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Coming Together is beginning

Keeping Together is progress
Working Together is unity
Thinking Together is success

Work Session Agenda

April 6, 2011
7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers

6:30 P.M. Executive Session for Discussion of Pending Litigation

Call to Order

Amendments to the Agenda

Public to be Heard
Please limit your comments to five (5) minutes and give your name and address along with the purpose for your
appearance before the Council.

 Newtown Artesian Water Company Rate Increase

 Potential Inter-Municipal Liquor License Transfer – Brandon Wind

 Lighting Inventory – Vince Piacentino

 Environmental Advisory Council Recycling Proposal – Christina Wall

 Engineer’s Report – Maryellen Saylor

 FEMA Maps update

 Stormwater Management Ordinance update

 Update on Washington Avenue curb ramps

 Newtown Station Maintenance Bond

 Proposed Use Description for Parking Structure

 Zoning Hearing Board Alternates – Perry Warren

 Environmental Advisory Council/HARB Presentation

 Authorize Letter to approve spraying for West Nile Virus

April 6, 2011
Work Session Agenda
Page #1
 Special Events Application – Mayor O’Brien

 Antique Auto Show

 Memorial Day Parade

 Budget & Finance – Robert Walker & Gerard O’Malley

 Approval of Professional Services Invoices for February

 Solicitor’s Report – Paul Cohen

 Noise Ordinance
 Sidewalk/Bollards Ordinance
 Parking Ordinance
 Killed in Service Amendment
 Peddling/Solicitation Ordinance
 Upper Makefield Police Department Hold Harmless Letter

 Old Business

 Website Update – Julia Woldorf

 First Student Oil Spill Update – Michael Sellers

 New Business

 PennDOT Surveys

Public to be Heard

Motion to Adjourn

April 6, 2011
Work Session Agenda
Page #2

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