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In this assignment we have basically identified and developed segments for the
following two products.

 Fruit Bread (i.e. Fresh fruit ingredients)

 Dry fruit Bread (i.e. Dry fruit ingredients)

Even though they both are breads. We have identified separate segments for
both the products as the ingredients are different. The segmentation would also pretty
much be the same with some minor differences but we have still done it separately.

Following is the segmentation for Fresh Fruit Bread.

We have come up with a hybrid segmentation for this product which is as

following (including the profile)


Age group: Children & Teenagers

Income: Low Income, Middle Income Group

Social Classes: Lower Lower, Lower Upper and Middle

Lifestyle: Psychographics

Personality Traits:

 Does breakfast from outside mostly.

 Doesn’t have time for proper breakfast in morning.

Attitudes & Preference Regarding the Product:

Benefits: A Healthy bread i.e. Also provides fruit intake and obviously the
benefits of fruits. (Since in todays world separate intake of fruits
is limited) So with the use of this bread the need for bread and
the benefits of fruits both will be fulfilled.

Following is the segmentation for Dry Fruit Bread.

We have also come up with a hybrid segmentation for this product which is as
following (including the profile)


Age group: Children & Teenagers

Income: Low Income & Middle Income Group

Social Classes: Lower Lower, Lower Upper and Middle


Personality Traits: Doesn’t have time for proper breakfast in morning.

Usage and Purhase Behavior:

 Consumer who uses and purchases dry fruit

 Usage Occasion: Winter Season


 Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa
 Gilgit Baltistan
 Punjab
 Sindh

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