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First Aid 2008 Pharmacology

(A loving compilation by the University of Maryland class of 2010)

SE = side effect
C/I = contraindication
There are graphics in FA that have not been included in this document

Eddie Ahn, Tala Al-Talib, Mona Bahouth, Richie Bryson, Sarah Bui, Niloo Ghassemzadeh, Nidhi Goel, Jen Han, Kyle Hatten, Ashley Huber, Anita Katikineni,
Jessica Lue, Thom Reznik, Justin Waltrous, Felicia Washington, Melissa Wisner, Danielle York, Zombor Zoltani
Bacteriostatic vs Bacteriostatic Erythromycin, Clindamycin, Sulfamethoxazole, Trimethoprim, Tetracyclines, Chloramphenicol
bactericidal antibiotics ("We're ECSTaTiC about bacteriostatics")
Bactericidal Vancomycin, Fluoroquinolones, Penicillin, Aminoglycosides, Cephalosporins, Metronidazole
("Very Finely Proficient At Cell Murder")

Penicillin G (IV) -Bactericidal for gram-positive 1. Bind penicillin-binding proteins -Prototype β-lactam antibiotics
Penicillin V (oral) cocci, gram-positive rods, 2. Block transpeptidase cross-linking of cell wall -Not penicillinase resistant
gram-negative cocci, and 3. Activate autolytic enzymes -SE: hypersensitivity reactions, hemolytic anemia
Penicillinase-resistant -S. aureus -Same as penicillin -Penicillinase-resistant
penicillins (except MRSA; resistant -Narrow spectrum -Penicillinase resistant because of bulkier R group
Methicillin because of altered pencillin- -SE: hypersensitivity reactions;
Nafcillin binding protein target site) methicillin - interstitial nephritis
Dicloxacillin ("Use naf (nafcillin) for staph")
Aminopenicillins -Extended spectrum penicillin: -Same as penicillin -Penicillinase-sensitive
Ampicillin certain gram-positive bacteria -Wider spectrum -Also combine with clavulanic acid (penicillinase inhibitor)
Amoxicillin and gram-negative rods to enhance spectrum.
(Haemophilus influenzae, E. coli, -amOxicillin has greater Oral bioavailability than ampicillin
Listeria monocytogenes, -SE: hypersensitivity reactions; ampicillin rash;
Proteus mirabilis, Salmonella, pseudomembranous colitis
(Coverage: ampicillin/amoxicillin
HELPS kill enterococci)
Antipseudomonals -Pseudomonas spp. and -Same as penicillin -Susceptible to penicillinase; use with clavulanic acid
Ticarcillin gram-negative rods -Extended spectrum -SE: hypersensitivity reactions
(TCP: Takes Care of
Cephalosporins -β-lactam drugs that inhibit cell wall synthesis -Bactericidal
but are less susceptible to penicillinases -SE:
-hypersensitivity reactions
-cross-hypersensitivity with penicillins occurs in
5-10% of patients
-↑ nephrotoxicity of aminoglycosides
-disulfiram-like reaction with ethanol (in cephalosporins
with a methylthiotetrazole group, e.g. cefamandole)
1st generation -Gram-positive cocci,
Cefazolin Proteus mirabilis, E. coli,
Cephalexin Klebsiella pneumoniae
2nd generation -Gram-positive cocci,
Cefoxitin Haemophilus influenzae,
Cefaclor Enterobacter aerogenes,
Cefuroxime Neisseria spp.,
Proteus mirabilis,
E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae,
Serratia marcescens
3rd generation -Serious gram-negative infections
Ceftriaxone resistant to other β-lactams
Cefotaxime -Meningitis (most penetrate the
Ceftazidime blood-brain barrier)
-ceftazidime for Pseudomonas
-ceftriaxone for gonorrhea
4th generation - ↑ activity against Pseudomonas
Cefepime and gram-positive organisms
Aztreonam -Gram-negative rods: -A monobactam resistant to β-lactamases -Synergistic with aminoglycosides
Klebsiella spp. -Inhibits cell wall synthesis (binds to PBP3) -No cross-allergenicity with penicillins
Pseudomonas spp. -No cross-sensitivity with penicillins or cephalosporins
Serratia spp. -SE: usually nontoxic; occasional GI upset
-No activity against
gram-positives or anaerobes.
-Use for penicillin-allergic patients
and those with renal
insufficiency who cannot
tolerate aminoglycosides
Imipenem / cilastatin, -Gram-positive cocci, -Imipenem is a broad-spectrum, -Always administered with cilastatin (inhibitor of renal
Meropenem gram-negative rods, and β-lactamase-resistant carbapenem dihydropeptidase I) to ↓ inactivation in renal tubules
anaerobes. (With imipenem, "the kill is LASTIN' with ciLASTATIN")
-Drug of choice for Enterobacter -The significant side effects limit use to life-threatening
infections, or after other drugs have failed. Meropenem,
however, has a reduced risk of seizures and is stable to
dihydropeptidase I.
-SE: GI distress, skin rash, and CNS toxicity (seizures)
at high plasma levels.

Vancomycin -Used for serious, gram-positive -Inhibits cell wall mucopeptide formation by -Bactericidal
multidrug-resistant organisms, binding D-ala D-ala portion of cell wall -Resistance occurs with amino acid change of
including S. aureus and precursors D-ala D-ala to D-ala D-lac
Clostridium difficile -SE: Nephrotoxicity, Ototoxicity, Thrombophlebitis,
(pseudomembranous colitis) diffuse flushing - "red man syndrome" (can largely
prevent by pretreatment with antihistamines and
slow infusion rate).
(Well tolerated in general - does NOT have many
Aminoglycosides -Severe gram-negative rod -Inhibit formation of initiation complex and -Bactericidal
Gentamicin, infections cause misreading of mRNA -AminO2glycosides require O2 for uptake; therefore
Neomycin, -Synergistic with β-lactam ineffective against anaerobes
Amikacin, antibiotics -SE:
Tobramycin, -Neomycin for bowel surgery Nephrotoxicity (esp. when used with cephalosporins),
Streptomycin Ototoxicity (esp. when used with loop diuretics),
("Mean" GNATS Teratogen
canNOT kill anaerobes)
Tetracyclines Vibrio cholerae, Acne, Chlamydia, -Bind to 30S and prevent attachment of -Bacteriostatic
Tetracycline, Ureaplasma Urealyticum, aminoacyl-tRNA -Limited CNS penetration
Doxycycline, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, -Doxycycline is fecally eliminated and can be used in
Demeclocycline, Tularemia, H. pylori, Borrelia patients with renal failure
Minocycline burgdorferi (Lyme disease), -Demeclocycline - ADH antagonist; acts as a Diuretic
Rickettsia in SIADH
-Must NOT take with milk, antacids, or iron-containing
(VACCUUM THe BedRoom) preparations because divalent cations inhibit its
absorption in the gut
-SE: GI distress, discoloration of teeth and inhibition of
bone growth in children, photosensitivity
-C/I: pregnancy
Macrolides -URIs, pneumonias, STDs - -Inhibit protein synthesis by blocking -Bacteriostatic
Erythromycin gram-positive cocci translocation -SE: GI discomfort (most common cause of
Azithromycin (streptococcal infections in -Bind to the 23S rRNA of the 50S ribosomal noncompliance), acute cholestatic hepatitis,
Clarithromycin patients allergic to penicillin), subunit eosinophilia, skin rashes. Increases serum
Mycoplasma, Legionella, concentration of theophyllines, oral anticoagulants.
Chlamydia, Neisseria
Chloramphenicol -Meningitis -Inhibits 50S peptidyltransferase activity -Bacteriostatic
(Haemophilus influenzae, -Conservative use owing to toxicities
Neisseria meningitidis, -SE: anemia (dose dependent), aplastic anemia (dose
Streptococcus pneumoniae) independent), gray baby syndrome (in premature
infants because they lack liver UDP-glucuronyl
Clindamycin -Treat anaerobic infections -Blocks peptide bond formation at 50S -Bacteriostatic
(e.g. Bacteroides fragilis, ribosomal subunit -SE: pseudomembranous colitis (C. difficile overgrowth),
Clostridium perfringens) fever, diarrhea
-Treats anaerobes above the
Sulfonamides -Gram-positive, gram-negative, -PABA antimetabolites inhibit -Bacteriostatic
Sulfamethoxazole Nocardia, Chlamydia dihydropteroate synthetase -SE: hypersensitivity reactions, hemolysis if
(SMX), -Use triple sulfas or SMX for G6PD deficient, nephrotoxicity (tubulointerstitial
Sulfisoxazole, simple UTI nephritis), photosensitivity, kernicterus in infants,
Triple sulfas, displace other drugs from albumin (e.g. warfarin)
Trimethoprim -Used in combination with -Inhibits bacterial dihydrofolate reductase -Bacteriostatic
sulfonamides (trimethoprim- -SE: Megaloblastic anemia, leukopenia,
sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX)), granulocytopenia. (May alleviate with supplemental
causing sequential block of folic acid)
folate synthesis. ( Trimethoprim = TMP : "Treats Marrow Poorly )
-Combination used for recurrent
UTIs, Shigella, Salmonella,
Pneumocystis jiroveci

Sulfa drug allergies -Patients who do not tolerate sulfa drugs should not be given sulfonamides or other sulfa drugs, such as sulfasalazine, sulfonylureas,
thiazide diuretics, acetazolamide, or furosemide

Fluoroquinolones -Gram-negative rods of urinary -Inhibit DNA gyrase (topoisomerase II) -Bactericidal
Ciprofloxacin, and GI tracts (including -Must not be taken with antacids
Norfloxacin, Pseudomonas), Neisseria, -SE: GI upset, superinfections, skin rashes, headache,
Ofloxacin, some gram-positive organisms dizziness.
Sparfloxacin, In adults, tendonitis and tendon rupture.
Moxifloxacin, In kids, leg cramps and myalgias
Gatifloxacin, -C/I: pregnant women, and in children because animal
Enoxacin, studies show damage to cartilage
(fluoroquinolones), (FluoroquinoLONES hurt attachment to your BONES)
Nalidixic acid (a
Metronidazole -Antiprotozoal. Giardia, -Forms toxic metabolites in the bacterial cell -Bactericidal
Entamoeba, Trichomonas, that damage DNA -SE: Disulfiram-like reaction with alcohol; headache,
Gardnerella vaginalis, metallic taste
Anaerobes (Bacteroides,
-Used with bismuth and
amoxicillin (or tetracycline) for
"triple therapy" against H. pylori
(GET GAP on the Metro!)
-Treats anaerobes below the
Polymyxins -Resistant gram-negative -Bind to cell membranes of bacteria and -SE: Neurotoxicity, acute renal tubular necrosis
Polymyxin B, infections disrupt their osmotic properties
Polymyxin E -Polymyxins are cationic, basic proteins that
act like detergents
('MYXins MIX up membranes)

Antimycobacterial drugs M. tuberculosis -prophylaxis: Isoniazid

-treatment: Isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol, pyrazinamide
M. avium-intracellulare -prophylaxis: Azithromycin
-treatment: Azithromycin, rifampin, ethambutol, streptomycin
M. leprae -prophylaxis: N/A
-treatment: Dapsone, rifampin, clofazimine
Anti-TB drugs -important SE of ethambutol is
Streptomycin, optic neuropathy (red-green color blindness).
Pyrazinamide, -for other drugs, hepatotoxicity
Isoniazid (INH),
(INH-SPIRE (inspire))
Cycloserine (2nd-line
Isoniazid (INH) -Mycobacterium tuberculosis - ↓synthesis of mycolic acids -Different INH half-lives in fast vs slow acetylators.
-The only agent used as solo -SE: Hemolysis if G6PD deficient, neurotoxicity,
prophylaxis against TB hepatotoxicity, SLE-like syndrome.
Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) can prevent neurotoxicity.
(INH Injures Neurons and Hepatocytes)

Rifampin -Mycobacterium tuberculosis -Inhibits DNA-dependent RNA polymerase -SE: Minor hepatotoxicity and drug interactions (↑P450);
-Delays resistance to dapsone orange body fluids (nonhazardous side effect).
when used for leprosy (Rifampin's 4 R's:
-Used for meningococcal RNA polymerase inhibitor
prophylaxis and Revs up microsomal P450
chemoprophylaxis in contacts Red/orange body fluids
of children with Haemophilus Rapid resistance if used alone)
influenzae type B
Resistance mechanisms Penicillins / cephalosporins β-lactamase cleavage of β-lactam ring, or altered PBP in case of MRSA
for various antibiotics Aminoglycosides Modification via acetylation, adenylation, or phosphorylation
Vancomycin Terminal D-ala of cell wall component replaced with D-lac; ↓ affinity
Chloramphenicol Modification via acetylation
Macrolides Methylation of rRNA near erythromycin's ribosome-binding site
Tetracycline ↓ uptake or ↑ transport out of cell
Sulfonamides Altered enzyme (bacterial dihydropteroate synthetase), ↓ uptake, or ↑ PABA synthesis
Quinolones Altered gyrase or reduced uptake
Nonsurgical Meningococcal infection Rifampin (drug of choice), minocycline
antimicrobial prophylaxis Gonorrhea Ceftriaxone
Syphilis Benzathine penicillin G
History of recurrent UTIs TMP-SMX
Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia TMP-SMX (drug of choice), aerosolized pentamidine
Endocarditis with surgical or dental Penicillins
Treatment of highly MRSA Vancomycin
resistant bacteria VRE Linezolid and streptogramins (quinupristin / dalfopristin)
Amphotericin B -Used for wide spectrum of -Binds ergosterol (unique to fungi); -SE: Fever/chills ("shake and bake"), hypotension,
systemic mycoses. forms membrane pores that allow leakage of nephrotoxicity, arrhythmias, anemia, IV phlebitis
-Cryptococcus, Blastomyces, electrolytes ("amphoterrible"). Hydration reduces nephrotoxicity.
Coccidioides, Aspergillus, Liposomal amphotericin reduces toxicity.
Histoplasma, Candida, Mucor -Misc. notes: Amphotericin "tears" holes in the fungal
(systemic mycoses). membrane by forming pores.
-Intrathecally for fungal
meningitis; does not cross
blood brain barrier.
Nystatin "Swish and swallow" for oral -Binds to ergosterol, disrupting fungal Misc. notes: Too toxic for systemic use.
candidiasis (thrush); topical for membranes.
diaper rash or vaginal
Azoles -Systemic mycoses. -Inhibit fungal steroid (ergosterol) synthesis. -SE: Hormone synthesis inhibition (gynecomastia),
Fluconazole, -Fluconazole for cryptococcal liver dysfunction (inhibits cytochrome P-450), fever,
Ketoconazole, meningitis in AIDS patients chills.
Clotrimazole, (because it can cross the
Miconazole, blood-brain barrier) and
Itraconazole, candidal infections of all types
Voriconazole (i.e., yeast infections).
-Ketoconazole for Blastomyces,
Coccidioides, Histoplasma,
Candida albicans ;
-Clotrimazole and miconazole for
topical fungal infections.

Flucytosine -Used in systemic fungal -Inhibits DNA synthesis by conversion to -SE: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bone marrow
infections (e.g., Candida, fluorouracil, which competes with uracil. suppression.
Cryptococcus ) in combination
with amphotericin B.
Caspofungin -Invasive aspergillosis -Inhibits cell wall synthesis. -SE: GI upset, flushing
Terbinafine -Used to treat dermatophytoses -Inhibits the fungal enzyme squalene
(especially onychomycosis) epoxidase.

Griseofulvin -Oral treatment of superficial -Interferes with microtubule function; -SE: Teratogenic, carcinogenic, confusion, headaches,
infections; inhibits growth of disrupts mitosis ↑ P-450 and warfarin metabolism.
dermatophytes (tinea, -Deposits in keratin-containing tissues
ringworm). (e.g., nails).
Amantadine -Prophylaxis and treatment for -Blocks viral penetration / uncoating -Mechanism of resistance:
influenza A (M2 protein); Mutated M2 protein. 90% of all influenza A strains
-Parkinson's disease -May buffer pH of endosome. are resistant to amantidine, so not used.
-Also causes the release of dopamine from -Amantadine blocks influenza A and rubellA and causes
intact nerve terminals. problems with the cerebellA
("A man to dine" takes off his coat) -SE: Ataxia, dizziness, slurred speech.
Rimantidine -Rimantidine is a derivative of amantadine with fewer
CNS side effects. Does not cross the blood-brain barrier
Zanamivir -Both influenza A and B -Inhibit influenza neuraminidase, decreasing
Oseltamivir the release of progeny virus.
Ribavirin -RSV, chronic hepatitis C -Inhibits synthesis of guanine nucleotides by -SE: Hemolytic anemia. Severe teratogen.
competitively inhibiting IMP dehydrogenase.
Acyclovir -HSV, VZV, EBV -Monophosphorylated by HSV/VZV thymidine -Mechanism of resistance:
-HSV induced mucocutaneous kinase. Lack of thymidine kinase.
and genital lesions, and -Triphosphate formed by cellular enzymes. -SE: Generally well tolerated
encephalitis -Preferentially inhibits viral DNA polymerase by
-Prophylaxis in chain termination.
immunocompromised pts.
-For herpes zoster- use related
agent famciclovir.
-No effect on latent forms of HSV
and VZV.
Ganciclovir -CMV, especially in -5`-monophosphate formed by CMV viral -Mechanism of resistance:
immunocompromised. kinase or HSV/VZV thyrmidine kinase. Mutated CMV DNA polymerase or lack of viral kinase.
-Triphosphate formed by cellular kinases. -SE: Leukopenia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia,
-Preferentially inhibits viral DNA polymerase. renal toxicity. More toxic to host enzymes than
Foscarnet -CMV retinitis in -Viral DNA polymerase inhibitor that binds to -Mechanism of resistance:
immunocompromised patients the pyrophosphate binding site of enzyme Mutated DNA polymerase
when ganciclovir fails. -Does not require activation by viral kinase. -SE: Nephrotoxicity
-Acyclovir resistant HSV. (FOScarnet=pyroFOSphate analog)
Interferons -IFN-α : -Glycoproteins from human leukocytes that -SE: Neutropenia.
chronic hepatitis B, C, block various stage of viral RNA and DNA
Karposi's sarcoma synthesis
-IFN-β : -Induce ribonuclease that degrades viral
-IFN-γ :
NADPH oxidase deficiency.
Protease Inhibitors -HIV -Inhibit assembly of new virus by blocking -SE: GI intolerance (nausea, diarrhea), hyperglycemia,
Saqunavir, protease in progeny virions. lipodystrophy, thrombocytopenia (indinavir)
-all end in -navir
(NAVIR (never) TEASE
a proTEASE)
Reverse -HIV -Preferentially inhibit reverse transcriptase of -SE:
Transcriptase -HAART (highly active HIV. -Bone marrow suppression (neutropenia, anemia)
Inhibitors antiretroviral therapy) usually a -Prevent incorporation of DNA copy of viral (give GM-CSF + Erythropoetin to reduce marrow
protease inhibitor + RT genome into host DNA. suppression)
Nucleosides inhibitor. Initiated when patients -Peripheral neuropathy
Zidovudine (ZDV have low CD4 (<500) or high -Nucleosides: lactic acidosis
formerly AZT), viral load. -Non-nucleosides: rash
Didanosine (ddI), -ZDV is used for general -ZDV: megaloblastic anemia.
Zalcitabine (ddC), prophylaxis and during
Stavidine (d4T), pregnancy to reduce risk of
Lamivudine (3TC), fetal transmission.

(Never Ever Deliver
Fusion Inhibitors -HIV -Bind viral gp41 subunit; inhibit conformational -SE:
Enfuvirtide -In patients with persistent viral change required for fusion with CD4 cells. -Hypersensitivity reactions
replication in spite of -Therefore block entry and subsequent -Reactions at subcutaneous injection site
antiretroviral therapy. replication. -↑ risk of bacterial pneumonia
-Use in combo with other drugs.
IMMUNOLOGY (pp 204-205)
Cyclosporine -Suppresses organ rejection after -Binds to cyclophilins -SE:
transplantation -The resulting complex blocks the -predisposes patients to viral infections and lymphoma
-Selected autoimmune disorders differentiation and activation of T cells by -nephrotoxic (preventable with mannitol diuresis)
inhibiting calcineurin, preventing the
production of IL-2 and its receptor

Tacrolimus (FK506) -Potent immunosuppressive used -Similar to cyclosporine -SE: Significant-nephrotoxicity, peripheral neuropathy,
in organ transplant recipients -Binds to FK-binding protein, hypertension, pleural effusion, hyperglycemia.
inhibiting secretion of IL-2 and other
Azathioprine -Kidney transplantation -Antimetabolite precursor of 6-mercatopurine -SE:
-Autoimmune disorders that interferes with the metabolism and -Bone marrow suppression
(including glomerulonephritis synthesis of nucleic acids. Toxic to -Active metabolite mercaptopurine is metabolized by
and hemolytic anemia) proliferating lymphocytes. xanthine oxidase; thus, toxic effects may be ↑ by
Muromonab-CD3 -Immunosuppression after kidney -Monoclonal Ab that binds to CD3 (epsilon -SE: Cytokine release syndrome,
(OKT3) transplantation chain) on the surface of T cells. hypersensitivity reaction
Blocks cell interaction with CD3 protein
responsible for T cell signal transduction.
Sirolimus (rapamycin) -Immunosuppression after kidney -Binds to mTOR (molecular target of -SE: Hyperlipidemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia
transplantation in combo with rapamycin).
cyclosporine and corticosteroids -Inhibits T cell proliferation in response to IL-2
Mycophenolate mofetil -Inhibits de novo guanine synthesis and
blocks lymphocyte production.
Daclizumab -Monoclonal Ab with high affinity for the
IL-2 receptor on activated T cells.
Aldesleukin (IL-2) -Renal cell carcinoma
-Metastatic melanoma
Erythropoietin (epoetin) -Anemias (esp in renal failure)
Filgrastim -Recovery of bone marrow
(granulocyte colony-
stimulating factor)
Sargramostim -Recovery of bone marrow
macrophage colony-
stimulating factor)

α-interferon -Hepatitis B and C

-Kaposi's sarcoma
Malignant melanoma
β-interferon -Multiple sclerosis
γ-interferon -Chronic granulomatous disease
Oprelvekin (IL-11) -Thrombocytopenia
Thrombopoietin -Thrombocytopenia
PHARMACOLOGY (pp 227-232)
Cholinergic agents
Direct agonists
Bethanechol -Postoperative and neurogenic -Direct cholinergic agonist -Resistant to AChE
ileus and urinary retention -Activates Bowel and Bladder smooth muscle (Beth Anne, call (bethanechol) me if you want to
activate your bowels and bladder)
Carbachol -Glaucoma -Direct cholinergic agonist
-Pupilary contraction (muscarinic and nicotinic agonist)
-↓ Intraocular pressure
Pilocarpine -Potent stimulator of Direct cholinergic agonist -Resistant to AchE
sweat, tears, saliva (Pile on the sweat and tears)
-Emergency treatment for
open and narrow glaucoma
-Contracts ciliary muscle of eye
(open angle), pupillary
sphincter (narrow angle)
Methacholine -Challenge test to diagnose -Direct cholinergic agonist
asthma -Stimulates muscarininc receptors in airway
when inhaled
Indirect agonists
Neostigmine -Postoperative and neurogenic -(Indirect agonist (anticholinesterase)) = -Shorter acting than pyridostigmine
ileus and urinary retention -↑ endogenous Ach
-Myasthenia gravis -No CNS penetration (NEO CNS = NO CNS)
-Reversal of neuromuscular
junction blockade (postop)
Pyridostigmine -Myasthenia gravis (long acting) -↑ endogenous Ach therefore -Long acting
increases strength
-No CNS penetration
Edrophonium -Diagnosis of myasthenia gravis -↑ endogenous Ach -Extremely short acting
Physostigmine -Glaucoma (b/c crosses BBB) -↑ endogenous Ach (PHYS is for EYES)
-Atropine overdose -Crosses the BBB to CNS
Ecothiophate -Glaucoma -↑ endogenous Ach

Cholinesterase inhibitor -Causes: Parathion and other organophosphates. Irreversible inhibitors.

poisoning -Symptoms: (DUMBBELSS)
-Diarrhea, Urination, Miosis, Bronchospasm, Bradycardia, Excitation skeletal muscle and CNS; Lacrimation, Sweating, Salivation (also
abdominal cramping)
-Antidote: Atropine (muscarinic antagonist) plus pralidoxime (chemical antagonist used to regenerate active cholinesterase)
Atropine, -Produce mydriasis and -(Organ system) =
Homatropine, cycloplegia -Eyes
Benztropine -Parkinson's disease -CNS
Scopolamine -Motion sickness -CNS
Ipratropium -Asthma, COPD -Respiratory
Methoscopolamine, -Reduce urgency in mild cystitis -Genitourinary
Oxybutynin, and reduces bladder spasms

Pirenzepine, -Peptic ulcer treatment -Gastrointestinal


Glaucoma drugs
Epinephrine -Glaucoma -α-agonist -SE: Mydriasis; stinging
-↓ aqueous humor synthesis due to -C/I: Do not use in closed angle glaucoma
Brimonidine -Glaucoma -α-agonist -No pupillary or vision changes
-↓ aqueous humor synthesis
Timolol, -Glaucoma -β-blockers -No pupillary or vision changes
Betaxolol, -↓ aqueous humor synthesis
Acetazolamide -Glaucoma -Diuretic -No pupillary or vision changes
-↓ aqueous humor secretion due to
↓HCO3 (via inhibition of carbonic anhydrase)
Pilocarpine, -Glaucoma -Cholinomimetics -SE: Miosis; cyclospasm
Carbachol, -↑ outflow of aqueous humor
Physostigmine, -Contract ciliary muscle and
Echothiophate opens trabecular meshwork
-Use pilocarpine in emergencies
-Very effective at opening the
canal of Schlemm
Latanoprost -Glaucoma -Prostaglandin -SE: Darkens color of iris (browning)
(PGF 2-α) -↑ outflow of aqueous humor
Atropine (Blocks DUMBBELLS) Muscarinic antagonist -SE:
-Eye: -↑ body temp, rapid pulse, dry mouth, dry flushed skin,
-pupil dilation, cycloplegia cycloplegia, constipation, disorientation
-Airway -(Hot as a hare, dry as a bone, red as a beet, blind as a
-↓ secretions bat, mad as a hatter)
-Stomach -Acute angle-closure glaucoma in elderly
-↓ acid secretions -Urinary retention in men with prostatic hypertrophy
-Gut -Hyperthermia in infants
-↓ motility
-↓ urgency in cystitis
Hexamethonium -Ganglionic blocker - used in Nicotinic antagonist -SE: Severe orthostatic hypotension, blurred vision,
experimental models to prevent constipation, sexual dysfunction
vagal reflex responses to
changes in blood pressure
(e.g. prevents reflex
bradycardia caused by NE)

Epinephrine -Anaphylaxis, glaucoma (open α1, α2, β1, β2, low doses selective for β1
angle), asthma, hypotension
NE -Hypotension (but ↓ renal α1, α2 > β1
Isoproterenol -AV block (rare) β1 = β2
Dopamine -Shock (↑ renal perfusion), D1 = D2 > β > α -Inotropic and chronotropic
heart failure
Dobutamine -Shock, heart failure, cardiac β1 > β2 -Inotropic but not chronotropic
stress testing
Phenylephrine -Pupillary dilation, α1 > α2
nasal decongestion
Albuterol, -Albuterol for acute asthma β2 > β1
Terbutaline -Terbutaline reduces premature
uterine contractions
Ritodrine -Reduces premature uterine β2
Amphetamine -Narcolepsy, obesity, attention -Indirect general agonist,
deficit disorder releases stored catecholamines
Ephedrine -Nasal decongestion, urinary -Indirect general agonist,
incontinence, hypotension releases stored catecholamines
Cocaine -Causes vasoconstriction and -Indirect general agonist,
local anesthesia uptake inhibitor
Clonidine, -Hypertension, especially with -Centrally acting α2-agonist,
α-methyldopa renal disease (no ↓ in blood ↓ central adrenergic outflow
flow to kidney)

Selective β2-agonists β2-agonist MAST: Metaproterenol, Albuterol, Salmeterol, Terbutaline


Nonselective -Pheochromocytoma Nonselective α-blocker -SE: Orthostatic hypotension, reflex tachycardia

Phenoxybenzamine (use phenoxybenzamine before
(irreversible) and removing tumor, since high
Phentolamine levels of released
(reversible) catecholamines will not be able
to overcome blockage)

α1-selective -Hypertension, α1 selective α-blocker -SE: 1st-dose orthostatic hypotension, dizziness,

Prazosin, urinary retention in BPH headache

α2-selective -Depression α2 selective α-blocker -SE: Sedation, ↑ serum cholesterol, ↑ appetite


β-blockers -Hypertension -Nonselective antagonists (β1 = β2) -SE:

Propranolol, ↓ cardiac output, propranolol, timolol, nadolol, pindolol, and -impotence
Metoprolol, ↓ renin secretion labetalol -exacerbation of asthma
Atenolol, -Angina pectoris -β1-selective antagonists (β1 > β2) -cardiovascular adverse effects
Nadolol, ↓ heart rate and contractility, Acebutolol (partial agonist), Betaxolol, (bradycardia, AV block, CHF)
Timolol, resulting in ↓ O2 consumption Esmolol (short acting), Atenolol, Metoprolol -CNS adverse effects
Pindolol, -MI (A BEAM of β1-blockers) (sedation, sleep alterations)
Esmolol, β-blockers ↓ mortality -Nonselective α- and β- antagonists -use with caution in diabetics
Labetalol -SVT (propranolol, esmolol) carvedilol, labetalol
↓ AV conduction velocity (class -Partial β-agonists
II antiarrhythmic) acebutolol, pindolol
Slows progression of chronic
-Glaucoma (timolol)
↓ secretion of aqueous humor
Hydrochlorothiazide -Hypertension -Thiazide diuretic -SE:
(HCTZ) (prevents NaCl resorption in early DCT) Hypokalemia, mild hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia,
lassitude, hypercalcemia, hyperglycemia
Loop Diuretics -Hypertension -Loop diuretic -SE:
(blocks NKCC channel in TALH) Potassium wasting, metabolic alkalosis, hypotension,
Clonidine -Hypertension -Sympathoplegic -SE:
Dry mouth, sedation, severe rebound HTN

Methyldopa -Hypertension -Sympathoplegic -SE:

Sedation, positive Coomb's test

Hexamethonium -Hypertension -Sympathoplegic -SE:

Severe orthostatic hypotension, blurred vision,
constipation, sexual dysfunction
Reserpine -Hypertension -Sympathoplegic -SE:
Sedation, depression, nasal stuffiness, diarrhea

Guanethidine -Hypertension -Sympathoplegic -SE:

Orthostatic and exercise hypotension, sexual
dysfunction, diarrhea
Prazosin -Hypertension -Sympathoplegic -SE:
1st dose orthostatic hypotension, dizziness,
β Blockers -Hypertension -Sympathoplegic -SE:
Impotence, flushing,
Cardiovascular effects (bradycardia, CHF, AV block),
CNS effects (sedation, sleep alterations)
Hydralazine -Severe hypertension -Vasodilator -SE: Nausea, headache, lupus-like syndrome,
-CHF - ↑ cGMP → smooth muscle relaxation. reflex tachycardia, angina, salt/fluid retention.
-First-line therapy for HTN in -Vasodilates arterioles > veins; ↓afterload -C/I: angina/CAD
pregnancy, with methyldopa
-Use with β blockers to prevent reflex tachycardia,
diuretic to block salt retention
Minoxidil -Severe hypertension -Vasodilator -SE: Hypertrichosis, pericardial effusion,
-K+ channel opener - hyperpolarizes and reflex tachycardia, angina, salt retention
relaxes vascular smooth muscle
-Use with β blockers to prevent reflex tachycardia,
diuretic to block salt retention
Nifedipine -Hypertension -Vasodilator -SE:
Verapamil -Angina -Block voltage-dependent L-type Ca channels Dizziness, nausea, flushing,
Diltiazem -Arrhythmias (not nifedipine) of cardiac and smooth muscle and thereby constipation (verapamil), AV Block (verapamil),
-Prinzmetal's angina reduce muscle contractility cardiac depression, peripheral edema
-Raynaud's -Vascular smooth muscle:
Nifed > Dilt > Verap
Verap > Dilt > Nifed
Nitroprusside -Hypertension -Vasodilator -SE:
-Malignant HTN (see below) -Short acting; ↑cGMP via direct release of NO Cyanide toxicity (releases CN)

Diazoxide -Hypertension -Vasodilator -SE: HypER*glycemia (reduces insulin release),

-Malignant HTN (see below) -K+ channel opener - hyperpolarizes and hypotension
relaxes vascular smooth muscle
*Annotate your FA- this is on the errata list
Captopril -Hypertension -ACE Inhibitor -SE:
Enalapril Hyperkalemia, cough, angioedema, taste changes,
Fosinopril hypotension, pregnancy problems (fetal renal damage),
rash, ↑ renin
Losartan -Hypertension Angiotensin II Receptor Inhibitor (ARB) -SE:
Fetal renal toxicity, hyperkalemia
Nitroglycerin, -Hypertension -Vasodilate by releasing nitric oxide in -SE:
Isosorbide dinatrate -Angina smooth muscle, causing ↑ in cGMP and -Tachycardia, hypotension, flushing, headache,
-Pulmonary edema smooth muscle relaxation. -"Monday Disease" in industrial exposure - development
-Also used as an aphrodesiac -Vasodilates veins >> arteries; ↓preload of tolerance for the vasodilating action during the work
and erection enhancer week and loss of tolerance over the weekend,
resulting in tachycardia, dizziness, and headache on
Malignant HTN
Nitroprusside Malignant HTN -Vasodilator -SE: Cyanide toxicity (releases CN)
-Short acting; ↑cGMP via direct release of NO
Fenoldopam Malignant HTN -Vasodilator
-Dopamine D1 receptor agonist - relaxes renal
vasuclar smooth muscle
Diazoxide Malignant HTN -Vasodilator -SE: HypER*glycemia (reduces insulin release),
-K+ channel opener - hyperpolarizes and hypotension
relaxes vascular smooth muscle
*Annotate your FA- this is on the errata list
Antianginal therapy -Goal = reduction of myocardial O2 consumption (MVO2) by decreasing 1 or more of the determinants of MVO2: end diastolic volume,
blood pressure, heart rate, contractility, ejection time
-Calcium channel blockers:
Nifedipine is similar to Nitrates in effect;
Verapamil is similar to β blockers in effect.
-Labetalol, pindolol, and acebutolol are partial agonists- CONTRAINDICATED in angina
Component Nitrates (affect preload) β Blockers (affect afterload) Nitrates + β Blockers
EDV ↓ ↑ No effect or ↓
BP ↓ ↓ ↓
Contractility ↑ (Reflex response) ↓ Little/No Effect
HR ↑ (Reflex response) ↓ ↓
Ejection time ↓ ↑ Little/No Effect
MVO2 ↓ ↓ ↓↓
Lipid lowering agents -LDL "bad cholesterol"
-HDL "good cholesterol
-triglycerides = TG
HMG-CoA reductase LDL HDL TG -Inhibit cholesterol precursor, mevalonate -SE: expensive, reversible ↑ LFTs, myositis
inhibitors ↓↓↓ ↑ ↓
Simvastatin Atorvastatin

Niacin ↓↓ ↑↑ ↓ -Inhibits lipolysis in adipose tissue; -SE: red, flushed face, which is reduced by aspirin or
reduces hepatic VLDL secretion into long-term use
Bile acid resins ↓↓ slightly ↑ slightly ↑ -Prevent intestinal reabsorption of bile acids; -SE: pts hate it (tastes bad and causes GI discomfort),
Cholestyramine liver must use cholesterol to make more ↓ absorption of fat-soluble vitamins
Cholesterol absorption ↓↓ -- -- -Prevent cholesterol reabsorption at -SE: rare, ↑LFTs
blockers small intestine brush border
"Fibrates" ↓ ↑ ↓↓↓ -Upregulate LPL → ↑ TG clearance -SE: myositis, ↑LFTs

Cardiac glycosides
Digoxin -CHF (increase contractility) -Direct inhibition of Na/K ATPase leads to -Misc: 75% bioavailability
-Atrial fibrillation (↓conduction at indirect inhibition of Na/Ca exchanger/antiport 20-40% protein bound
AV node and depression of SA → ↑[Ca] → positive inotropy t1/2 = 40 hrs
node) urinary excretion
-cardiac: may cause ↑PR, ↓QT, scooping of ST
segment, T-wave inversion of ECG, arrhythmia
-↑parasympathetic activity - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
blurry yellow vision (think Van Gogh)
-↑ toxicity if :
-Renal failure (↓excretion) or
-Hypokalemic (potentiates drug effects) or
-Quinidine (↓digoxin clearance; displaces drug from
tissue binding)
-Antidote: Slowly normalize K+, lidocaine, cardiac paper,
anti-dig Fab fragments, Mg2+
ANTIARRHYTHMICS -Block Na channel -These are local anesthetics
Na+ channel blockers -Slow or block (↓) conduction (esp in -Are state dependent - selectively depress tissue that is
(Class I) depolarized cells) frequently depolarized, eg fast tachycardia
- ↓ slope of phase 4 depolarization, -Hyperkalemia ↑ toxicity for all class I drugs
- ↑ threshold for firing in abnormal
pacemaker cells
Class IA -Affect both atrial and ventricular - ↑ AP duration -SE:
Quinidine arrhythmias, especially - ↑ effective refractory period (ERP) -quinidine
Amiodarone reentrant and ectopic - ↑QT interval -cinchonism (headache, tinnitus, thrombocytopenia)
Procainamide supraventricular and ventricular -torsades de pointes due to ↑ QT interval;
Disopyramide tachycardia -procainamide
-reversible SLE-like syndrome
(Queen Amy
Proclaims Diso's
Class IB -Affect ischemic or depolarized - ↓ AP duration -SE:
Lidocaine Purkinje and ventricular tissue Local anesthetic, CNS stimulation/depression,
Mexiletine -Useful in acute ventricular cardiovascular depression
Tocainide arrhythmias (esp. post-MI) and
in digitalis-induced arrhythmias -phenytoin can also fall into the IB category
(I'd Buy Lidy's
Mexican Tacos)
Class IC -Useful in V-tachs that progess to -No effect on AP duration -SE: proarrhythmic, especially post MI (contraindicated),
Flecainide VF and in intractible SVT significantly prolongs refractory period in AV node
Encainide -Usually used only as last resort
Propafenone in refractory tachyarrhythmias

(Class II)
Propanolol -V-tach -↓cAMP, ↓Ca currents -Esomolol is very short acting
Esmolol -SVT -Suppress abnormal pacemakers by -SE: Impotence, exacerbation of asthma,
Metoprolol -Slowing ventricular rate during ↓ slope of phase 4 cardiovascular effects (bradycardia, AV block, CHF),
Atenolol atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter -AV node particularly sensitive: ↑ PR interval CNS effects (sedation, sleep alterations);
Timolol May mask signs of hypoglycemia;
Metoprolol can cause dyslipidemia
ANTIARRHYTHMICS -Used when other antiarrhythmics - ↑ AP duration,
K+ channel blockers fail - ↑ effective refractory period
(Class III) - ↑QT interval
Sotalol -SE: torsades des pointes, excesssive β block
Ibutilide -SE: torsades des pointes
Bretylium -SE: new arrhythmias, hypotension
Amiodarone -Safe to use in -SE:
Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome -pulmonary fibrosis, corneal deposits,
hepatotoxicity, skin deposits resulting in
photodermatitis, neurologic effects, constipation,
cardiovascular effects (bradycardia, heart block, CHF),
(Remember to check PFTs, LFTs, and TFTs when using

Ca2+ channel blocker
(Class IV)

Verapamil -Primarily affect AV nodal cells - ↓ conduction velocity -SE: constipation, flushing, edema,
Diltiazem -Used in prevention of nodal - ↑ effective refractory period CV effects (CHF, AV block, sinus node depression),
arrhythmias (eg SVT) - ↑ PR interval torsades de pointes (bepridil)

Adenosine -Drug of choice in - ↑K+ out of cells → hyperpolarizing the cell -Very short acting (~15 sec)
diagnosis/abolishment of -SE: Flushing, hypotension, chest pain
AV nodal arrhythmias
K+ -Depresses ectopic pacemakers
in hypokalemia
(e.g. digoxin toxicity)
Mg+ -Effective in torsades de pointes
and digoxin toxicity
ENDOCRINE (pp 287-288)
Diabetic drugs
Insulins -Type 1 DM -Bind insulin receptor -SE: hypoglycemia, hypersensitivity reaction (very rare)
Lispro (short-acting) -Also: (tyrosine kinase activity)
Aspart (short-acting) life-threatening hyperkalemia & -Liver: ↑ glucose stored as glycogen
NPH (intermediate) stress-induced hyperglycemia -Muscle: ↑ glycogen & protein synthesis,
Lente (long-acting) K+ uptake
Ultralente (long-acting) -Fat: aids TG storage
Sulfonylureas -Stimulate release of endogenous -Close K+ channel in β-cell membrane, so -SE:
insulin in type 2 DM. cell depolarizes → triggering of insulin -1st gen: disulfiram-like effects.
First generation -Require some islet function, so release via ↑ Ca2+ intake -2nd gen: hypoglycemia.
Tolbutamide useless in type 1 DM.

Second generation
Biguanides -Used as oral hypoglycemic -Exact mechanism is unknown -SE: Most grave adverse effect is lactic acidosis.
Metformin -Can be used in patients without -Possibly:
islet function ↓ gluconeogenesis
↑ glycolysis
↓ serum glucose levels.
Glitazone -Used as monotherapy in - ↑ target cell response to insulin -SE: Weight gain, edema, hepatotoxicity, CV toxicity
Pioglitazone type 2 DM or combined with
Rosiglitazone above agents.
α-glucosidase -Used as monotherapy in -Inhibit intestinal brush-border -SE: GI disturbances
inhibitors type 2 DM or combined with α-glucosidases
Acarbose above agents. -Delayed sugar hydrolysis & glucose
Miglitol absorption lead to ↓ postprandial
Misc endocrine drugs
Orlistat -Long-term obesity management -Alters fat metabolism by inhibiting pancreatic -SE: Steatorrhea, GI discomfort, reduced absorption of
(in conjunction with modified diet) lipases. fat-soluble vitamins, headache.
Sibutramine -Short-term & long-term obesity -Sympathomimetic serotonin & norepinephrine -SE: Hypertension, tachycardia.
management reupake inhibitor.
Propylthiouracil, -Hyperthyroidism -Inhibit organification and coupling of thyroid -SE: Skin rash, agranulocytosis (rare), aplastic anemia.
Methimazole hormone synthesis.
-Propylthiouracil also ↓ peripheral conversion
of T4 to T3
Levothyroxine, -Hypothyroidism, myxedema. -Thyroxine replacement. -SE: Tachycardia, heat intolerance, tremors, arrhythmias

Hypothalamic /
pituitary drugs
GH -GH deficiency
-Turner's syndrome
Somatostatin -Acromegaly
(octreotide) -Carcinoid
Oxytocin -Stimulates labor, uterine
contractions, milk let-down
-Controls uterine hemorrhage
ADH -Pituitary DI
(desmopressin) (central, not nephrogenic)

Hydrocortisone -Addison's disease - ↓ the production of leukotrienes and -SE: Iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome - buffalo hump, moon
Prednisone -Inflammation prostaglandins by inhibiting facies, truncal obesity, muscle wasting, thin skin,
Triamcinolone -Immune suppression phospholipase A2 and expression of COX-2 easy bruisability, osteoporosis, adrenocortical atrophy,
Dexamethasone -Asthma peptic ulcers, diabetes (if chronic).
H2 blockers -Peptic ulcer -Reversible block of histamine H2 receptors -SE of cimetidine:
Cimetidine -Gastritis causing ↓secretion of H+ from parietal cells -Cimetidine is a potent inhibitor of P-450
Ranitidine -Mild esophageal reflux -it also has antiandrogenic effects (prolactin release,
Famotidine gynecomastia, impotence)
Nizatidine -can cross BBB (confusion, dizziness, headaches)
and placenta
(take H2 blockers before -SE of cimetidine & ranitidine:
you DINE) -↓ renal excretion of creatinine
-Other H2 blockers are relatively free of these effects
Proton pump -Peptic ulcer -Irreversibly inhibit H+/K+ ATPase in
inhibitors -Gastritis stomach parietal cells
Omeprazole, -Esophageal reflux
Lansoprazole -ZES

Mucosal protectants
Bismuth, -Improve ulcer healing -Bind to ulcer base, providing physical -Triple therapy for H. Pylori ulcers :
Sucralfate -Traveler's diarrhea protection, and allow HCO3- secretion to Metronidazole, Amoxicillin (or Tetracycline), Bismuth.
reestablish pH gradient in the mucous layer -Can also use a PPI
(Please MAke Tummy Better)
Misoprotol -Prevention of NSAID-induced -a PGE1 analog -SE: Diarrhea
peptic ulcers - ↑production and secretion of gastric -C/I: contraindicated in women of childbearing potential
-Maintenance of a patent ductus mucous barrier (abortifacient)
arteriosus. - ↓acid production
-Induction of labor

Muscarinic antagonist -Peptic ulcer -Block M1 receptors on ECL cells -SE: Tachycardia, dry mouth, difficulty focusing eyes
Pirenzepine, (↓ histamine secretion)
Propantheline -Block M3 receptors on parietal cells
(↓ H+ secretion)

Antacid use -SE of all:

-Can affect absorption, bioavailability, or urinary excretion of other drugs by altering gastric and urinary pH or by delaying gastric emptying
-All cause hypokalemia
Alumninum hydroxide -SE: Constipation and hypophosphatemia; proximal muscle weakness, osteodystrophy, seizures
(AlOH3) (Aluminimum amount of feces)
Magnesium hydroxide -SE: Diarrhea, hyporeflexia, hypotension, cardiac arrest
(Mg = Must go to the bathroom)
Calcium carbonate -SE: Hypercalcemia, rebound acid ↑; can chelate and ↓ effectiveness of other drugs (e.g. tetracycline)
Infliximab -Crohn's disease -A monoclonal antibody to TNF, which is a -SE: Respiratory infection, fever, hypotension
-Rheumatoid arthritis proinflammatory cytokine
(INFLIXimab INFLIX pain on TNF)
Sulfasalazine -Ulcerative colitis -A combination fo sulfapyridine (antibacterial) -SE: Malaise, nausea, sulfonamide toxicity,
-Crohn's disease and mesalamine (anti-inflammatory) reversible oligospermia
-Activated by colonic bacteria
Ondansetron -Control vomiting postoperatively -5-HT3 antagonist -SE: Headache, constipation
and in patients undergoing -(Powerful central-acting antiemetic)
cancer chemotherapy (You will not vomit with ONDANSetron, so you can go ON DANCing)

Prokinetic agents
Cisapride -Acts through 5HT receptors to ↑ACh release -No longer used
at the myenteric plexus. -SE: Serious interactions (torsades des pointes) with
-↑ esophageal tone Erythromycin, Ketoconazole, Nefazodone, Fluconazole
-↑ gastric and duodenal contractility,
improving transit time (including through
the colon)
Metoclopramide -Diabetic and post-surgery -D2 receptor antagonist -SE:
gastroparesis -↑ resting tone, contractility, LES tone, motility -↑ Parksonian Effects.
-Does not influence colon transport time -Restlessness, drowsiness, fatigue, depression,
nausea, diarrhea.
-Drug interaction with digoxin and diabetic agents
-C/I: pts with small bowel obstruction
Heparin -Immediate anticoagulation for -Catalyzes activation of antithrombin III, -Follow patient's PTT when on heparin
pulmonary embolism, ↓thrombin and Xa -Newer low-molecular-weight heparins (enoxaparin)
stroke, angina, MI, DVT -Short half-life act more on Xa, have better bioavailability and
-Used during pregnancy 2-4 times longer half-life. Can be administered
(does not cross placenta) subcutaneously and without laboratory monitoring.
Not easily reversible.
-drug-drug interactions,
-heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT): heparin binds
platelets, causing autoantibody production that
destroys platelets and overactivates the remaining
ones, resulting in a thrombocytopenic,
hypercoagulable state.
-for rapid reversal of heparinization, use
protamine sulfate (positively charged molecule
that acts by binding negatively charged heparin)
Lepirudin, -Used as an alternative to -Directly inhibit thrombin -Hirudin derivatives
Bivalirudin heparin for anticoagulating
patients with HIT
Warfarin (Coumadin) -Chronic anticoagulant -Interferes with normal synthesis and -Follow patient's PT/INR values when on warfarin
-Not used in pregnant women γ-carboxylation of vitamin K-dependant -Metabolized by cytochrome P450
(because warfarin, unlike clotting factors (II, VII, IX, X, protein C & S) -SE: bleeding, teratogenic, skin/tissue necrosis,
heparin, can cross the -Affects Extrinsic pathway and ↑PT drug-drug interactions
placenta) -Long half-life

(The EX-PaTriot went to WAR(farin))

Heparin vs. warfarin Heparin Warfarin
Structure Large anionic polymer, acidic Small lipid-soluble molecule
Route of administration Parenteral (IV, SC) Oral
Site of action Blood Liver
Onset of action Rapid (seconds) Slow, limited by half-lives of normal clotting factors
Mechanism of action Activates antithrombin III, which ↓ the action of IIa (thrombin) and Xa Impairs the synthesis of vitamin K-dependent clotting
factors II, VII, IX, and X (vitamin K antagonist)
Duration of action Acute (hours Chronic (days)
Inhibits coagulation in vitro Yes No
Treatment of acute OD Protamine sulfate IV vitamin K and fresh frozen plasma
Monitoring PTT (intrinsic pathway) PT/INR (extrinsic pathway)
Crosses placenta No Yes (teratogenic)

Thrombolytics -Early MI -Directly or indirectly aids conversion of -SE: bleeding

Streptokinase, -Early ischemic stroke plasminogen to plasmin, which is the -C/I: Patients with active bleeding, history of intracranial
Urokinase, major fibrinolytic enzyme that cleaves bleeding, recent surgery, known bleeding diatheses, or
tPA (alteplase), thrombin and fibrin clots. severe hypertension
APSAC (anistreplase) -↑PT, ↑PTT, no change in platelet count -Treatment of toxicity is with aminocaproic acid, an
inhibitor of fibrinolysis
Antiplatelet drugs
Aspirin (ASA) -Antipyretic -Acetylates and irreversibly inhibits -↑ bleeding time.
-Analgesic cyclooxygenase (both COX-1 and COX-2) -No effect on PT, PTT.
-Anti-inflammatory to prevent conversion of arachidonic acid to -SE: Gastric ulceration, bleeding, hyperventilation,
-Antiplatelet drug thromboxane A2. Reye's syndrome, tinnitus (CN VIII)
Clopidogrel, -Acute coronary syndrome -Inhibit platelet aggregation by -SE: Neutropenia (ticlopidine)
Ticlopidine -Coronary stenting irreversibly blocking ADP receptors.
-↓ incidence or recurrence of -Inhibit fibrinogen binding by
thrombotic stroke preventing glycoprotein IIb/IIIa expression.
Abciximab -Acute coronary syndromes -Monoclonal antibody that binds to the -SE: bleeding, thrombocytopenia
-Percutaneous transluminal glycoprotein receptor IIb/IIIa on
coronary angioplasty activated platelets, preventing aggregation.
Cancer drugs
Methotrexate (MTX) -Leukemias -S-phase-specific antimetabolite. -SE:
-Lymphomas -Folic acid analog that inhibits -Myelosuppression, which is reversible with leucovorin
-Choriocarcinoma dihydrofolate reductase, resulting in (folinic acid) "rescue."
-Sarcoma ↓ dTMP and therefore ↓ DNA and protein -Macrovesicular fatty change in liver
-Abortion synthesis. -Mucositis
-Ectopic pregnancy
-Rheumatoid arthritis
5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) -Colon cancer and other solid -S-phase-specific anti-metabolite -SE:
tumors -Pyrimidine analog bioactivated to 5F-dUMP, -Myelosuppression (NOT reversible with leucovorin).
-Basal cell carcinoma (topical) which covalently complexes folic acid. This Can "rescue" with thymidine
-Synergy with MTX complex inhibits thmidylate synthetase, -Photosensitivity
resulting in ↓dTMP and same effects as MTX
6-mercaptopurine -Leukemias -Blocks de novo purine synthesis -Metabolized by xanthine oxidase; thus ↑ toxicity with
(6-MP) -Lymphomas (not CLL or -Activated by HGPRATase allopurinol
Hodgkin's) -SE: Bone marrow, GI, liver
Cytarabine (ara-C) -AML -Inhibit DNA polymerase -SE: Leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, megaloblastic
Cyclophosphamide, -Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma -Alkylating agent -Requires bioactivation in liver
Ifosfamide -Breast and ovarian carcinoma '-Covalently cross-link (interstrand) DNA at -SE: Myelosuppression; hemorrhagic cystitis.
-Immunosuppressant guanine N-7 Hemorrhagic cystitis can be partially prevented with
Nitrosoureas -Brain tumors (including -Alkylate DNA -Requires bioactivation
Carmustine glioblastoma multiforme) -Crosses blood-brain barrier → CNS
Lomustine -SE: CNS toxicity (dizziness, ataxia)
Cisplatin, -Testicular, bladder, ovary, and -Act like alkylating agent -SE: Nephrotoxicity, acoustic nerve damage
Carboplatin lung carcinomas
Busulfan -CML -Alkylates DNA -SE: Pulmonary fibrosis, hyperpigmentation
Doxorubicin -Part of ABVD combo for -Generate free radicals and noncovalently -SE: Cardiotoxic, myelosuppression,
(adriamycin), Hodgkin's and for myelomas, intercalate in DNA (creating breaks in marked alopecia, toxic extravasation
Daunorubicine sarcomas, solid tumors DNA strand to ↓ replication)
(breast, ovary, lung)
Dactinomycin -Wilm's tumor -Intercalates in DNA -SE: Myelosuppression
(actinomycin D) -Ewing's sarcoma
(ACTinomycin D is used for
childhood tumors (children ACT
Bleomycin -Testicular cancer -Induces free radical formation, which causes -SE: Pulmonary fibrosis, skin changes, but
-Lymphoma (part of ABVD breaks in DNA strands minimal myelosuppression
regimen for Hodgkin's)
Hydroxyurea -Melanoma -Inhibits Ribonucleotide Reductase -SE: Bone marrow suppression, GI upset
-CML → ↓DNA Synthesis (S-phase specific)
-Sickle cell disease
Etoposide (VP-16) -Small cell carcinoma of -G2-phase-specific agent -SE: Myelosuppression, GI irritation, alopecia
lung and prostate -Inhibits topoisomerase II and
-Testicular carcinoma ↑ DNA degradation
Prednisone -Most commonly used -May trigger apoptosis -SE: Cushing-like symptoms, immunosuppression,
glucocorticoid in cancer therapy -May even work on dividing cells cataracts, acne, osteoporosis, hypertension,
-CLL peptic ulcers, hyperglycemia, psychosis
-Hodgkin's lymphoma (part of the
MOPP regimin)
-Immunosuppressant used in
autoimmune disease
Tamoxifen, -Breast cancer -Estrogen receptor antagonist in breast -SE:
Raloxifene -Osteoporosis prevention -Agonist in bone -Tamoxifen may ↑ risk of endometrial carcinoma via
-Block the binding of estrogen to partial agonist effects;
estrogen receptor-positive cells -Roloxifen does not cause endometrial carcinoma
because it is an endometrial antagonist
-"Hot flashes"
Trastuzumab -Metastatic breast cancer -Monoclonal antibody against HER-2 (erb-2) -SE: Cardiotoxic
(Herceptin) -Helps kill breast cancer cells expressing
HER-2 possibly through antibody-dependent
Imatinib (Gleevec) -CML -Philadelphia chromosome (bcr-abl) tyrosine -SE: Fluid retention
-GI stromal tumors kinase inhibitor
Vincristine, -Part of MOPP (Oncovin = -M-phase specific alkaloids -SE:
Vinblastine vincristine) regimen for -Bind to tubulin and block polymerization of -Vincristine :
lymphoma microtubules so mitotic spindle cannot form -Neurotoxicity (areflexia, peripheral neuritis),
-Wilm's tumor (Microtubules are the vines of your cells) -Paralytic ileus
-Choriocarcinoma -VinBLASTine : BLASTs Bone marrow (suppression)
Paclitaxel, -Ovarian and breast carcinoma -M-phase specific agents -SE: Myelosuppression and hypersensitivity
other taxols -Bind to tubulin and hyperstabilize polymerized
microtubules so mitotic spindle cannot break
down (anaphase cannot occur)
NSAIDs -Antipyretic -Reversibly inhibit cyclooxygenase -SE: Renal damage, aplastic anemia, GI distress, ulcers
Ibuprofen -Analgesic (both COX-1 & COX-2)
Naproxen -Anti-inflammatory -Block prostaglandin synthesis
Indomethacin -Indomethacin: closure of PDA
COX-2 inhibitor -Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis -Reversibly inhibit specifically the -SE:
Celecoxib cyclooxygenase (COX) isoform 2, -↑ risk of thrombosis
which is found in inflammatory cells and -Sulfa allergy.
mediates inflammation and pain -Less toxicity to GI mucosa (lower incidence of ulcers,
-Spares COX-1, which helps maintain the bleeding).
gastric mucosa. Thus, should not have the
corrosive effects of other NSAIDs on the GI
Gout drugs -Do not give salicylates
Colchicine -Acute gout -Depolymerizes microtubules, impairing -SE: GI side effects, especially if given orally.
leukocyte chemotaxis & degranulation (Indomethacin is less toxic, more commonly used in
acute gout).
Probenecid -Chronic gout -Inhibits reabsorption of uric acid in PCT -C/I: should not be used to treat an acute episode of gout
(also inhibits secretion of penicillin)
Allopurinol -Chronic gout -Inhibits xanthine oxidase, ↓ conversion of -Interacts with azathioprine & 6-MP
-Also used in lymphoma & xanthine to uric acid. -C/I: should not be used to treat an acute episode of gout
leukemia to prevent
tumor lysis-associated urate

Misc drugs
Acetaminophen -Antipyretic -Reversibly inhibits cyclooxygenase, mostly in -SE: Overdose produces hepatic necrosis;
-Analgesic CNS. acetaminophen metabolite depletes glutathione and
-Lacks anti-inflammatory -Inactivated peripherally. forms toxic tissue adducts in liver.
properties N-acetylcysteine is antidote - regenerates glutathione.
Etanercept -Rheumatoid arthritis -Recombinant form of human TNF receptor
-Psoriasis that binds TNF
-Ankylosing spondylitis.
(EtanerCEPT is a TNF decoy reCEPTor)
Infliximab -Crohn's disease -Anti-TNF antibody -SE: Predisposes to infections (reactivation of latent TB)
-Rheumatoid arthritis
-Ankylosing spondylitis (INFLIXimab INFLIX pain on TNF)
NEUROLOGY (pp 394-399)
Opioid Analgesics -Pain -Acts as agonist at opioid receptors -SE:
Morphine -Cough suppression (mu=morphine, delta= enkephalin, -Addiction, respiratory depression, constipation,
Fentanyl (dextromethorphan) kappa=dynorphin) to modulate synaptic miosis (pinpoint pupils), additive CNS depression
Codeine -Diarrhea transmission with other drugs
Heroin (loperamide and diphenoxylate) -Tolerance does not develop to miosis and constipation.
Methadone -Acute pulmonary edema, -Toxicity treated with naloxone (opioid receptor
Meperidine -Maintenance programs for antagonist).
Dextromethorphan addicts (methadone)
Note: There is a table on p. 395 of First Aid 2008 detailing the specific usage of epilepsy drugs
Benzodiazepines -Anxiety -Facilitate GABAA action by -Most have long half-lives and active metabolites
Diazepam -Spasticity ↑ frequency of Cl- channel opening -Short acting= TOM Thumb
Lorazepam -Status epilepticus (Triazolam, Oxazepam, Midazolam)
Triazolam (lorazepam and diazepam) (FREnzodiazepines= ↑ FREquency) -SE:
Temazepan -Detoxification -Sedation, tolerance, dependence,
Oxazepam (esp. alocohol withdraw- DTs) addictive CNS depression effects with alcohol
Midazolam -Night tremors -Less risk of respiratory depression and coma than with
Chlordiazepoxide -Sleepwalking barbiturates
Alprazolam -Treat overdose with flumazenil (competitive antagonist
at GABA receptor)
Carbamazepine -Epilepsy -SE: Diplopia, ataxia, blood dyscrasis (agranulocytocic,
aplastic anemia), liver toxicity, teratogenesis,
induction of cytochrome P-450
Ethosuximide -Epilepsy -SE:
-GI distress, fatigue, headache, urticaria
-Stevens-Johnson syndrome
-Prodrome of malaise and fever followed by rapid
onset of erythematous/purpuric macules (oral,
ocular, genital). Skin lesions progress to epidermal
necrosis and sloughing.
(EFGH- Ethosuximide, Fatigue, GI, Headache)
Barbiturates -Sedative for anxiety -Facilitate GABAA action by -SE:
Phenobarbital -Epilepsy ↑ duration of Cl- channel opening, -Sedation, tolerance, dependence
Pentobarbital -Seizures thus ↓ neuron firing -Induction of cytochrome P-450;
Thiopental -Insomnia -Addictive CNS effects with alcohol,
Secobarbital -Induction of anesthesia (BarbiDURATe (↑ DURATion)) -Respiratory or cardiovascular depression
(thiopental) (can lead to death)
-Treat overdose with symptom management
(assist respiration, ↑BP)
-C/I: Porphyria
Phenytoin -Epilepsy -Use-dependent blockade of Na+ channels -SE:
-Tonic-clonic seizures -Inhibition of glutamate release from -Nystagmus, diplopia, ataxia, sedation,
-Also a class IB antiarrhythmic excitatory presynaptic neuron gingival hyperplasia, hirsutism, megablastic anemia,
teratogenesis, SLE-like syndrome,
induction of cytochrome P-450
-Chronic use produced gingival hyperplasia in children,
peripheral neuropathy, hirsutism,
megaloblastic anemia (↓ folate absorption), and
malignant hyperthermia (rare)
-Teratogenic (fetal hydantoin syndrome).
Valproic acid -Epilepsy -SE:
-GI distress, tremor, weight gain
-Rare but fatal hepatotoxicity (measure LFTs)
-Neural tube defects in fetus (spina bifida)
-C/I: Pregnancy
Lamotrigine -Epilepsy -SE: Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Gabapentin -Epilepsy -SE: Sedation, ataxia.
Topiramate -Epilepsy -SE: Sedation, mental dulling, kidney stones, weight loss
Anesthetics - -CNS drugs must be lipid soluble (cross blood-brain barrier) or actively transported
general principles -Drugs with ↓ solubility in blood = rapid induction and recovery times
-Drugs with ↑ solubility in lipids = ↑ potency = 1/MAC (minimal alveolar concentration)
-N2O has low blood and lipid soluble, and thus fast induction and low potency
-Halothane, in contrast, has ↑ lipid and blood solubility and thus slow induction and high potency
Inhaled anesthetics -Anesthesia: -Unknown -SE:
Halothane myocardial depression, -malignant hyperthermia (rare)
Enflurane respiratory depression, -halothane: hepatotoxicity
Isoflurane nausea/emesis, -methoxyflurane: nephrotoxicity
Sevoflurane ↑ cerebral blood flow -enflurane: proconvulsant
Methoxyflurane ↓ cerebral metabolic demand
Nitrous oxide
IV anesthetics B. B. King on Opiates Proposes Foolishly
Barbituates -Induction of anesthesia -↓ cerebral blood flow
(Thiopental) -Short surgical procedures. -High potency, high lipid solubility, rapid entry into brain.
-Effect terminated by redistribution from the brain.
Benzodiazepines -Endoscopy -SE:
(Midazolam) -used in adjunct with gaseous -May cause severe postoperative respiratory
anesthetics and narcotics depression, ↓BP, and amnesia
-Treat overdose with flumazenil
Arylcyclohexylamines -Act as dissociative anesthetics -PCP analogs -↑ cerebral blood flow
(Ketamine) -SE:
-Cardiovascular stimulants
-Cause disorientation, hallucination, and bad dreams
Opiates -Used with other CNS
(Morphine, depressants during general
Fentanyl) anesthesia
Propofol -Rapid anesthesia induction -SE: Less postoperative nausea then thiopental
-Short procedures
Local anesthetics -Minor surgical procedures -Block Na channels by binding to specific -Principles:
-Spinal anesthesia receptors on inner portion of channel. -In infected (acidic) tissue, alkaline anesthetics are
Esters -Give amides if allergic to esters -Preferentially bind to active Na channels, so charged and cannot penetrate membrane effectively.
Procaine most effective in rapidly firing neurons. Therefore, more anesthetic is needed in these cases.
Cocaine -3° amine local anesthetics penetrate the -Order of nerve block:
Tetracaine membrane in uncharged form, then bind to - small-diameter fibers > large diameter
ion channels as charged form. - myelinated fibers > unmyelinated fibers
Amides - Overall, size factor predominates over myelination
Lidocaine such that
Mepivacaine small myelinated > small unmyelinated >
Bupivacaine > large myelinated > large unmyelinated
-Order of loss:
(AmIdes have 2 letter I's - pain (first) > temperature > touch > pressure (last)
in the name) -Except with cocaine, given with vasoconstrictors
(epinepherine) to enhance local action -
↓ bleeding, ↑ anesthesia by ↓ systemic concentration
-CNS excitation, severe cardiovascular toxicity
(bupivacaine), hypertension, hypotension, and
arrhythmias (cocaine)

Neuromuscular Used for muscle paralysis in Selective for motor (vs. autonomic) nicotinic
blocking drugs surgery or mechanical ventilation receptor
Depolarizing -Phase 1 - prolonged depolarization -SE: Hypercalemia and hyperkalemia
Succinylcholine -No antidote
-Block potentiated by cholinesterase
-Phase 2 - repolarized but blocked
-Antidote is cholinesterase inhibitors
(e.g. neostigmine)
Nondepolarizing -Competitive
Tubocurarine -complete with Ach for receptors
Atracurium -Reversal of blockade via:
Mivacurium -Neostigmine, edrophonium, and other
Pancuronium cholinesterase inhibitors
Dantrolene -Malignant hyperthermia -Prevents the release of Ca2+ from the -Malignant hyperthermia is caused by concomitant
sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle use of inhalation anesthetic (except nitrous oxide
(N2O)) and succinylcholine.
-Neuroleptic malignant -Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is a toxicity of
syndrome antipsychotic drugs
Parkinson's disease -Strategies to treat Parkinson's are to -Parkinsonism is due to loss of dopaminergic neurons
drugs -Agonize dopamine receptors and excess cholinergic activity
-↑ dopamine -For essential or familial tremors, use β-blockers
Bromocriptine -Prevent dopamine breakdown
Amantadine -Curb excess cholinergic activity
Levodopa (with
Selegiline (and
COMT inhibitors)
Bromocriptine -Parkinsons -Agonize dopamine receptors
Pramipexole -Bromocriptine is an ergot alkaloid and
Ropinirole partial dopamine agonist
Amantadine -Parkinsons -↑ dopamine release -SE: ataxia
-Antiviral (influenza A and rubella)
L-dopa (levodopa) with -Parkinsonism -↑ level of dopamine in the brain -Carbidopa is given with L-dopa in order to
carbidopa -Carbidopa increases -L-dopa, unlike dopamine, can cross the blood ↑ the bioavailability of L-dopa and
bioavailability of L-dopa and brain barrier and is converted into dopamine limit peripheral side effects
limits peripheral side effects in the CNS by dopa decarboxylase -SE:
-Carbidopa is a peripheral decarboxylase -Arrhythmias from peripheral conversion to dopamine
inhibitor -Long-term use → dyskinesia following administration
and akinesia between doses
Selegiline -Parkinsons (is an adjunctive -Prevent dopamine breakdown -SE: May enhance adverse effects of L-dopa
agent to L-dopa for Parkinson's) -Selectively inhibits MAO-B, thereby
↑ the availability of dopamine.
Entacarpone, -Parkinsons -Prevent dopamine breakdown
Tolcapone -COMT inhibitors
Benztropine -Improves tremor and rigidity -Antimuscarinic - curb excess cholinergic "↓ your tremor before you drive your Mercedes-BENZ"
-Little effect on bradykinesia activity

Sumatriptan -Acute migraine -5-HT1D agonist -Half-life < 2 hrs

-Cluster headache attacks -Causes vasoconstriction -SE: Coronary vasospasm, mild tingling,
hypertensive emergencies.
-C/I: patients with CAD or Prinzmetal's angina
PSYCHIATRY (pp 415-417)
Psychiatric condition Drug used
Alcohol withdrawal BZD
Anorexia/bulimia SSRIs
Anxiety Barbiturates
ADHD Methylphenidate (Ritalin)
Atypical Depression MAOI
Bipolar Disorder Mood stabilizers:
Valproic acid
Depression SSRI
Depression w/ insomnia Trazodone
Panic D/O TCAs
Schizophrenia Antipsychotics
Tourette's Syndrome Antipsychotics (haloperidol)
Antipsychotics -Schizophrenia -Block dopamine D2 receptors -Excess dopamine effects connected with schizophrenia
(neuroleptics) -Psychosis -DA = dopamine; DA-R = dopamine receptor
-Acute mania
(Haloperidol + '-azine's) -Tourette's syndrome
High potency -SE: (Neurologic side effects)
Haloperidol, -Extrapyramidal system (EPS) effects:
Trifluoperazine -dystonia (muscle spasm, stiffness)
-akinesia (parkinsonian sx)
-akathisia (restlessness)
-tardive dyskinesia (stereotypic oral-facial
movements due to DA-R sensitization; due to
long-term antipsychotic use)
-Evolution of EPS SEs:
-4 h acute dystonia
-4 d akinesia
-4 wk akathisia
-4 mo tardive dyskinesia (often irreversible)
-Neuroleptic malignant syndrome:
-autonomic instability
-(treat w/ dantrolene and DA agonists)
Low potency -SE: (Non-neurologic side effects)
Thioridazine -endocrine:
Chlorpromazine - DA-R antagonism → hyperPRL → galactorrhea
-muscarinic block: dry mouth, constipation
-α-block: hypotension
-histamine-R block: sedation
Atypical -Schizophrenia, for positive and -Block 5-HT2 and dopamine receptors -SE: Fewer EPS and anticholinergic SE than other
antipsychotics negative symptoms antipsychotics

(It's not atypical for old

closets to risper)
Olanzapine -Schizophrenia
-Tourette's syndrome
Clozapine -Schizophrenia -SE: agranulocytosis (requires weekly WBC monitoring)

Lithium -Mood stabilizer for -Unknown -narrow therapeutic window, so requires close monitoring
bipolar affective disorder -Possibly related to inhibition of of serum lvls
-Blocks relapse and phosphoinositol cascade -SE:
acute manic events -tremor
-polyuria (ADH antagonist => nephrogenic diabetes
(LMNOP: Lithium side effects - Movement (tremor),
Nephrogenic DI, HypOthyroidism, Pregnancy problems)
Buspirone -Anxiolytic for generalized -Stimulates 5-HT1A receptors -Does not cause addiction or sedation
anxiety disorder (GAD) -No interaction w/ EtOH
ANTIDEPRESSANTS -It normally takes 2-3 weeks for anti-dep to have an effect
SSRIs -Endogenous depression -Serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors -SE: (Fewer than TCAs)
Fluoxetine -OCD -GI distress
Sertraline -Anorexia/bulimia -sexual dysfunction (anorgasmia)
Paroxetine -"serotonin syndrome" w/ MAOI: hyperthermia,
Citalopram muscle rigidity, cardiovascular collapse
Tricyclic -Major depression -Block reuptake of NE and serotonin -SE:
antidepressants (TCA) -sedation (desipramine is the least sedating)
Imipramine -α-blocking effects
Amitriptyline -atropine-like (anticholinergic) side effects (tachycardia,
Desipramine urinary retention)
Nortriptyline -3° (amitriptyline) have more anticholinergic effects than
Clomipramine 2° (nortriptyline)
Doxepin -at toxic levels, Tri-C's: Convulsions, Coma,
Amoxapine Cardiotoxicity (arrhythmias); respiratory depression,
hyperpyrexia. In elderly, confusion and
hallucinations due to anticholinergic side effects (use
Imipramine -Major depression
Clomipramine -Major depression
Monoamine oxidase -Atypical depression (i.e. w/ -Nonselective MAO inhibition => -SE:
inhibitors (MAOI) mood reactivity, sensitivity to ↑ levels of amine neurotransmitters -hypertensive crisis w/ tyramine ingestion (in many
Phenelzine rejection, hypersomnia) foods, e.g. cheese) and β-agonists
Tranylcypromine -Anxiety -CNS stimulation
-Hypochondriasis -C/I: SSRIs or meperidine (prevent serotonin syndrome)
You need Butane in
your VEINs to MURder
for a MAP of AlcaTRAZ.

Bupropion (Wellbutrin) -Depression -Not well known - SE:

-Smoking cessation -stimulant effects (tachycardia, insomnia)
-seizure in bulimic patients
-does not cause sexual SE
Venlafaxine -Depression -Inhibits serotonin, NE, DA reuptake -SE:
-Generalized anxiety disorder -stimulant effects
-increased BP
-nausea, constipation
Mirtazapine -Depression -α2 antagonist (↑ release of NE and serotonin) -SE:
-Potent 5-HT2 and 5-HT3 receptor antagonist -sedation
-↑ appetite
-weight gain
-dry mouth
Maprotiline -Depression -Blocks NE reuptake -SE:
-orthostatic hypotension
Trazodone -Depression -Inhibits serotonin reuptake -SE:
-postural hypotension

Methylphenidate -ADHD -↑ presynaptic NE vesicular release (like

(Ritalin) amphetamines)
-Mechanism for relief of ADHD symptoms
is unknown
RENAL (pp 435-436)
Mannitol -Shock -Osmotic diuretic. -SE: pulmonary edema, dehydration
-Drug overdose -↑ tubular fluid osmolarity, -C/I: anuria, CHF
-↓intracranial/intraocular pressure producing ↑ urine flow
Acetazolamide -Glaucoma -Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor. (ACIDazolamide causes ACIDosis)
-Urinary alkalinization -Causes self-limited NaHCO3 diuresis -SE: Hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis, neuropathy,
-Metabolic alkalosis and reduction in total-body HCO3 stores NH3 toxicity, sulfa allergy
-Altitude sickness
Furosemide -Edematous states -Loop diuretic (Sulfonamide) - ↑Ca2+ excretion (Loops Lose calcium)
(CHF, cirrhosis, nephrotic -Inhibits cotransport system (NKCC) of -SE: (OH DANG!)
syndrome, pulmonary edema) thick ascending limb of loop of Henle. Ototoxicity, Hypokalemia, Dehydration, Allergy (sulfa)
-Hypertension -Abolishes hypertonicity of medulla, Nephritis (interstitial), Gout
-Hypercalcemia preventing concentration of urine

Ethacrynic acid -Diuresis in patients allergic to -Loop diuretic (NOT a sulfonamide) -Phenoxyacetic acid derivative
sulfa drugs -Essentially same action as furosemide -SE: similar to furosemide,
can be used in hyperuricemia, acute gout (never used
to treat gout)

Hydrochlorothiazide -Hypertension -Thiazide diuretic -↓Ca2+ excretion

(HCTZ) -CHF -Inhibits NaCl reabsorption in the early distal -SE: (hyperGLUC)
-Idiopathic hypercalciuria tubule, reducing diluting capacity of nephron Sulfa allergy.
-Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus Hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis, hyponatremia,
hyperGlycemia, hyperLipidemia, hyperUricemia,
K+-sparing diuretics (the K+ STAys)
Spironolactone -Hyperaldosteronism -Competitive aldosterone receptor antagonist -SE:
Eplerenone -K+ depletion in the cortical collecting tubule (CCT) Hyperkalemia,
-CHF endocrine effects (gynecomastia, antiandrogen effects)
Triamterene -Hyperaldosteronism -Block Na+ channels in the CCT -SE:
Amiloride -K+ depletion hyperkalemia
ACE inhibitors -Hypertension -Inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme, -Renin release is ↑ due to loss of feedback inhibition
Captopril -CHF reducing levels of angiotensin-II and -SE: (CAPTOPRIL)
Enalapril -diabetic renal disease preventing inactivation of bradykinin, Cough, Angioedema, Proteinuria, Taste changes,
Lisinopril which is a potent vasodilator hypOtension, Pregnancy problems (fetal renal
damage), Rash, Increased renin, Lower angiotensin II.
-C/I: bilateral renal artery stenosis
Losartan -Angiotensin-II receptor antagonist -It is not an ACE inhibitor and does not cause cough
REPRODUCTIVE (pp 453-454)
Antiandrogens (5-alpha reductase)
- Testosterone -----------------------> DHT (more potent)
Finasteride (propecia) -Useful in BPH -5-alpha reductase inhibitor (↓ conversion of -To prevent male-pattern hair loss, give a drug that will
-Promotes hair growth - used to testosterone to dihydrotestosterone) encourage female breast growth)
treat male pattern baldness
Flutamide -Prostate carcinoma -Nonsteroidal competitive inhibitor of
androgens at the testosterone receptor
Ketoconazole -Used in the treatment of -Inhibits steroid synthesis -SE: gynecomastia and amenorrhea
polycystic ovarian syndrome to
prevent hirsutism
Spironolactone -Used in the treatment of -Inhibits steroid binding -SE: gynecomastia and amenorrhea
polycystic ovarian syndrome to
prevent hirsutism
Leuprolide -Infertility (pulsatile) -GnRH analog with… -SE: Antiandrogen, nausea, vomiting
-Prostate cancer (continuous - -agonist properties when used in
use with flutamide) pulsatile fashion
-Uterine fibroids -antagonist properties when used in
continuous fashion.
(Leuprolide can be used in lieu of GnRH)
Sildenafil, -Erectile dysfunction -Inhibits cGMP phosphodiestersase, causing -SE: headache, flushing, dyspepsia, impaired blue-green
Vardenafil ↑cGMP, smooth muscle relaxation in the color vision.
(Sildenafil and vardenafil fill the corpus cavernosum, ↑ blood flow, and -C/I: Risk of life threatening hypotension in patients taking
penis) penile erection nitrates
Mifepristone (RU-486) -Termination of pregnancy -Competitive inhibitor of progestins at -SE:
-administered with progesterone receptors -heavy bleeding
misoprostol (PGE1) -GI effects (nausea, vomiting, anorexia)
-abdominal pain
Oral contraception Advantages Disadvantages
(synthetic progestins, -Reliable (<1% failure) -Taken daily
estrogen) -↓Risk of endometrial and -No protection against STDs
ovarian cancer -↑Triglycerides
-↓Incidence of ectopic pregnancy -Depression, weight gain, nausea,
-↓Pelvic infections hypertension
-Regulation of menses -Hypercoagulable state
Hormone replacement -Used for relief or prevention of -SE:
therapy (HRT) menopausal symptoms -unopposed estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) ↑ the
(eg. hot flashes, vaginal risk of endometrial cancer, so progesterone is added
atrophy) -possible ↑ CV risk
-Osteoporosis (due to diminished
estrogen levels)
Dinoprostone -Cervical dilation and -PGE2 analog
uterine contraction to
induce labor
Ritodrine, -Relax the uterus -β2 agonist
Anastrozole -Breast cancer in -Aromatase inhibitor
postmenopausal women
Testosterone -Treat hypogonadism and -Agonist at androgen receptors -SE:
(methyltestosterone) promote development of -masculinization in females
secondary sex characteristics -reduces intratesticular testosterone in males by
-Stimulation of anabolism to inhibiting Leydig cells; leads to gonadal atrophy
promote recovery after burn or -premature closure of epiphyseal plates
injury -↑ LDL, ↓HDL.
-Treat ER-positive breast cancer
Estrogens -Hypogonadism or ovarian failure -Bind estrogen receptors -SE:
Ethinyl estradiol -Menstrual abnormalities -↑ risk of endometrial cancer
DES -HRT in postmenopausal women -bleeding in postmenopausal women
Mestranol -Use in men with androgen- -clear cell adenocarcinoma of vagina in females
dependent prostate cancer exposed to DES in utero
-↑ risk of thrombi.
'-C/I: ER-positive breast cancer

Progestins -Used in oral contraceptives -Bind progesterone receptors, reduce growth,

-Endometrial cancer and ↑ vascularization of endometrium
-Abnormal uterine bleeding
Estrogen partial
(selective estrogen
receptor modulators-
Clomiphene -Treat infertility and PCOS -Partial agonist at estrogen receptors in -SE:
pituitary gland -hot flashes
-Prevents normal feedback inhibition, and -ovarian enlargement,
↑ release of LH and FSH from pituitary, -multiple simultaneous pregnancies
which stimulates ovulation -visual disturbances
Tamoxifen -Treat and prevent recurrence of -Antagonist on breast tissue
ER-positive breast cancer
Raloxifene -Treat osteoporosis -Agonist on bone; ↓reabsorption of bone
RESPIRATORY (pp 468-470)
H1 Blockers
1st generation -Allergy -Reversible inhibitors of -SE: Sedation, antimuscarinic, anti-α-adrenergic
Diphenhydramine, -Motion sickness H1 histamine receptors
Dimenhydrinate, -Sleep aid

2nd generation -Allergy relief, non-sedating -Reversible inhibitors of -SE: Far less sedating than 1st generation because of
Loratadine, H1 histamine receptors ↓entry into CNS
Asthma drugs
Isoproterenol -non-specific β-agonist -SE: Tachycardia (β1)
-Relaxes bronchial smooth muscle (β2)
Albuterol -Use during acute exacerbation -β2 agonist
of asthma -Relaxes bronchial smooth muscle (β2).
Salmeterol -β2 agonist -SE: Tremor, arrhythmia
-Long acting agent for prophylaxis
Theophylline -Methylxanthine -Metabolized by P450
-Likely causes bronchodilation by inhibiting -Usage is limited because of narrow therapeutic index.
phosphodiesterase, thereby -SE: Narrow therapeutic range (cardiotoxicity,
↓ cAMP hydrolysis neurotoxicity)
Ipratropium -Asthma -Muscarinic antagonist -Also used for COPD
-COPD -Competitive block of muscarinic receptors,
preventing bronchoconstriction

Cromolyn -Asthma prophylaxis -Prevents release of mediators from -Effective only for prophylaxis of asthma. Not effective
mast cells during acute asthma attack.
-SE: Rare
Corticosteroids -1st line therapy for chronic -Inhibit the synthesis of virtually all cytokines.
Prednisone asthma -Inactivate NF-κB, the transcription factor that
Beclomethasone induces the production of TNF-α, among
other inflammatory agents.
Zileuton -Antileukotriene
-5-lipoxygenase pathway inhibitor.
-Blocks conversion of arachidonic acid to
Zafirlukast -Especially good for -Antileukotriene
aspirin-induced asthma -Blocks leukotriene receptors
Montelukast -Especially good for -Antileukotriene
aspirin-induced asthma -Blocks leukotriene receptors
Guaifenesin (Robitussin) -Removes excess sputum but large doses
necessary; does not suppress cough reflex.
N-acetylcysteine -Mucolytic -Can loosen mucous plugs in CF patients
-Acetaminophen overdose -Also used as an antidote in
acetaminophen overdose.

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