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School Library Survey

1. I am a Male ___ Female ___

2. I am in the ____ 9 th
_____10th _____11th _____12th grade.
3. How often do you use the library?

Daily Never
Weekly Other:
Once a semester

4. What are the main reasons for visiting the library? Check all that apply

When it’s a part of a lesson Reading newspapers/magazines

Leisure Reading Don’t use the library
Borrowing books to read at home Working with my friends
Doing homework/studying Other:
Using the internet

5. If you don’t use the library why not?

Don’t need to use it I don’t know where the library is

The library does not offer what I need Other:

6. Would describe the library as ( you may pick more than one answer)

Welcoming Safe
Noisy Comfortable
Fun Orderly
Quiet Hostile/Rude
Boring Other:
7. Please rate each of the following areas using the scale below.

1 2 3 4

very good good okay poor

Fiction ___ Non-fiction___ Computer Area____ Study Area ____ Reading Area _____

8. The School library would be better if: (Changes or additions)

9. I would use the school library more if:

10. The best thing about the school library is:

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