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Library survey questions

1. How often do you visit the library at school?

2. What type of materials do you mainly visit the library to obtain?
3. What are your main reasons for using the library?
4. If you don’t use the library why not?

5. On a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is the highest, please rate the following:

a. The library itself:
i. Attractiveness of the facilities
ii. Convenience
iii. Quiet places to work or study
iv. Computer facilities (enough, up-to-date)
v. Signage (enough, clear, attractiveness)
vi. Location
vii. Lighting
viii. Comfort
b. The staff:
i. Friendliness
ii. Willingness to help you
iii. Knowledge
iv. Number (are there enough of them)
c. The website:
i. Ease of use
ii. Ability to find needed information (was what you wanted there?)
iii. Attractiveness
6. What one thing could the library do—or improve—that would help you most?
7. How will we know we’re doing a good job, in your eyes?

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