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Dear Respondent,
I am student of Jaysukhlal Vadhar Institute of management studies
I will be thankful to you if you please fill the following.

1). Name: …………………………………………………………………..

2). Age:

[ ] Below – 25 [ ] 25 – 35

[ ] 35 – 45 [ ] 45 & Above

3). Sex:

[ ] Male [ ] Female

4). Designation: ……………………………

5). Religion: …………………………

6). Caste: …………………………

7). In which department are you working?

[ ] Customer care [ ] Sales

[ ] Operation [ ] Collection

8). what is the gender of your supervisor?

[ ] Male [ ] Female

9). Do you have dispute with your supervisor?

[ ] Most of the time [ ] Sometimes [ ] Never

10). If your boss happens to be of the opposite gender? Do you think your relation will be?

[ ] Some as current [ ] I will no problems

[ ] I will have many problems [ ] I will problem but I will adjust

11).I feel lonely at office because I don’t know the local language?

[ ] Strongly agree [ ] Agree

[ ] Disagree [ ] Strongly disagree

12).Is Performance appraisal in the organization is affected by caste & class of employee?

[ ] Strongly agree [ ] Agree

[ ] Disagree [ ] Strongly disagree

13).My problem & complains are not entertain in the organization because I have minority?

[ ] Strongly agree [ ] Agree

[ ] Disagree [ ] strongly disagree

14).My colleague does not behave properly with you because I belong to a certain class or

[ ] Strongly agree [ ] Agree

[ ] Disagree [ ] strongly disagree

15). According to you workforce diversity is good for employees?

[ ] Agree [ ] Disagree

16). If your answer of the above is disagree, then how to help you?

[ ] To motivate [ ] To increase knowledge

[ ] Other be specific……………………………………………………………………….

17). Being a women working with this organization is good?

[ ] Strongly agree [ ] Agree

[ ] Disagree [ ] Strongly disagree

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