The Pharaoahs Quest Book 3

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By Sofie Dalton

Prince Philip was tired. He had been tired since he had started his quest. He had started
his quest because his father was one of the high kings which meant he had to go on a quest. He
was going on a quest to The Pharaohs Tomb in Egypt to get the Amulet of Cuecares. But first he
had to travel to the town of Memora to get an assistant for his long journey.

But right now Philip was tired and hungry. Philip looked around, “great, I’m in the
middle of the dessert,” thought Philip looking around. And it was true. Philip was in the middle
of the dessert. Philip also knew his horse (Matthew) was tired too. I better take a food break,
thought Philip. So he sat down and pulled out of his bag two carrots for his horse. “Here you go
boy”, said Philip, feeding Matthew the carrots.

Then Philip grabbed a turkey and vincen (a type of butter only for the rich) sandwich and
devoured it. He hadn’t realized how hungry he was.

After Philip had finished eating he got up and got on Matthew and they rode away but
night was coming which meant it was getting colder and colder. Burr, I hope it doesn’t get any
colder, thought Philip. Matthew started to shiver violently. “Only a little farther boy”, Philip said
to Matthew. But Philip was just saying that to encourage Matthew to keep going. They still had
much more land to go.

Suddenly, Philip felt a surging pain so hard he fell off his horse. Matthew sniffed around
him. Philip got up. But then he remembered he had got a pain like this when his Gram Susie
died. Did someone in his family die? Philip was horrified for a second but just then an eagle
swooped down and dropped a note in Philip’s hand. Philip recognized this bird! It was his family
messenger bird Edward Jr. Tootsie (E.J.T. for short). So Philip ripped open the note. It said….

Dear Philip,

Our palace was invaded one day ago. Mother is dead. I know the

whole family is upset. Hope you’re doing well, if you can write

back please do. To get E.J.T., call his full name. I love you and miss
you, the whole family does. Don’t worry, we’re fine.

With Love,


Oh no, thought Philip. Mother, dead. Now Philip knew why he had felt that pain. I need to
get back, now! So Philip got back on Matthew (a light brown horse with a white mane and a
white spot around his left eye) and was about to go back when E.J.T. game back and
dropped another letter. Philip ripped open this one too. It said…..

Dear Philip,

Mother and father made me say that. Mother is okay. King Roderick

tricked us .The quests are not suppose to be dangerous, but this one is.

King Roderick thinks you’re going overpower him. The family just

Wants you to get home safely. Pleaaaaaaaase come home. We thought

the letter before this one would get you to come home but the family

didn’t want to lie. Come home now!! We don’t want you to get hurt.

With Love,


P.S. We is the family.

“Oh man, I better get home”, said Philip stuffing the notes in to his bag swing it over his

But just then, strong arms wrapped around Philip. “Not on are watch”, said a deep
voice. Then everything went black.

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