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Japan emerged as an
industrial power

Extensive territorial losses

The in nineteenth century Lost
Caucasus and central Asia
Ottoman to Russia; western
frontiers to Austria; Balkan
Empire provinces to Greece and

Gained autonomy

Egypt after Napoleon's

failed campaign
in 1798

Built a powerful, modern

Egyptian army Ali's army
general threatened Ottomans,
made Egypt an
Muhammad Ali autonomous province
domination of
Capitulations Ottoman

Europeans exempt from

Ottoman law within the
empire Could operate
Extraterritoriality tax-free, levy their own duties
in Ottoman ports Deprived
empire of desperately needed

Reformer Mahmud
Janissary II (1808-1839)
became sultan
revolt after revolt

When Janissaries resisted,

Mahmud had them killed;
Reformer cleared the way for
reforms He built an
Mahmud II European-style army,
academies, schools,
roads, and telegraph
Ruling class sought sweeping
restructuring to strengthen state
Tanzimat Broad legal reforms, modeled after
Napoleon's civic code State reform
("reorganization") of education (1846), free and
compulsory primary education
era (1869) Undermined authority of the
ulama, enhanced the state authority

Educated class.

Ulama Overthrown by the


Religious conservatives
Tanzimat critical of attack on Islamic
law and tradition Legal
equality for minorities
reforms resented by some, even a
few minority leaders

Cycles of reform and repression 1876,

The Young
coup staged by bureaucrats who
demanded a constitutional government
New sultan Abd al-Hamid II (1876-1909)
proved an autocrat: suspended

Turk era constitution, dissolved parliament, and

punished liberals Reformed army and
administration: became source of the
new opposition
The Young Called for universal suffrage,
equality, freedom, secularization,
women's rights Forced Abd
al-Hamid to restore constitution,
Turks, after dethroned him (1909) Nationalistic:
favored Turkish dominance within
empire, led to Arab resistance The
1889 empire survived only because of
distrust among European powers

Turk king.
Abd Overthrown
during the young
al-Hamid turks era.

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