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Eve sat on a rock and finished the apple. She was flooded with knowledge and understood...

The snake had long since slithered away. She looked around. Nothing looked the same anymore.

Adam walked into the clearing. He saw Eve, smiled and ran over to her. She was taken off guard
but quickly stood up to meet him. He was so happy and excited every time he saw her, Eve
thought. Why had she never noticed?

“Hi!” Adam looked at the tree. “You come here often?”

Eve realized they were naked. She snuck a look at Adam, and grew red with embarrassment.
Adam was oblivious.

“I do,” he continued. “I think about it all the time. Even though we’re not supposed to.”

This caught Eve’s attention.

“Have you ever thought about eating an apple to see what happens?” Adam asked her.

Eve looks Adam in the eyes and

tells him everything. “I just did...”

lies: “No, I never have.”

Eve finished her story and wait for Adam to react. He stood there, wide eyed and slack
jawed for a second. Eve giggled.

That made Adam feel comfortable. He smiled.

“I think I want to have one too.”

He reached for a low hanging apple, stopped and turned to Eve. “Should I?” he asked her.

She thinks about it for a moment, then answers

“It’s up to you.”

“Yes! You really should.”

Adam stepped back and put his hand on his chin. He rubbed his smooth skin, wrinkled his brow and
seemed to be lost in thought.

Eve watched him quietly make up his mind. She wanted to say something but stopped herself. She
decided it was his choice to make.

Finally he spoke up: “I think I’ll try it.”

He took an apple and bit into it.

It must have been the best apple he’d ever eaten. He ate rabidly until nothing was left but the core.
With the back of his hand he wiped his lips. When he looked up and saw Eve still standing there,
Adam thought of her in a different way. He was embarrassed.

Eve gently touches his shoulder and asks

“What do you want to do now?”

“We should probably get dressed”

Adam looked at her, reached for an apple, then stopped.

“Hey, how do I know you’re not just trying to get me in trouble?”

“I’ll show you.” Eve plucked another apple, took a bite. Adam got scared. He looked around,
expecting something to happen. Nothing did. Eve laughed and offered him the rest of the apple.

Adam reached out, carefully, took it and bit into it.

It must have been the best apple he’d ever eaten. He rabidly ate until nothing was left but the
core. With the back of his hand he wiped his lips. When he looked up and saw Eve still standing
there, Adam thought of her in a different way. He was embarrassed.

Eve gently touches his shoulder and asks

“What do you want to do now?”

“We should probably get dressed”

“Um, I’d like to...” Adam crossed his legs and turned sideways to cover himself but it wasn’t working
out so well.

Eve finished his sentence: “Get dressed?”

Adam nodded in agreement. He waited for Eve to walk into some nearby bushes before diving into the
trees by him.

A few minutes later, they came out wearing makeshift outfits that barely covered the essentials. But the
garments did the job and made them feel modest.

Adam climbed the tree. He put out his hand and helped Eve up. From the top they could see all of Eden
and the edges of the world beyond the horizon

“We should see what else is out there.” Adam said.

Eve smiles and says

“I’ll race you down!”

“I thought you’d never ask.”

Adam nodded his head in agreement. He was tired of trying to position so as to not let Eve see how
excited he was. “Something to wear would be a great idea.”

He waited for Eve to walk into some nearby bushes before diving into the trees by him.

A few minutes later, they came out wearing makeshift outfits that barely covered the essentials. But
the garments did the job and made them feel modest.

Adam climbed the tree. He put out his hand and helped Eve up. From the top they could see all of
Eden and the edges of the world beyond the horizon

“We should see what else is out there.” Adam said.

Eve smiles and says

“I’ll race you down!”

“I thought you’d never ask.”

So they climbed down the tree (Eve won).

“Is there anything you want to bring?” Adam asked Eve.

Eve nodded her head. She turned around and reached behind the rock on which she had been
sitting. Adam looked on as she picked something up and held it up for him to see.

Eve was holding a wooden horse. “I carved it with a little stone. That’s what my favorite horse
looks like.”

“Cool!” Adam picked some more leaves and wove a makeshift bag for Eve to carry her wooden

Ready and excited to go, they took each other’s hands and walked out of Eden.

God came down and watched them wander off. He stood by the door to Eden, watching them
until they disappeared over the horizon. He sighed, as he closed the door behind them. Maybe
they’d be back some day but it would never be the same.

Then End.
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So they climbed down the tree.

“Is there anything you want to bring?” Adam asked Eve.

Eve nodded her head. She turned around and reached behind the rock on which she had been
sitting. Adam looked on as she picked something up and held it up for him to see.

Eve was holding a wooden horse. “I carved it with a little stone. That’s what my favorite horse
looks like.”

“Cool!” Adam picked some more leaves and wove a makeshift bag for Eve to carry her wooden

Ready and excited to go, they took each other’s hands and walked out of Eden.

God came down and watched them wander off. He stood by the door to Eden, watching them
until they disappeared over the horizon. He sighed, as he closed the door behind them. Maybe
they’d be back some day but it would never be the same.

Then End.
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to restart the story, click here.
“I wonder what would happen?” Adam asked out loud.

Eve played dumb and kept her mouth shut. She just wished Adam would walk away. “We
should go play somewhere else. We’re not supposed to be here,” Eve tried reminding him.

“He has no problem with us being here. It’s eating the apple that’s a no-no.”

“Just as well, let’s get going.” Eve was insisting now.

“I’m gonna do it. I’m a man now anyway, he can’t tell me what to do!” Adam insisted,
reaching for an apple.

Eve throws her hands up and says


“Why not?”

“Because it’s just stupid! You’ll get us both in trouble.”

“I’ll show you stupid!” Adam yanked an apple from the tree and bit into it. He scarfed it down
like a ravenous animal. When he finished he looked at Eve. His eyes took in the sight of her
naked body and excited him. This was quickly followed by embarrassment. When he managed
to look her in the eyes, it became clear he wasn’t the only one who knew what was going on.

“You ate one too, didn’t you?” he accused.

Eve couldn’t deny it. Adam felt angry and betrayed. “Why didn’t you tell me?” he demanded.

“I thought you’d be better off.”

“I didn’t want you to know as much as I did.”

“Get out of my way, then,” Adam asked Eve.

Eve hesitated. She didn’t want him to pass. But she knew she wasn’t going to stop him at this
point. She let him pass.

Adam yanked an apple from the tree and bit into it. He scarfed it down like a ravenous animal.
When he finished he looked at Eve. His eyes took in the sight of her naked body and was
excited. This was quickly followed by embarrassment. When he managed to look her in the
eyes, it became clear he wasn’t the only one who knew what was going on.

“You ate one too, didn’t you?” he accused.

Eve couldn’t deny it. Adam felt angry and betrayed. “Why didn’t you tell me?” he demanded.

“I thought you’d be better off.”

“I didn’t want you to know as much as I did.”

“Who are you to make that choice for me?”

“I just thought you’d enjoy not dealing with the stress of knowing all this stuff.”

“You’re just selfish and wanted to be the one who knew everything.”

“I’m selfish? When’s the last time you ever asked about me?” Eve reached behind the rock and
grabbed something. She held it up. It was a wooden horse. “I carved this. It looks like my
favorite horse. Did you know I carved? Did you know I had a favorite horse? No, because that
would have required caring enough to ask. So I assumed you like being blind and ill informed.”

“Really?! You know what, I can’t even deal with you right now, I’m gonna find some clothes!”
Adam turned and went into some bushes. Eve went into some other bushes. When they came
out they were wearing hastily thrown together garments made of leaves. Adam checked out his
makeshift outfit. “This looks dumb, doesn’t it?”

Eve looks him over and says

“It does look pretty silly, yes.”

“No, you look handsome.”

“You are so selfish!” Adam yelled.

“I’m selfish? When’s the last time you ever asked about me?” Eve reached behind the rock and
grabbed something. She held it up. It was a wooden horse. “Do you know what this is?”

“A stupid piece of wood?”

“It’s a toy. I carved it myself. It looks like my favorite horse. Did you know I carved? Did you
know I had a favorite horse? No, of course not, because that would have required caring
enough about me to ask. But you’re too selfish. So, yes, I decided to be a little selfish too.”

“Really?! You know what, I can’t even deal with you right now, I’m gonna find some clothes!”
Adam turned and went into some bushes. Eve went into some bushes by her. When they came
out they were wearing hastily thrown together garments made of leaves. Adam checked out his
makeshift outfit. “This looks dumb, doesn’t it?”

Eve looks at him and says

“It does look pretty silly, yes.”

“No, you look handsome.”

“Well, your ass looks big in that.”

“Excuse me?”

“I said your ass looks big in that.”

“You want the truth but when you don’t like it, you insult me? Real mature.”

The skies rumbled and God came down. Adam and Eve stopped arguing and turned to him.
“What the hell do you want?” they yelled in unison.

“Shut up!” he bellowed.“I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt after the apple. But all
you’ve been doing is arguing. I need peace and quiet! Get out of there!”

Moments later, Adam and Eve were outside the door to Eden, forever banned from paradise.
“This is all your fault,” Eve said, crossing her arms and walking down the road.

“My fault? You started it!” Adam retorted, following her.

They walked down the road that lead away from Eden, bickering the whole way.

The End.
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to restart the story, click here.
“You’re lying again. I look stupid.”

“Okay, yes, you do.”

“Yeah, well, your ass looks big in that,” Adam scoffed.

“This is why I lie to you: you can’t handle the truth like a mature adult. You’re a baby.”

The skies rumbled and God came down. Adam and Eve stopped arguing and turned to him.
“What the hell do you want?” they yelled in unison.

“Shut up!” he bellowed.“I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt after the apple. But all
you’ve been doing is arguing. I need peace and quiet! Get out of there!”

Moments later, Adam and Eve were outside the door to Eden, forever banned from paradise.
“This is all your fault,” Eve said, crossing her arms and walking down the road.

“My fault? You started it!” Adam retorted, following her.

They walked down the road that lead away from Eden, bickering the whole way.

The End.
Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed this, please pass it along to anyone else who may also like it: (there are also sharing buttons below). If you want
to restart the story, click here.

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