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By: Ellis Millwood

When I was 5 I loved shiny things. I would collect stones, Pennies, metal,
and anything that was shiny. Sometimes I would eat pennies and quarters
sometimes because I thought they tasted good. Not my best Idea because it
would some out the other end and make it all sparkly. I was trying to get out
fast because Elmo was on.
I forgot to flush so guess what happened, my mom found it. She came out
and asked me if I did that and I said yes. She took my piggy bank away and
put all the money out of reach. I was not happy she had just taken away all
my tasty shiny things. I still had the rocks and metal but I never ate those
because they weren’t shiny enough. But I never ate another coin in my
whole life because I learned about what germs have the potential of doing
but I never said anything about how much of then I ate. I’m glad I stopped!
Sure babies are cute but sometimes they can be really annoying. Every
time I’m on a plane there are at least 3 babies in the plane. When the
plane takes off they cry, when the plane hits turbulence they cry, and
when tits least expected they drop a duce and it stinks and just to make
it worse they cry. Sometimes I just want to watch a movie but they
second I start it the babies start to cry. Let’s face it, babies don’t like me.
My worst experience with them is when a woman asked me to hold her
baby, the baby spewed chunkiness on me, and when the woman came
back she took the baby cleaned him up and left. She didn’t even care
that her baby puked on me! When the plane landed I came up to her
and said look what your baby did to me! And she said its my babies
fault. What type of person blames their baby!?
Crested Butte
Crested Butte is my favorite place to go out West. I have only gone
there once in the spring and I’ve gone there 9 years straight in the winter.
At this point you would think that I know every inch of the mountain,
wrong. There are still slopes that I haven’t even been on yet. I can’t even
ski every slope because some of them are slip and die slopes.
I skied the peak run this year and it was really hard to get up there.
You have to kike a half mile upward in snowpack. It slows you down
and with skies on your back it gets tiring. Once I got up there I thought I
was going to fall of because the peak was so darn steep, small, and
windy. That was the hardest run I did all year, but there was another run
that was even scarier, in fact it was so scary that my dad and I backed off.
The run was practically a sheer cliff face with groves filled with snow in
it. The easiest way in was to drop 10 of so feet to a ledge and then ski the
chute down. I’m glad I didn’t try it!
St. John
St. John is a great place. All kinds of creatures live there.
Some of them are iguanas and tropical fish. Iguanas will bite
though so don’t pet them. These kinds of animals are no
touchy because they will all hurt when they bite you.
I have a place down there so that we can visit it more often.
The owner my grandma died 4 weeks ago so we went to
spread the ashes last Thursday. We didn’t stay long because
I have school. In fact we stayed only 4 days so I missed 2
days of school. It’s nice to have a place to go have fun.
I have a lot of junk. Sometimes it’s fun to look through it and see if I can
find something useful. I have a lot of junk because when I was little I loved
cheap toys. I would play with them for about a day and then they would
break. I was not a fan of metal things so I bought plastic toys that break
If you were me you would think that plastic toys were all they had at toy
stores but I’m wr4ong. I bought the toy I wanted even if there was a toy
right next to it for half the price and looked harder to break. I am not a
good chooser so if you ever think about asking me to tell you which item to
purchase think twice before you do. My brother still likes toy stores and
when he asks me which one to pick the takes the one that I told him not to
pick and it turns out to be a good toy. This is proof of how I ended up with
so much junk.
What I Learned About me
I learned that I am an adventurous person. I
spend a lot of my time away from home and
how lucky I am. I also learned that I am a
person of many mistakes and I am trying to
improve. I realized how much I still
remembered and it surprised me. I enjoyed
remembering all of those strange and fun
memories of my life.

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