Immortals vs. Immortals

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Nathaniel Romig

January 27, 2011

Classics 10, Dis 1I

Immortals vs. Mortals

Hurling thunderbolts, raining arrows of death, and shaking the very earth beneath you,

the power of the gods seems other worldly to the likes of human beings. The humans look up to

the immortal gods and offer generous sacrifice to please them. Men are sometimes described as

“godlike”, an honorable title given to great humans that shows how much they adored the gods.

The gods in return do favors for the humans and watch over them. During the Iliad, the

immortals intervene in the lives of the humans at their own will, sitting on Mt. Olympus playing

games with their lower counterparts. The immortals, seemingly perfect beings, act on human

affairs because of their human-like characteristics or flaws, and there natural born powers.

The immortals have certain characteristics that set them apart from the mortals such as

their immortality and innate powers. Immortality is essentially to be able to live forever without

aging or decaying. The secret to these gods’ immortality comes from what they eat, ambrosia

and nectar. (Insert quote here)

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