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This questionnaire is designed to solicit information on experiences of breast feeding mothers.

Information given will be treated with strict confidentiality and used for research purposes. Your candid
response to the following questions is appreciated. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Please indicate your answer with a tick where appropriate.

Section A : Demographic Data

1. Age

19 – 21 22-24 25-27 28-30 31-33 34-37

2. Marital status

Single Married Divorced

3. Religion

Christian Muslim Traditional

Others (please specify------------------------------------------------)

4. Nationality

Ghanaian Non Ghanaian

5. Number of children

1 2 3 4 5

other (please specify) -----------------------

6. Ethnicity

Akan Ga-Adangbe Ewe Northern tribe

other (please specify) -----------------------------------------------------

Section B: Awareness/Knowledge/Identification of problem

7. Have you heard about EBF

Yes No

8. If yes, what is EBF?

Feeding baby on breast milk for two months

 Feeding baby on only breast milk for 6 months

Feeding baby on breast milk and water for 6 months

Feeding baby on breast milk and artificial milk supplement for 6 months

Other (please specify) ------------------------------------------------------------

9. Is EBF relevant?

Yes No

10. From which of the following sources did you have information on EBF?

Health workers Radio television programs

Internet Friends

Other (please specify---------------------------------)

11. What is/are the importance of EBF?

It is cheaper It has anti-infective purpose It ensures adequate growth of baby

Serves as a source of contraception Increases bonding

12. How long do you intend to practice EBF?

1-2 months 3-4 months 5-6 months 7-12 months

13. What are the dangers and hazards of early supplementation of breast milk with other foods and

It impedes growth It predisposes infants to childhood obesity

it increases the baby’s susceptibility to infections

other (please specify) ------------------------------------

Section C: Attitude/EBF practice

14. When do you breastfeed?

In a scheduled fashion (morning, afternoon, evening) when convenient

Before and after work on demand when baby cries Not at all

Other (please specify) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

15. What do you do when babies are perceived to be thirsty, unsatisfied or crying after feeding

Supplement with water supplement with artificial milk

supplement with breast milk

16. Which of the following do you consider as a challenge affecting practice of EBF?

Removing breast in public distance of residence from work transportation

leaving the office before closure

17. What is your child fed on whilst you are at work. Tick as many as possible

Expressed breast milk porridge artificial formula (SMA lactose)

other (please specify) ------------------------------------------------------

18. Do you know about expression and storage of milk?

Yes No

19. Do you store breast milk for your baby when you are going to be separated from your baby for long

Yes No

If yes answer questions 21-24

20. For how long do you usually keep such expressed milk?

Two hours at room temperature or in a refrigerator

Four hours at room temperature or in a refrigerator

Six hours at room temperature or in a refrigerator

Eight hours at room temperature or in a refrigerator

Other(please specify)---------------------------------------------

21. How do you store expressed milk?

In a cup in a cup covered with a lid

In a feeding bottle other (please specify) -------------------------------

Section D- influencing factors

22. Does the nature of your work allow to exclusively breastfeed your baby?
Yes No

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