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Example 1: Both object are in the same direction before collision.

A car A of mass 600kg moving at 40ms-1 collides with car B of mass 800kg moving at 20ms-1
in the same direction. If car B moves forwards at 30ms-1 by the impact, what is the velocity, v
of the car A immediately after the crash?(ans: 26.67kgms-1)


m1= u1= v1=

m2= u2= v2=

According to the principle of conservation of momentum, m1 u1 + m2 u2= m1v1 + m2v2

Example 2: Both objects are in opposite direction before collision.

A 0.50kg ball travelling at 6.0ms-1 collides head on with a 1.0kg ball moving in the opposite
direction at a speed of 12.0ms-1. The 0.5kg ball moves backward at 14ms-1 after the collision.
Find the velocity of the ball after collision.(ans: -2 ms-1)

Example 3: Explosion

A man fires a rifle which has mass of 2.5 kg. If the mass of bullet is 10g, and it reaches a
velocity of 250ms-1 after shooting, what is the recoil velocity of the pistol?(ans:- 0.01ms-1)

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