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M. Tanzil Furqon
Ilmu Komputer Brawijaya
 The McCulloch-Pitts neuron is perhaps the earliest
artificial neuron [McCulloch & Pitts, 1943].
 The researchers recognized that combining many simple
neurons into neural systems was the source of increased
computational power.
 The flow of information through the net assumes a unit
time step for a signal to travel from one neuron to the next.
 This time delay allows the net to model some
physiological processes, such as the perception of hot and
The requirements for
McCulloch-Pitts neurons

1. The activation of a McCulloch-Pitts neuron is binary  fires (has

an activation of 1) or does not fire (has an activation of 0)
2. McCulloch-Pitts neurons are connected by directed, weighted
3. A connection path is excitatory if the weight on the path is positive;
otherwise it is inhibitory. All excitatory connections into a
particular neuron have the same weights.
4. Each neuron has a fixed threshold such that if the net input to the
neuron is greater than the threshold, the neuron fires.
5. The threshold is set so that inhibition is absolute. That is, any
nonzero inhibitory input will prevent the neuron from firing.
6. It takes one time step for a signal to pass over one connection link.
Simple Example
 The connection from X1 to Y is excitatory, as is the connection from X2 to
 These excitatory connections have the same (positive) weight because
they are going into the same unit.
 The threshold for unit Y is 4; for the values of the excitatory and
inhibitory weights shown, this is the only integer value of the threshold
that will allow Y to fire sometimes, but will prevent it from firing if it
receives a nonzero signal over the inhibitory connection.
 It takes one time step for the signals to pass from the X units to Y
 Neuron Y may receive signals from any number of other neurons.
 Each connection path is either excitatory, with weight w > 0, or inhibitory,
with weight - p (p > 0).
 n units, X1, ... ,Xn, which send excitatory signals to unit Y, and m units, X n +
1 , ... ,Xn + m , which send inhibitory signals.

 The condition that inhibition is absolute requires that θ for the activation
function satisfy the inequality : θ > nw - p.
 Y will fire if it receives k or more excitatory inputs and no inhibitory inputs,
where : kw ≥ θ > (k - 1)w.
 The weights for a McCulloch-Pitts neuron are set, together with
the threshold for the neuron's activation function, so that the
neuron will perform a simple logic function.
 Analysis is used to determine the values of the weights and
 Logic functions will be used as simple examples for a number of
neural nets.
 The binary form of the functions for AND, OR, and AND NOT
are defined here for reference.
 Each of these functions acts on two input values, denoted X1 and
X2, with a threshold of 2, and produces a single output value y.
 The AND function gives the response "true" if both
input values are "true"; otherwise the response is
 If we represent "true" by the value 1, and "false" by
 The OR function gives the response "true" if either
of the input values is "true" ; otherwise the
response is "false."
 The AND NOT function is an example of a logic
function that is not symmetric in its treatment of
the two input values.
 The response is "true" if the first input value, X1, is
"true" and the second input value, X2, is "false";
otherwise the response is "false."
 The XOR (exclusive or) function gives the
response "true" if exactly one of the input values is
"true"; otherwise the response is "false.“
 Thus, Y = X1 XOR X2 is found by a two-layer net.
The first layer forms


 The second layer consists of

 Units Z1, Z2, and Y each have a threshold of 2

 Suppose there is a neuron in a bird's brain that has two receivers,
which are connected somehow to the bird's eyes.
 If the bird sees a round object, a signal is sent to the first receiver.
But if any other shape is seen, no signal is sent. So the first
receiver is a roundness detector.
 If the bird sees a purple object, a signal is sent to the second
receiver of the neuron. But if the object is any other color, then no
signal is sent. So the second receiver is a purple detector.
 We want the MCP neuron to send an "eat" signal if the object is
both round and purple, but the MCP neuron will send no signal if
the object is either not round or not purple, or neither round nor
 We need a way to decide if the total of the received
signals is "high enough.“  threshold
 MCP neuron is answering the question "Is the sum
of the signals I received greater than or equal to my
 From experiments  get threshold
 The behavior of our (artificial) bird is dependent
1. the information it receives from the environment
(through it's two sensory "detectors")
2. the threshold at which the MCP neuron is set
Excitatory vs Inhibitory Signal
 Excitatory  signals coming from receivers that are
added to the other signals coming from the other
receivers. The more excitatory signals a neuron receives,
the closer the total will be to the neuron's threshold, and
so the closer the neuron will be to sending its signal.
 Inhibitory  signals that have the effect of inhibiting the
neuron from sending a signal. When a neuron receives
an inhibitory signal, it becomes less excited (subtract
from the total of the excitatory signals), and so it takes
more excitatory signals to reach the neuron's threshold.
Example of MCP neurons
with an inhibitory signal

 Suppose there is a particular type of bird, say a robin.

 Suppose our robin's brain has a neuron with two receivers
connected to the robin's eyes. Normally our robin will flee
from any other creature it sees. So the first receiver is a
creature detector, and it excites our bird to fleeing.
 However, if the creature that the robin sees has red on it,
an inhibitory signal will be sent to the second receiver,
which will prevent the bird from fleeing. So the second
receiver is a red detector, and it inhibits our bird from

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