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Mike Nelson has just arrived at Narita airport, outside Tokyo. He will be met there by Ikuo
Watanabe, a teacher at the high school where Mike will be teaching. Ikuo Watanabe arrives
late and talks to mike.

Watanabe Sumimasen, Neruson san desu ka.

Nelson Hai, soo desu. Neruson desu.

Watanabe Hajimemashite, Watanabe desu. Yokohama Gakuin Kookoo no Watanabe desu.

Nihon e yookoso!

Nelson Aa, Watanabe san, hajimemashte.

Watanabe Watashi no meishi desu. Doozo.

Nelson (Doomo) arigatoo gozaimasu.

Watanabe (Pointing to suitcases) Neruson san no suutsukeesu desu ka.

Nelson Hai, soo desu.

Watanabe Ja, doozo, kochira e.

Mr Watanabe grabs a suitcase, which belongs to someone else.

Nelson Lie, Watanabe-san, chigaimasu.

Stranger Watashi no suutsukeesu desu.

Watanabe A, doomo sumimasen.

It’s a long drive to Yokohama, but they finally get there. Mike has been trying hard to stay

Watanabe Hai, Neruson san, Yokohama desu! Neruson san. Neruson san.

But all he gets in response is a gentle, peaceful snoring.


A) Read through the dialogue at the beginning of the lesson again, and then say if the
following statements are true or false.
1. Watanabe san wa sensei desu.
2. Watanabe san no gakkoo wa Yokohama Gakuin Kookoo desu.
3. Maiku san no namae wa Maiku Neruson desu.

B) Answer the questions about yourself with Hai, soo desu or Lie, chigaimasu.

1. Shitsurei desu ga, Neruson san desu ka.


2. Amerikajin desu ka.


4. Gakusei desu ka.


5. Sensei desu ka.


C) How would you say the following sentences in Japanese?

1. How do you do? ______________________________________

2. I’m American. ________________________________________
3. Is this a Japanese car? _________________________________
4. Yes, that’s right. ______________________________________
5. Is this Mr. Watanabe’s suitcase?
6. No, it’s not. __________________________________________

D) Make up some questions and answers, using the pictures and cues given you below.
(Notice that in Japan, a small circle (O) is generally used instead of a check mark as
symbol of “yes” or “correct” and (X) is used to mean “no” or “incorrect”.) Here is an
example to help you.

1. Yokohama High school? (X)

2. Mike’s suitcase? (O)

3. A student? (O)

4. A teacher? (X)

5. Mr. Watanabe’s car? (O)


6. An engineer? (X)

7. An American? (O)

E) Introduce yourself to Mr. Tanaka, of Fujimura Company, by filling in the blanks in the
conversation below with the appropriate words, (If you don’t belong to a company, college , or
other organization, then just give your name.

You Shitsurei ____________, Tanaka _______________

Tanaka Hai, soo desu.

You ______________, _____________ no ______________ desu.

Tanaka ______________, Fujimura no Tanaka desu.

You Watashi no ______________ desu. Doozo.

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