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What is terrorism? Commonly accepted meanings of terrorism are the use of violence
against an individual or a group to make them do what they would not do in normal
condition. According to Christopher Hitchens,

Terrorism is the tactic of demanding the impossible,

and demanding it at gunpoint.

The use of terrorism is perhaps as old as human history. However, these days, it has
touched the peak and doomed the world. Terrorism is one of the most inhuman acts. It
has stained the face of humanity. According to a critic,

Terrorism is war against civilization

Man has fought many battles including the nuclear meltdown during Second World War.
The Colonial Rule of the 19 th century was also terrorism but 9/11 episode has pushed
the world to a greater danger ever imagined. America started global campaign against
militant groups. Al Qaeda led by bin Laden was considered the prime suspect in the
tragedy of 9/11. American attack on Afghanistan pushed Pakistan into hell.

American attack on Afghanistan and Iraq has killed millions of people. Is it also
terrorism? Of course, when innocent people are killed, it is terrorism. According to
Noam Chomsky,

Wanton killing of innocent civilians is terrorism,

In the beginning, Pakistan was a great supporter of Taliban but it had to give in to
American pressure. Pakistan gave full support to US in the war. It angered militant
groups housed in the FATA and other tribal areas. The tragedy of Lal Masjad
aggravated the situation. Pakistan became a potential target of an unending spat of
suicide attacks.

Suicide attack is the worst form of terrorism. A terrorist ties explosives with his body and
blows himself up at his target. Vehicles full of explosives are also used to cause wide-
spread destruction. Such vehicles destroyed Marriot hotel and FIA buildings. Military
vehicles, posts, police stations, strategic places, and offices of secret agencies are the
target of suicide attacks. Common citizens are not spared. Mosques and shrines in the
whole country are being attacked.

Today, Pakistan is bleeding. War on terror does not seem to end. No doubt, Pak army
conducted successful operation in Swat and Malakand but still militancy is not rooted
out. It needs collective vision and resolve to rid Pakistan of this evil. Moreover,
Americans can’t end terrorism if they continue to pursue their imperialistic ideals.

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