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CLOSE QUARTERS ACTION edge, just like units moving in from reserve. Note that
only attacking units placed in reserve may enter the
game by Deep Strike.
This mission uses the Reserves and Deep Strike rules. In
addition the following special rules must be used:

“ I’m getting multiple contacts, closing fast on our positions. Ready assault weapons
and prepare for close quarters action.
The mission lasts a random number of turns. At the
No Outflanking: The attacker may not outflank.

A close quarters action is one that is fought at Unit Type Attacker Defender end of Turn 5, the attacker rolls a dice. On a roll of a 1 Defensive Fire: The defenders have set up deadly
very short range. Although most battles are HQ 1-2 0-2 the game ends, and on a 2+ the battle continues. If ambushes and fire-traps. To represent this the attacker’s
fought on open battlefields, the warriors of the Elites 1-3 0-2 this is the case the attacker must roll again at the end and defender’s Shooting phases are swapped around.
41st Millennium are frequently called upon to Troops 1-6 2-6 of Turn 6, and this time on a 4+ the game continues. If I.e. the defender shoots after the attacker has moved,
fight battles in much denser terrain. Such close Fast Attack 0-3 0-1 the battle continues into Turn 7, then the attacker rolls and the attacker shoots after the defender has moved!
quarters actions may take place in the confined Heavy Support 0-3 0-3 again at the end of the turn, and this time the battle Note that units can still run instead of shooting.
corridors of a massive spacecraft, the will only continue on a roll of 6. At the end of Turn 8,
labyrinthine depths of a hive city, or in the thick TABLE SET-UP the game ends automatically. The sequence of play for a game turn is thus:
jungles of a death world. What these deadly Close quarters action needs to be played amidst very Attacker Moves
environments have in common, along with dense terrain. Lines of sight should be no greater than When the battle ends, all units that are falling back are Defender Shoots (and runs)
thousands of others just like them, is that 12", and often much less. Because of this, you’ll want removed and count as destroyed before victory Attacker Assaults
visibility is restricted to a few yards. Combats on to use at least two or three times as much terrain as conditions are worked out. Defender Moves
such battlefields are swift and brutal, and you normally would. One way to achieve this is to halve Attacker Shoots (and runs)
casualties, especially amongst the attacking the size of the table you normally play on, but then set VICTORY CONDITIONS Defender Assaults
forces, are terrifyingly high. up all of the terrain in your collection. Alternatively you If the defender controls the objective at the end of the
may want to draw out a tunnel complex on large game, they win. If the attacker controls the objective, To keep things simple, units may assault different units
This special Warhammer 40,000 Battle Mission sheets or paper, or scratch-build suitable terrain for this or it is contested, the attacker wins. The objective is to those they fired at in the Shooting phase, and all
recreates these deadly close-ranged combats. One mission. So long as you end up with a battlefield controlled if there is at least one scoring unit, and no units are assumed to have been stationary in their
player is the attacker, who has been ordered to clear covered with dense terrain, with plenty of places to enemy unit of any kind, within 3" of it. Movement phase for the purposes of shooting.
the defender from an area of dense terrain, where hide, you won’t go far wrong!
visibility is limited to a few dozen feet at best. This is no
easy task – the defenders start the battle in a very DEPLOYMENT
strong position, and will invariably get the drop on the Once the terrain is set up, randomly select one table
attackers as they move forward. To compensate for this edge. This is the edge that the attacking forces will
the attackers are stronger than the defenders, and enter from on their first turn. The defenders set up
must make their weight of numbers count. Lives can’t first, anywhere on the table that is more than 12" from
be squandered needlessly, however, as every last man the attacker’s table edge. No defending units may be
will be needed to capture the mission objective. placed in reserve. The defender must then set up an
objective marker. This must be placed anywhere on the
ARMY SELECTION & FORCE table that is more than 6" away from a table edge.
In this scenario one player is the attacker and the other The attacker does not set up any units on the table.
the defender. Decide between yourselves who will take Instead he must split his army into two contingents;
each role, or roll-off to decide. one of these will arrive on the first turn, and the other
is held in reserve. He may place any number of units in
The attacker receives half as many points again as the either contingent (so all of the attackers could arrive on
defender in this scenario. For example, if the defender Turn 1, all be placed in reserve, or a combination.)
had 500 points, then the attacker would have 750
points, and if the defender had 1000 points, the FIRST TURN
attacker would receive 1500, and so on. The attacker always takes the first turn in this mission.
All units that were placed in the contingent to enter on
Units are selected using the following force Turn 1 must enter play in the Movement phase of the
organisation charts: attacker’s first turn by moving in from their own table

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