Nbme 1-6

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NBME  form  6-­‐1  
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Form  6-­‐4  

NBME  form  5  ʹ  1  



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NBME  form  5-­‐4  

NBME  form  4-­‐2  












NBME  form  4-­‐3  











N B M E form 4-4
Block 1

1... zinc finger motif is a D N A binding domain for steriod receptor so A is right answer

2 M c A rdle disease G lycogen is there in the ms but cant be used bec. of deficievy of G lycogen phospholylase enzyme

3- Discuss

4- T ight junction are present between the cells and when they are damaged the + discussion

5- C F is A R disease ... the child with diease is homozygous for C F gene.. car rier are heterogygous for the mutation...

For the parent to produce a homozygous child they must both be car rier of the C F . discuss

6- W e are transplanting gene in the bone mar row so is cant be structural gene and the probable answer could be B

7- here its cant be sarcoma becasue vimentin antibodies reaction are negative... only clue is keratin antibodies as in
squamous cell ca there is keratin pearls so E seem to be right

8 B E SU R E T H A T Y O U U N D E RST A N D T H E PR O B L E M so its better to get more info rather going to fast...........

9-He is without food from the last one week... note he consumed his food in the first two weeks. A is wrong as no diet
is there hepatic glycogen store are for the first few hours.skeletal muscle glycogen cant be used because of abscence of
glucose 6 phosphatase enzyme in muscle D is the cor rect answer .. muscle protein are being used by the
gluconeogenesis process urea nitrogen cant help

10- D is the cor rect 11-Bleomycin causes pulmonary fibrosis mean a restrictive lung disease in restrictive lung diease
either there is increase in F E V1/F V C ratio or there is no change in it..... total lung volume decrease as there is

restriction in filling the lungs to there capacity please add what will be the effect of diffusing capacity C is the answer

12-A Z T is reverse transtriptase inhibitor so E is right

13- urease is the answer but what is the substrate of urease and what the product??

14-B road base point to blastomycosis

15-these are sign of acute cholecystitis so E is right

16-this is acute rejection as occur after weeks of transplantations... so T lymphocyte play there role

17-need explanations

18 need explanations

19-T N F is produced in response to E ndotoxin and then T N F causes release of N O which is the main mediator of
shock and hypotension
20-D dimer are specific for D I C , D dimer can only assay the cross linked fibrin monomer while F DP assay detect all
the product of plasmin cleave of fibrenogen and insloluble fibrin clots

21-H lateral corticospinal tract....what is at G position?

22-diagram is not clear any way they terminate at thalamus

23- A neostigmine inhibiot the enzyme

24- B is right D M causes accumulation of sorbitol in the schwann cell becuase of A L D OSE R E D U C T ASE E N Z Y M E
which convert glucose into sorbitol and lead to osmotic damage to the shwaan cell and defective myelination of
peripheral nerve and so peripheral neuropathy..........

25-need explanations from net 26-C anti psychotic drug SE

27-what is the diagnosis?????????


29-need net help


31-case of asthma which is an obstructive lung diseas F E V1. F V C is typically decreased and residual volume is

32-superior vena cava syndrome due to small cell lung carcinoma causeing obstruction of the vena cava and so
puffiness of the face and neck

33- Patent ductus arterosis connecting aorta with left pulmonary vein

34-as we are increasing the precapillary resistance when flow will dec and the filtration will decrease .... 35-Beta 1
increase renin secretion but alpha 1 decrease renin secretion.


37 J

38-C ystic fibrosis patient have short stature

39-Did you noticed that when we add the drug X we need more histamine to get the same response mean there is a
revercible competitive inhibitor there

40- its 30

41-discuss net ................

42- becuase there are bruit its mean there is atherosclerosis of the renal artery .. less blood goes to the kidney and
renin is secreted which convert Ag1 into Ag 2 and which in turn increases ald. and increase Na absortion and so H T N.

43- O xcytocin but what is the 2nd messenger of O xcitocin?

44-P C OS clue is decreased FSH


46-net search today

47-W e know that radiation induced thyroid papillary ca is most common but can it be L aryngeal C A????

48-E but see notes

49-M blocker block secretion and so cause dry mouth ipratropium

50-the oral drugs pioglitazone and rosiglitazone can cause or exacerbate heart failure and pulmonary edema and
should be avoided in patients with left ventricular dysfunction (impaired pumping ability of the heart) or chronic
renal insufficiency.


1-B seem to be right... when we add antibiotic resistance plasmid, we can get the colonies who are resistance to a
particular drug and can eliminate the drug that are sensitive ...

2- C seem to be right as we see that in C F there is a defect mutation and 508 codon is missing coding for
Phenylalanine amino acid .. in C only phenylalanine is shown there

3-Phenylalanine H ydroxylase deficiency leading to P T U....

4-Nondisjunction will produce either an egg with 24 chromosome or with 22 chromsomes..

5-Acute pancreatitis so enzymatic fat necrosis

6-X linked recessive disease more common in male and if female are symptomatic then its because of inactivation of
more maternal chromsome than paternal... female are homozygouys for the abnormal chromosome.


8-Unstable mood , impulsiveness.. female more than male

9-here is a point never assist the patient to die .... passively is ok but actively is not ok.... i think C seem to be right



12-transplant patient often get C M V infection so G ancyclovir


14-C C R5 i % of US population give protection to H I V infection


16-D because IgG protect respiratory mucosa from infection 17-listen steven daughtery

18-D lack of ramdomization need explanations

19-see physio


21-polycythemia so F

22-c abducent nevre

23-Radial nevre

24-circle of willus

25-D should know from where various seizure arise in the brain

26-E can any body explain?

27- Cohesion B W adjacent cells ......... and held them togethers

28-D never problem


30-what is the diagnosis

31-D seem to be right

32-what is the diagnosis?


34-During exercise the heart rate increases and when H R reach 180 it compromise the coronary blood supply .. O K
now pumping action increases the heart metabolism and increases metabolite causes coronary vasodilation..... and so
increases blood flow. Now in exercise increase wor k volume occur at same pressure so C seem to be right

35- Aortic pressure will be less than ventricular pressure so D seem to be right

36-D but need to check

37-Parietal cell 38-E



41- see picture of renal ameyloidosis from google



44-history is relevent to adenocarcimona

45-Babies Blue Normal reaction to birth


47-D need to check lab value


49-C seem to be right ... physiostigmine enter C NS , neostigmine not so when you have confusion about which enter
then think N is for N O T ..

50- C


1- A/T rich region are where H istone bind to D N A, Nucleosome are formed by the histone octamer plus D N A wound
round it. O ne nucleosome is connected to the other by H1 histone. Need net search or discussion..

2-C release factor

3-A lanine is converted to pyruvate for G luconeogenesis

4-F 5-reperfusion injury by free redical

6-A utosomal recessive

7-G amma interferon secreted by T h1 cell causes M acrophages activation and activated macrophages become fused
to form multinucleated giant cell

9-C but not sure need forum discussion

10-V it. C



13-A lkylating agent

14-D as this virus is segmented so produces a number of band need discussion


16- Pneumococcus encapsulated bacteria

17-this is a bar graph ok first you count how many are total children so 25+30+35+10=100 now how many children
have two episode of U T I? answer 10 now out of hundred children 10 have two episode of U T I and will be be 10
percent .

18-C ase cantrol study


20-Aferican type of Bur kit lymphoma classic picture of star ry sky appearance associated with c myc oncongene..







27-A melanocyte are derivative of neural crest cell

28-Posterior cruciate ligament T ibia move posterioly while for anterior cruciate ligament tibia move anteriorly

29-B polumyalgia rheumatica is associated with Temporal arteritis


31-T ype11 form new type 1 cells

32-Pneumothorax there will be H yper resonant, deviation of tracha to opposite plus decreased breath sound and
absent fremitus




36-D but need discussion


38-F for hurshsprung disease symptoms appear soon after birht

39-A but how need explanation

40-A bsent of kidney lead to oligohydoamnious

41- A D H causes increase water reabsorption so serum osmolarity would Dec , U rine osmolarity inc and urine sodium
conc will be high

42-F 43-A accessory nipple got inlarged due to Pregnency

44-G uljan says that

age M C tumor of gynae

45 Cervical

55 endometrial

65 O varians Note C E O alphabat come accordingly in the Q stem ist mention that she has P C OS mean has high
estrogen plus H eight is normal mean she dont have tuner syndrome which point to ovarian syndrome ... but its
endometrial C a post menopausal bleeding


46-D PI D


48-D due to parathyroid removal

49-need discussion

50-D but need to know whether is this a brush border enzyme??



2-D need clarification

3-Need to see Y H biology notes C?

4-A action potential travel to the interior of myocyte due to T tubule

5-its X linked recessive mean only diease gene on X chromosome and if that male parent would have defective gene
on his X chromosome then he would have the disease and he dont have its mean that he is not car rier of this disease


7-need clarification from Y H biology notes


9-A not congenital because he is 70 year old

10-Partial agonist as at low dose its acting as agonist but at high dose its acting as antagonist.


12-Penecillin excreted by kid. so when renal function are compromised then sr. drug level increse as this y patient



16-C but what is ghost cell?

17-Need mastering of Biostatistics 18-T hymus


20-A but need to check


22-Cerebellum and in cerebellum has ipsilateral signs


24-Duodenal atresia and ths diagnosis seem to be hurshsprug disease


26-B but need to check this nusty Q


28- D increase blood circulation

29-need to discuss A?


31-E 32-G D V T



35-A but need to memorise the time sequence of infarction


37-A but how to differentiate between the rest of conditions

38-cir rhosis and increase in splenic vein pressure due to portal hypertension

39-B need to revise all the antihelmeitic drugs

40-what is the main function of mesengial cell....


42-i think E but some says c

43-B because for outlet incontenence there is continouse voiding without a stress factor

44-5 alpha reductase convert testosterone into D H T which is necessary for the development of external ganitalia
including prostate when D H T is not formed female external feature are formed but internal male system is
developed because testosterone is required to form normal internal male struture .


46-A n inhibitory hormone so inhibit all the function

47- Diabetic ketoacidosis mucor specific



50-Spironolactone aldosterone antagonist...

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