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By Sofie Dalton
Prince Philip knew he should be happy on his sixteenth birthday, but he wasn’t. Why you ask?
Because Prince Philip’s father (King Malco) was one of the high kings and a high king’s son has
to go on a quest. Prince Philip was going on a quest called The Pharaohs Quest. Philip did not
think it was fair that he had to go on a quest and his brothers didn’t just because his older
brothers are lazy. But any way, Philip Knew he couldn’t let his father down.

“What’s wrong”? Philip spun around (remembering that he was still at his birthday
party). But it was just his sister (Princess Selena). “Nothing”, Philip lied. But Selena knew
something was. “Is it that silly quest?” she asked. Philip didn’t answer. “You’re going to do
fine,” said Selena putting her hand on his shoulder. Philip smiled, he loved his sister.

But even after he went to bed the idea haunted Philip that tomorrow he would start on
a quest. So after tossing and turning, Philip finely fell asleep.

When Philip woke up the next morning there was a note on his dresser. So he went to
get it. The note was from King Roderick the head of the high kings. It said….

Dear Prince Philip,

Thank you for taking on the

challenges of this quest. I

remember when I had to

do a quest. You will do great.

You will go to the Pharaohs

Tomb and bring back the

Amulet of Cuecares. Thanks again.

Yours Truly, King Roderick

Well I better start packing, thought Philip. And then went to pack for his long journey.

“Selena let go!”said Philip. Ever since Selena knew he was leaving she had been sad
since they were very close. Selena let go of Philip. Her eyes were blotchy with tears. She was
very pretty with her dark, dark, hair in a braid and a crown made of flowers on her head. She
also had a silk purple dress on and nice sandals with a flower on each one.”I’ll miss you”, she
called as Philip climbed on his horse (Mathew). “Remember what to do!’ King Malko cried.
“Okay!” Philip replied. First Philip had to go to the town of Memora to get an assistant. Then he
would travel to the Pharaohs Tomb in Egypt.

Philip waved as people yelled goodbye to him. Okay, thought Philip, I’m going to
Memora. And then to the Pharaohs Tomb in Egypt.

The Pharaohs Quest 3 Memora Coming Soon

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