Questions A and B

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Communicable diseases

Communicable diseases are diseases that spread from one person to another through either
directly or indirectly, they are caused by several kinds of tiny life forms often called germs.
The two most common kinds of germs are bacteria and viruses. Most diseases are spread
through contact or close proximity with germs or insects, they can be expelled from nose or
mouth of infected persons and inhaled by anyone in the vicinity. Such diseases include
smallpox, measles, mumps and influenza.

How do communicable diseases pass from one person to another?

 Air bone or droplet e.g. colds, influenza

 Blood bone infection e.g. HIV
 Indirect contact

How can I prevent the spread of communicable diseases?

 Take care of vaccines that are available to prevent serious illness.

 When you are sick stay at home and keep them to yourself.
 Wash your hands frequently.

Learners will develop problem solving skills; develop capacity to work effectively in multi
disciplinary teams and groups. They will also be able to recall self awareness, building self
esteem and universal precaution.

Learners will apply the specialist knowledge and skills in community based care dealing with
health needs of individual and group. They will also know the difference between symptoms,
myths and facts about HIV, AIDS and other communicable diseases

Values and attitudes

Learners will learn non discrimination, honesty,, responsibility value of team work privacy,
respect and caring for self and others.
A. Answer the following questions with one word
Germs Winter mosquito mumps plastic

1.1 Name one example of the communicable diseases

1.2 What causes or spreads diseases?
1.3 What can you use to cover your hands with if you don’t have the gloves
1.4 In which month do we often get the flu?
1.5 Name an insect that can spread communicable disease

B .Choose the correct word to complete the sentence

Gloves, vaccinated, measles, soap, droplets , cover, spread toilet

a. We can get ____________ against some communicable diseases.

b. Some communicable diseases are spread by ____________ in a cough or
c. Wash your hands with _______________ and clean water after going to the
____________and before handling or eating food.
d. We must _______________ your nose when we sneeze.

e. Never touch other people’s blood without putting on _______________

B. Write a paragraph of five sentences about Nkosi’s Jonson time
line from the time he was born till death (1989_ 2001)

Born went to school died


1989 1995 2001

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