the academic session starts from January of every year, but books are
supplied after three months (that is, in the month of April) or even later, while the essential materials of
black-board, desk-bench, chair-table, chalk-pencil-duster et cetera are not available in the school.
Over and above, char people are very poor and illiterate and so they do not send their children for studies
elsewhere. A awareness among these char people about education by different ways, like local Sabha or Samiti,
Nukkar-bazzi (that is, street-drama) with singing and dancing et cetera …..”, laments Amjad Ali, a private
(venture) school Master (that is, Teacher) of Badbadia char-village of Goalpara district of Northeast Indian State
of Assam.
Case Study Number – F : (Drinking Water System)
“….. I lost my children, Sofia Bano at the age of 05, due to diarrhea. I cannot afford money to buy a deep
filtered tube-well for pure drinking water for my family. Even, in our village (in fact, all most all the char villages),
there is no pure drinking water system. Like others, our family members also collect drinking water from river.
Now, you can guess, how the char areas people live a painful life. Here, pregnant women deliver dead
baby, injection is administered by the village Kabiraj (that is, quack). The babies reduced into skeleton for want of
protein-rich-diet, char people use bullock-cart, boat et cetera for transportation, they drink unfiltered water,
char-born-children lack education, who even, cannot avail of the facilities of electricity, that is why; they lost
their eyes in early stage.
The opportunist politicians, who have almost visited these remote and distant areas in thousands times
during the election (like Village Panchayet, Assembly and Parliamentary, et cetera); but, not to have spent days
on boats before and after elections. They do not peep our poor conditions after they win the ‘game’ (that is,
election) …..”, says angrily Muhammad Kobad Ali Sheikh, a resident of Nagvangi char-village area of Dhubri
district of North East Indian State, Assam.

Axom, is a land of blue hills, lush green forest and red rivers, which is a captivating country since its birth.
One of the world’s largest mighty river ‘Brahmaputra’, locally called Luit (form Lauhitya meaning Redness) is
flowing from the Manas Sarobar, that is, Tasangpo (from where it is originated) to ‘Bay of Bengal’ (Sea),
disregarding the international boundary laws through the then East-Pakistan, that is, East-Bengal, known as
Purba Bangla, presently Bangladesh. Brahmaputra has 35-numbers of tributary in Eastern Indian State, Assam.
“Char” (that is, ‘River Island’) or ‘Sand-bars’ or ‘Sandy-shore’ (locally called - Balur-char) is the
common phenomenon of nature that is found farming here and there in the lower course of the river
Brahmaputra. It is in this way has formed the riverine island ‘Majuli’, which is one of the largest river-island of the
Most of the sandbars are transient in nature. The chars being to move as the flow of water increase. But,
when the water flows recede, sediment gets deposited and new sandbars take shape. The sandbars do not exist
through out the year. They are submerged during monsoon and become visible during winter season.
Thus, destruction and creation of chars go on in an unending way. This transformation of chars is not a
new matter but eternal. The Brahmaputra and its tributaries create hundreds and hundreds of ‘field’ (that is,
island)s and rivulets every year and destroy the same in the same way.
It is not possible to ascertain the actual numbers of chars in the eastern Indian State – Assam, for a large
number of them are semi-permanent. However, according to the estimate or of Indian Assam State Intelligence
Bureau Report of 1993-1994, a lot of riverine basins have sprung up between the river Brahmaputra and it’s
tributaries. These chars are existed from Sadia of Upper Assam’s Dibrugarh district to South-Salmara of Lower
Assam’s South-Salmara-Mankachar district of North-East Indian State, Assam, and covered 19-numbers of
districts of the Indian State of Assam. They are – Tinsukia, Dhemaji, Dibrugarh, Lakhimpur, Sibsagar, Jorhat,
Golaghat, Sonitpur, Biswanath, Nagaon, Morigaon, Darrang, Kamrup, Nalbari, Barpeta, Bongaigaon, Goalpara,
Dhubri and South Salmara-Makachar districts of the said state; while according to the estimate of Char Area
Development Authority, Government of Assam State (India) – CADAGAS(I), there are 01,256 numbers of char on
the river Brahmaputra (this figure was shown in the year, 1985). However, there had been no proper survey
carried out in the last (around) 15-years, that is, since the year 2001. Neither Indian Assam State Government
(IASG) nor Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) conducted any study or review in this context, at all.
According to the Indian Military Intelligence Report of 2011, “Of total number of 02,251-chars, lie under
14-numbers of Districts, 23-numbers of Sub-divisions and 59-numbers of Development Blocks with 02,251-
numbers of villages in 299-numbers of Gaon-Panchayat (that is, village panchayat)s the whole state. Over 24.90-
lakhs people (of them 12.72-lakhs male and 12.18-lakhs females, comprising 04.35-lakhs families of which 02.95-
lakhs are very needy, that is, live below poverty line) reside in the chars of the river Brahmaputra and it’s
tributaries and the density of population per square kilometer in char areas is 690-numbers, while 03,068-square
kilometers area belongs to char areas in the Eastern Indian State, Assam. Most of the people are of ‘Muslim
Community’ (specially indicate the ‘Religious Minority Muslim People, who reside in basically western part of the

said State and are basically needy and migrated from Bangladesh time-to-time in search of food, cloth and shelter)
and 70% (percent) to 75% (percent) are live in below poverty line.
Although, the other report also revealed that the total population of char region is 24.90-lakhs. Of this,
22.90-lakhs is ‘Muslim’ (that is, ‘Religious Minority’) and 01.50-lakh to 02.00-lakh is ‘Kalita-Nepali’, ‘Mising-
Ahom’ and ‘Koch-Rajbongshi’ (that is, ‘Non-Muslim’) and others. Apart from this, more than 70% (percent) to
75% (percent) of char-village population is ‘Immigrant Muslim’ and the rest live in the town and other places
permanently. Over and above, this vast tract of char-land from Sadia to Dhubri is largely inhabited by Muslim
community, which according to the Government report is 80% (percent) and the rest 20% (percent) is the people
of ‘Non-Muslim’ community”.
Apart from these, time-to-time, from the various sources, the intelligence reports of the IASG had also
disclosed that the people of immigrant Muslim section largely populate the char-lands. There are 90% (percent)
Muslim community in the districts like Dhubri, Goalpara, Barpeta, Kamrup, Nalbari, Darrang, Sonitpur, Nagaon
and Morigaon and Sonitpur, (Mangaldoi) Darrang of Eastern Indian State, Assam are the noted riverine char-
villages, where various sections of people like ‘Nepali’, ‘Boro’, ‘Bengali-Hindu’, ‘Fisherman’ (locally known as :
Kaibarta) et cetera live together. Even, some noted tribe like ‘Missing’ community, which 50% (percent) of total
population in riverine char areas from (of ) Dhemaji district to Sonitpur district lives since long of the said state.
‘Majuli’ is the world’s biggest river-island and various tribes inhabit it. Missing people is one of them.
There are three ‘Dewri’ villages in this island. In Majuli-island ‘Brahmin’, ‘Kaibarta’, ‘Ahom’ et cetera live together
with some people of Muslim community. This is why; a sort of mixed culture prevails at Majuli that bears the
tradition of Assamese art and culture of the Northeastern Indian state, Assam.
However, the largest numbers of chars are found in the Eastern Indian state, Assam’s districts like
Dhubri, Goalpara, Barpeta, Bongaigaon, Kamrup and Nagaon respectively. There are more than 02,100 numbers
of such sandy-shore in the Brahmaputra river, which are created from Sadia (upper course of the aforesaid river)
to Dhubri (lower course of the aforementioned river).
There are some dwelling-places in the sandy-shores of the Brahmaputra riverine area but these are very
barren places, locally known as Chapari-gaon (that is, char-village). These char-villages come into exist, when the
said river and its tributaries change their own course and flow, which take 10-years to 20-years. There are
approximately 400-numbers to 500-numbers char-villages be born in the entire this river basin every year. But
the Indian State Government, Assam, does not register most of them.
The people, who are living in the chars are locally called Bhatia, means people, who are living in the lower
course of this river, especially inhabitants of Lower Assam, while on the other hand, the people dwell in the
upper course of this river, in fact, who are the inhabitants of Upper Assam called Ujani.
They toil hard to keep them alive. Most of them are born tough. They work 10 hours to 12-hours at a
stretch. But, despite all these things, they are perpetual ‘outsider’ in the present civilized society.
The inhabitants of the chars represent 25% (percent) of the total population of Assam. Only 13.6%
(percent) people of the doomed chars are literate and more than 80% (percent) people are farmers, 20% (per
cent) daily labourers, 10% (percent) fishermen, 10% (percent) vegetable-sellers, 05% (percent) fish-sellers, 10%
(percent) Hand-barrow-pullers, 20% (per cent) Rickshaw-pullers, 05% (per cent) others.
The people of the char region live a very pain stricken odious life in the river-islands full of hot as well as
cold sand, muddy water and uneven land. Most of these people are half-fed ill-clothed and shelter less. They loiter
with empty belly and beg food. They have cultivable land, but they fail to yield any crop.
The cultivators of the char region have nursing a hope to reap a good harvest. But, the said hope perishes,
when the flood of sand washes away everything. The crops destroy houses and shelters dash to the ground, cattle
die for want of fodders. This sand dune is so terrify that in some places it is 07-feet to 08-feet high. It seems the
entire char has turned in to a small ‘desert’; because, the soil of the chars are sandy.
In fact, they have remained cut off from the mainstream of life for a long time. The living conditions of
these people turn sub-human. One can see numerous small and large char-lands during a journey by boat,
particularly in autumn along the river Brahmaputra at any place in lower part of Assam. Poverty is so prevalent
that men, woman and minors toil all day in the fields to ensure one square mile a day. All that most families own
are thatched bamboo house (on large than minimum 200 square feet to maximum 300 square feet), straw beds,
earthen utensils and a piece of cultivable land, which is also temporary due to the erosion. People are forced to
lead a ‘semi-nomadic’ life because of inundation and formation of new chars is very common in the lower course
of the river Brahmaputra.
Sometimes, when the chars sink under flood water (flooded in the monsoon seasons), the inhabitants of
these chars wait and pass their terrified sleepless nights for days and months in their small and big boats on the
shore of the new char and begin life a new. However, these riverine or riparian basins are not found in the Barak
Valley in Southern Assam sector. A huge number of people live in these char areas.
The land of the island is not permanent for they appear and disappear with the appearance and
disappearance of the flood. This is why; none can make any estimate of char-land. So, the Govern ment also fails
to survey char land properly and as such Government cannot receive necessary revenue from this unsettled land

because, the flood makes the char-land unstable every year. The flood leads to appear and disappear this char-
land every 01 year or 02 year. Sometimes, these chars turn unfit to dwell.
According to the Government officials vindication, this unstableness of the char-land has created bar to
carry on a casual survey work here. There are different problems about the distribution of these char-lands. In the
state of Assam’s ‘Brahmaputra-Valley’ as such Revenue Department (RD) has been empowered this task of
The Char Area Development Authority, Government of Assam State (India) – CADAGAS(I) is established
in the year, 1983/1984 for strengthen the status of the people living in char areas as a Special Area Programme.
Subsequently in the year, 1995/1996, this authority has been converted to a full-fledged Directorate of Char Areas
Development, Government of Assam State, (India), shortly says – DCADGAS(I).
But, in fact, there are two different and parallel authorities (that is, the RD and the landlord or known as
Dewani or locally called as Matabbar (that is, Village-Headman) are operated in the aforesaid char areas. These
landlords are also very powerful and have unauthorized right to live in a particular tract of land along with the
members of their family without any payment of revenue. In some cases, this rate of revenue is just nominal.
These landlords sometimes are helpful and to some case harassers. They become main arbiters both in case of
the settlement of their disputes and also their land area, which is not under patta or is yet are surveyed.
The char occupants and the squatters occupy newly formed char-land but pay nothing for the same for
they have no patta. These plots of land under the char people transformed into a periodic-patta.
Sometimes, periodic-patta is granted to one, who has influence or intimacy with the so-called landlords of
this char region without or with revenue. The non-payment of revenue sometime creates a number of problems. It
may lead to the cancellation of such a patta. In some places, there is no proper land tenure system and this intern
executes exploitation among the poor char people by the rich and powerful landlords or Dewanis.
They distribute the char land to one, who is dearer to them and who pays them Najrana (that is, gift).
These landlords or Dewanis or Matabbars occupy the char with the help of followers, who use conventional arms
like sticks in hand (known as Lathial), which often are newly formed or created by force and then sell them to
others at high price. Sometimes, fierce struggle takes place between 02 or more landlords (because over the newly
emerged islands) that later on leads to murder or ‘bloodshed’. This is often noticed among the landless farmers,
who have been evicted due to repeatedly river erosions.
Sometimes, again, it is found that the ‘third party’ has gone to occupy that newly formed char as and when
the original owner fails to capture the same in due time. But, this is not done peacefully, except against some
killing, and says some char inhabitants. Sometimes, more than a few landlords get together to claim a piece of
char-land and this leads to clashes murder et cetera. Of course, if a landlord enters into a clash the other parties
do not sit idle but get involved in it. However, there is ‘triangular-fight’ between the original-settlers, new-settlers
and the char-landlords or Dewanis.
According to a noted advocate of the Lower Assam’s the then Undivided Goalpara District (that is,
presently-Dhubri, Goalpara, Kokrajhar and Bongaigaon districts) that the cases, which lie at the disposal of the
honourable ‘Court’ are the case related to the tussle or bloodshed or murder occurred in the chars for occupation
of char-land.
The followers or retainers of these powerful landlords play the role of all in all either in occupying ‘new-
char’ or distributing discovered land among their favourites. The landlords always in search of newly emerged
chars. When they find them, they occupy before the original occupants make a bid that has neither money nor
muscle power. But, the most astonishing fact is that the char people, who in spite of all these disparagements,
often fall victims of those so-called village-headmen or leaders and left no stone unturned to exploit them. These
men, when fail to convince, call them ‘Bangladeshi’. They have no document of landed property and so are
harassed off and on.
But, in this context, it can be mentioned here that the independent legislator of Indian Assam State
Assembly (IASA) of Palasbari assembly seat or constituency under Kamrup district of the said state, Jatin Mali
claimed different, “There have been lots of examples of land grabbing allegedly patronized by local MLAs. Not
only that, every year, election promise of land-patta or land-deed makes the Member of Legislative Assembly
(MLA) of IASA, of a constituency hugely promote or endorse Bengali speaking illegal immigrant Muslim electors
to illegally occupy upon islands falling within the other. Even, already the methodical or organized appearance or
influx of inhabitants or public in my constituency (specially – Bhatkhowadia, Kalapani and Bardia char areas)
during the last 04-years to 05-years has presently raised an alarm or a grim reality”.
But, the school teacher of Bhatkhowadia char Muhammad Wazed Ali said, “Indeed, the Brahmaputra
river that flows from Tinsukia to South Salmara (known as – Dakhhin Salmara)–Makachar districts of Indian
State, Assam, where the aforementioned islands are situated, relate only the sagas of loss, displacement and
relocation, which often goes un-noticed as island residents have to reposition from time-to-time. Because, the
cycle of flood, erosion and silt-deposit often compels the island residents (who are believed or perceived as
Bangladeshi citizens) to displace or move from one char to another, which is called – ‘inter-char migration’ and
nothing else”.

Since the year 1950, there are lakhs of people, who have resided in the islands of the aforesaid river, not
only lost their lands but also hundreds of lives, due to flood, erosion and others related things. Most of the
dwellers shifted their house minimum 05-10-times to maximum 15-20-times in their entire lives. In a state like
Assam, these char-dwellers also severely victim or target by political masters and their parties, either directly or
indirectly, whether regional and national political parties like – Asom Gana Parishad (AGP), Indian National
Congress (Indira Gandhi), shortly say – Congress (I), Communist Party of Indian (Maxist), shortly say – CPI(M)
and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
In fact, Dewanis are the kings of the char areas. Everybody acts according to the advice of Dewani. His
word is Law. The Dewani’s judge the cases related to murder, looting, plundering, rape, kidnapping, unauthorized
occupation of land et cetera. Nobody is allowed to oppose the judgments dispensed by the Dewanis. His order is
final. It is as it is a feudal administration.
Therefore, everybody has to bear the pang of oppression and repression of the Dewanis. The char peoples
have to give half of the produce to the Dewanis as a kind of revenue or ‘forced-tax’. The Dewanis re ceive it without
rendering any labour. The char people cultivate the desert like char-land by the sweat of their brow and produced
many things like crops, vegetables, and fruits et cetera. The Dewanis enjoy it major share without any labour.
The char inhabitants get punishment if and when they try to disobey their orders or deny paying their
share. Sometimes, the Dewanis evacuate them. They have no right to protest against any extortion made by the
Dewanis. At the root of these ‘Dewani-tantra’, there is a strong support of some political parties, who regulate
their activities behind the screen.
On the other hand, the original land-settlers, who lost their permanent lands due to heavy flood and
erosion et cetera think that is nothing but to accept that land lost forever and to send anybody or family member,
specially young men to towns or semi-cities or cities for any work as daily-wage-earner, daily-labour, vegetable-
seller or fish-seller, pull-carter, rickshaw-puller, rag-picker, et cetera.
Whatever the reason for this, it will be better to say that the way of resource capture is taking place in the
chars. Further, unequal distributions of land along with natural calamities intensify cries related to population et
If anybody of inquisitive nature intends to pay a visit to the Brahmaputra River Island of Eastern Indian
State, Assam, he or she would astonish to see that in one side of the river Brhamaputra there are a few half-naked
people have anchored their boats and have been fishing for hours-to-hours, while on the other side a few people
are found working at a stretch (for 10 hours to 12 hours) in the muddy fields along with their cows and bulls.
Here does not end the mystery. Mystery again miraculously appears, when the visitor comes across
hundreds and hundreds of huts made of straw or bamboo sheets measuring 250 square feet to 300 square feet,
where thousands and thousands poor and hunger stricken skeletons are passing their lives day after day or year
after year. These sheds, where these creatures are compelled to live are not only unhygienic and unhealthy but
also like the dens of dead or piggery.
The people have no permanent shelter and hence live a sort of nomadic life. The clothes they wear are
torn and the food they use to take has not nutritious value. These are far below the calories. The sheds that are
allowed them to live are very pathetic. Some of them have roof and some have not. Therefore, during rainy season,
water pours from their roofs, which drenched them severely during heavy shower. They lack the means to lit up
their shelters and so they get plunged into darkness, when night advances. Many of them have to pass their lives
in their country-boats. Theses boats help them to save during rainy season, when almost all around them are
submerged in flood. It is a very pathetic life and they have to live it until the flood subsided and new char land is
emerged from the havoc of ubiquitous flood and devastation.
During, flood, when the entire char areas gets submerged with water it is at this time, it seems that the life
has gone on the verge of extinction for the inmates of the boats are then found talking to each other, ‘ Mian amago
keyamater din aisha gechhe’ (our last days of destruction has been approaching).
The misery of these people intensifies, when at daytime, the scorching ray of the sun pours upon them to
burn them. This again becomes unbearable, when an unruly storm accompanied with thunder and lightening fell
upon them to destroy all they have. The families of these char people consisting 10 numbers to 12 numbers of
members meet uncertain and chaotic life, when breaking of banks and changing of the course of the river set into
The distress of these riverine char people does not end here. It begins with diversified problems, when the
flood subsided and water of the riverine islands reaches to the knee-deep level. During the period no one find any
time to take rest. Sand, mud and water all at a time started to annoy them. Neither farming nor fishing is possible
for these unfortunate living begins during this period. Added to these diseases of various kinds open mouth to
threaten them. In some places the situation turns very serious, when the watery land turns almost desert. Scarcity
of food, cloth and shelter haunt these half-fed, naked skeletons like anything.
The people of river islands never dream of living a peaceful life. Natural and unnatural forces all along
harass them. The ceaseless rainfall during the rainy season, elusory land erosion, unpredictable lashing of the
climate limited socio-economic resources and untamable growth of population always make the life of these
people vicious.

The fortunes of char dwellers never smile and even, when dare to smile hints some unforeseen calamity
making a way for mocking them soon. They have to struggle from the beginning of the season to its end. During
rain, their shelters are devastated, crops are damaged and domestic animals are washed away. During off-season,
when draught appears, they turn mad in order to meet the daily necessities, which keep their life oiled. They fell
prey of hunger and hypocrisy.
The inhabitants of the riverine islands are primarily agriculturist. Farming is their chief occupation. Along
with these, they carry petty business in their own places. During off-season, they work as day labourers commonly
known as Kamla. Hence, poverty is common feature of life with which they live hand and glove. However, midst
of this, they do not show cold shoulder to their natural festivals. They observe ID, Muharram, et cetera. During
leisure time, they hear and enjoy Television (TV) and Radio – mostly of Bangladesh. Bengali and Bhatiali (ethnic
lingual) songs of the former East-Bengal that is, called, as Puraba Banga, dances and other sorts of ethnic
entertainments is also part parcel of their cultural life.
“….. they aren’t politically indifferent and so they live far from the political turmoil of life. This is because;
they have no time to spare for this hobby except now and then. This also happens, when political demagogues
inveigle them …..”, wailing an eminent Muslim scholar of the Indian state, Assam.
The people of char areas lack of literacy and leadership and so they are often harassed, reproached and
even suffer sentence for breaking laws or so, when fail to convince corrupt Government officials et cetera.
“….. there are hundreds and hundreds of chars in our state. We pay visit to these areas either frequently or
half-yearly; but, the fact is that it is too difficult for anybody to pay visit to these char areas at a time and to meet
up their demands we have to work within the time bound routine. But, it is true that the char people have been
living in hardship (like cats and dogs or animals) on deserted embankments …..”, claims the Government officials
of the Northeast Indian State, Assam.
But, the real fact is that these untold miseries and unexpected exploitation of the Dewanis are the
constant companions of these destitute char people. In fact, the people of the char region have to fight constantly
with natural calamities as well as Government indifference. In a word, neither the guardians nor the children of
these people have any future of their own. Absent of schools and colleges have forced them to live a life of dump
and driven cattle. While malnutrition also make them weak and unfit to work properly and this compel them to
surrender themselves at the mercy of fate.
The people of char areas live a sub-human life, only because, Road and Transport System paralyze,
tottering condition of the Health System, failure of the Drinking Water System, Poor-Education System, absent
of Electrification System, bad Sanitary System, lack of Post and Telecommunication or Telegraph System, no job
opportunities, poverty, natural calamities, et cetera, which smashed the life-line of char (areas) people. They
neither get any help from the people, Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) nor from the Government. The
Government has a scheme for the development of char people. But, this only in pen and paper or just like
eyewash. The inhabitants of the char never have any opportunity to see and enjoy better life. A class of leaders
devours all in the name of the CADAGAS(I), which was created or christened on 1985 to 1986 by the Government
of Assam State in the name of char area development.
It is another drawback of this desert like char areas. In these places, there are no provisions of supplying
pure drinking water (system). The scanty water supply is forced these so-called ‘desert-valley’ people to depend
upon either hand-tube-well or well or river water.
Added to these, problems are the problem of conveyance. Some char-lands are situated at a long distance
and the communication is very stiff. There are water and mid stretching through out the way from one char to
Therefore, the inhabitants have to face various troubles while passing through those muddy ways. But,
when this becomes difficult, they are required to use Nouka (that is, Country-Boat or Engine Fit Country Boat –
EFCB, which is locally called - Bhutbhuti). This again compels the poor people of the chars drain money and item.
They watch and fix their time through the movements or ‘Sun’.
Sometimes, the only way to reach from one char to another is only by Dingi-Nouka (that is, very small
boat) that might take hours and hours with the menacing waters beneath and blazing the sun above. The people of
the char region live on agriculture, fishing and cultivation of different types of vegetables. But, due to the absence
of easy transportation system, the char people cannot carry on their economic activities smoothly.
There are no chemist-shop, dispensary and pharmacy, et cetera that compel them to believe upon Village
Kabiraj (that is, quack) occultist. Even, the absent of doctors, compounder, hospitals, pharmacies, Primary
Health Centre or Public Health Centre (PHC)s, et cetera or any type of treatment in the chars causes untold
harassments and as a result of these the patients have to suffer a lot and die premature death, when any epidemic
breaks out there.
This leads to grow up ‘superstition’ has grown everywhere in these char regions in the name of the control
of diseases. During rainy season or any other critical condition, a char patient, who lives on especially India-

Bangladesh International Border areas, goes to Border Security Force of India (BSFI), who helps them in their
medical camps et cetera.
In some chars, there is minimum 01 or maximum 02 small PHC, but they are not well equipped. Here
doctors, nurses, et cetera, a quite helpless and as such instead of medicines. They offer only prescription. Want of
ambulance many times forces the patients are face many troubles.

Name In Majuli In other areas Total

A. Lower Primary (LP) School - 23 01,429 01,452

B. Middle English (ME) School - 138 436 574
C. High School - 90 128 218
D. Higher Secondary (HS) School - 04 04 08
E. Colleges - 08 10 18
F. Public Health Centre
or Primary Health Centre (PHC) - 08 44 52
G. Sub Centre - 18 114 132
Source : Assam Administrative Reforms Commission, Interim Recommendations, Part IV, Government of India.

In education, too this char region is a backward place. There are educated persons but their number is far
from being visible. The chief cause of this is the influence of the Dewanis. These Dewanis are the persons who still
control the education of char areas.
In fact, the Dewanis do not want that the children of char people should have any education. There are
schools but there is no good environment for learning. Teachers are often appointed for these schools, but as ill
luck would have it, they do not attend schools to discharge their duties. There other persons on behalf of them do
functions. They are hired temporarily on payment of daily wage. In fact, these hired persons perform the
functions of the teachers in disguise. They play the real role of teachers but the fruit of it are enjoyed by so-called
these ‘fake teachers’. They do these in order to carry out their private business, which help them to fetch more
money and more income. This is how, these fake teachers cheat the Government and misuse public money. People
of the char areas often lodge complain against such a vicious condition of the char institutions. But nothing is
done to arrest such type of illegal activities. Money and manpower both help them to hush up all.
The condition of primary institutions is also pathetic. The school buildings are broken. The students do
not find proper seats because of the shortage blackboards, chalks, dusters, books, desks and benches, et cetera.
The number of teacher is very poor. Sometimes, one teacher is found controlling 100 to 150 students. As a
result, there is continuous din and bustle in the campus of the school.
This has increased the percentage of literacy but at a very slow degree. It is 02% (percent) to 03%
(percent). There is also provision for Adult Education in many places. However, it is absent in the char regions.
On the other hand, the most common scene in the riverine char areas is the existence of Madrassa (that
is, the Islamic Institution for Education). These Madrassas have grown up in the char areas instead of Assamese
(that is, regional language of the Eastern Indian state, Assam) medium schools. The Madrassas impart religious
education instead of general education. In the Madrassas Arabic is used as a medium and not Assamese. This is
not to say these people have become Asamiyan (that is, Assamese-community) in the real sense. But in char
inhabitants speak their own language including Assamese fluently; especially they use Bhatiali, the local dialect.
For this, they are known as ‘Na-Assamiyans’ (that is, New-Assamese), but for others they are called Mians who
speak various ‘Bengali’ dialects along with local Assamese language when necessary and also give identity as a real
In fact, they use both languages simultaneously. Most chars do not have schools or colleges. Child-worker
or child-labour is a common feature in the char areas (It had an opportunity to meet Ramjan Ali (08), Nur Islam
(10), Muhammad Nur Mohammed (12) et cetera). The char children say that their poverty has compelled them to
work as daily labour. They like to read and write like other children. But, they can’t. They wish to play and pass
time like other boys and girls but cannot.
But, there are exceptions too. A few boys and girls, who are eager to learn the art of reading and writing,
try to go to schools and get them educated. They do this stealing a little time from their daily routine works and
serving others houses as ‘maid-servant’.
In fact, the char people cannot send their children to school, college or higher educational institutions due
to financial stringency.

Name In Majuli In other areas Total

A. Lower Primary (LP) School - 508 01,592 02,100

B. Middle English (ME), High & - 968 04,005 04,973
Higher Secondary School
C. Colleges - 26,875 02,27,500 02,54,375
D. Public Health Centre
or Primary Health Centre (PHC) - 26,875 51,704 78,579
E. Sub Centre - 11,944 19,956 31,900

Source : Assam Administrative Reforms Commission, Interim Recommendations, Part IV, Government of India.

01. Total Char ----- Numbers
02. Total Char Areas 03,60,927-Hactres
03. Total Char Village 02,251 Numbers
04. Total Char Family (Farmer) 02,66,787 Numbers
05. Total Development Blocks (Cover) 59-Numbers
06. Total Sub-Division (Cover) 23-Numbers
07. Total District (Cover) 19-Numbers
08. Total Population 24,90,397-Numbers
09. Total Population Below Poverty Line (BPL) 67.90% (per cent)
10. Total Educated/Literate 19.31% (per cent)
11. Total Cultivable Land 02,42,277-Hactres
Source : Socio-Economic Survey Report, Char Area Development Authority, Government of Assam State (India).

01. DHUBRI 313 02,33,206 86,925.22 60847.65 54.20 19.06
02. GOALPARA 187 01,30,007 11,623.45 8136.41 53.20 08.38
03. BONGAIGAON 150 01,10,215 11,367.00 7956.90 54.00 12.85
04. BARPETA 351 02,75,525 27,881.36 19516.95 55.00 12.90
05. KAMRUP 148 01,05,687 05,401.72 3781.20 53.00 16.85
06. NALBARI 58 62,892 08,558.97 5500.58 54.20 07.90
07. DARRANG 121 01,35,876 06,661.36 4662.95 55.00 10.12
08. JORHAT 210 01,41,901 05,576.38 3903.46 25.00 31.90
09. MORIGAON 41 55,581 04,763.26 4763.26 52.50 08.02
10. NAGAON 29 45,161 03,265.25 2285.67 55.00 09.44
11. DHEMAJI 95 68,898 13,517.00 9461.90 46.80 14.44
12. SONITPUR 118 92,061 24,014.06 20309.84 43.00 12.63
13. LAKHIMPUR 182 01,10,200 12,069.51 8455.65 49.00 14.01
14. TINSUKIA 86 33,034 10,324.00 7226.80 34.50 14.20
TOTAL ASSAM (CHAR 02,089 16,00,244 02,31,948.54 01,66,809.22
Source : Socio-Economic Survey Report, 1992-1993, Char Area Development Authority, Government of Assam
State (India).
01. DHUBRI 480 06,89,909 99,898.00 67,124 69.00 14.60
02. GOALPARA 179 01,86,826 19,860.00 13,728 68.57 13.65
03. BONGAIGAON 117 01,35,809 14,256.00 09,520 67.50 12.46
04. BARPETA 277 02,68,344 36,655.00 24,736 66.78 17.63
05. KAMRUP 175 01,54,508 17,162.00 11,654 68.00 15.16
06. NALBARI 32 83,602 13,432.00 08,996 68.36 16.24
07. DARRANG 134 01,42,405 16,756.00 11,239 66.94 12.34
08. JORHAT 293 02,15,095 42,174.00 28,016 64.00 60.55
09. MORIGAON 39 91,324 11,932.00 07,954 67.00 18.50
10. NAGAON 43 89,803 12,036.00 08,056 66.79 17.59
11. DHEMAJI 149 91,203 16,976.00 11,347 70.93 15.69
12. SONITPUR 145 01,45,729 24,168.00 16,410 68.00 16.93
13. LAKHIMPUR 109 01,43,235 21,523.00 14,451 69.02 18.50
14. TINSUKIA 79 52,605 14,094.00 09,496 68.90 14.00
TOTAL ASSAM (CHAR 02,251 02,490,397 03,60,922 02,42,727
Source : Socio-Economic Survey Report, 2003-2004, Char Area Development Authority, Government of Assam
State (India).

~ Shib Shankar Chatterjee worked as a contributor for BBC, The Statesman, The Times of India,
Hindustan Times, The Telegraph, Asia Times and as a Photographer of Associated Press (AP), Agence France
Presse (AFP) and Press Trust of India (PTI) from Northeast India. He also worked in CNN-IBN, CNBC-TV18,
NDTV, Door Darshan, New Delhi, India, and others two international documentary films as a researcher and
video-grpher. He specialises in South-Asian affairs.

References :
01. Mantri, Neta, Palinetar Bhua Pratisrutit Pratarita Charbashi : Namani Axomar Char Anchalar Abastha
Etia Somaliar Lekhia by Shib Shankar Chatterjee – Dainik Asam, The Assam Tribune Group, dated 04th
January, 1999, (Page One).
02. Charar Chakulo : Pratibedan-2 : Matabbarar Nirdexote Chale Charar Jiban by Shib Shankar Chatterjee
– Dainik Asam, The Assam Tribune Group, dated 09th February, 2000, (Page One).
03. Charar Chakulo : Pratibedan-1 : Bolia Bane Bhange, Pate Char Baxir Jiban by Shib Shankar Chatterjee
– Dainik Asam, The Assam Tribune Group, dated 08th February, 2000, (Page One).
04. Char People Bears the Brunt by Shib Shankar Chatterjee – Northeast Sun, dated April 15-30, 1999, (Page
Number 15).
05. River People Struggle In India by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, Asia Times, (Newswire Organisation of Asia
Times Online (Holdings) Limited, Hong Kong, China, Dated 18th March, 2010.

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