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VOL 13, NO. 6, June, 2007

Inventiveness reinvented by Detection of peptic ulcer is no

US Supreme Court longer a difficult task
The US Supreme Court has been known to A US patent (6,479,278) was granted on November
come up with radical decisions in matters related 12, 2002 which claims a novel device for detecting
to patents and such decisions have, in fact, brought Helicobacter pylori considered responsible for
out new interpretation to patent laws in the USA. peptic ulcers and gastritis. The patent was granted
These decisions and interpretations have influenced to Barry Marshall and Robin Warren from Australia
the patent laws in many countries. For example, who were awarded Nobel Prize in Physiology
the famous decisions in respect of patentability and Medicine in 2005 for their discovery of the
of microorganisms and software are the landmark
bacteria Helicobacter pylori and its role in gastritis
decisions which not only changed the perception
and peptic ulcers.
about patentability but also brought out major
changes in the concerned industries through new It has been discovered that many such
innovations and technologies. We had yet another gastrointestinal disorders are mediated by infection
decision, which upheld the patentability of plants, of gastric mucosa by Helicobacter pylori. H.
whether sexually or asexually produced, is likely pylori is a Gram-negative spiral organism which
to bring some changes in laws related to protection produces the enzyme urease. The organism is
of plants. The most recent decision of the US predominantly found beneath the mucus layer of
Supreme Court in the case KSR International vs the luminal aspect of the gastric epithelium and
Teleflex Inc. has clarified confusions prevailing in the gastric pits. Earlier, peptic ulcers were
in regard to non-obviousness of an invention and supposed to have been caused by gastric
also put forward some new ways to look at this
hypersecretion, decreased resistance of gastric
lining to digestive acids and pepsin.
The US Supreme Court gave this landmark Prior Art
decision on April 30, 2007. The infringement suit
was filed by Teleflex against KSR International for Testing for gastrointestinal disorders has largely
infringing a patent of which Teleflex was the sole been through in vitro methods.
licensee (assignee). The said patent relates to Marshall, 4,748,113 discloses compositions
computerized adjustable pedal system for controlling and methods for the diagnosis of gastrointestinal
fuel supply (throttle) to the engine of an automobile. disorders involving urease. Methods include
The case is about a very commonly used device. obtaining a gastric sample material and contacting
In a conventional automobile a driver depresses the material with a composition including urease
or releases the gas pedal, to control the quantity and an indicator. Marshall 4,830,010 discloses
of fuel to be delivered to the engine. The throttle methods for the diagnosis of gastrointestinal disorders.
Contd on...2 Contd on...7
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Contd from...1 a pivot for pivotally supporting said adjustable
Inventiveness ............. pedal assembly with respect to said support and
control is via a cable or other mechanical link. defining a pivot axis; and
Because the pedal position in the footwell cannot an electronic control attached to said support
be adjusted, a driver wishing to be closer or for controlling a vehicle system;
farther from it must either reposition himself in
the seat or move the seat, both of which could be said apparatus characterized by said electronic
control being responsive to said pivot for providing
imperfect solutions for smaller drivers in cars
a signal that corresponds to pedal arm position
with deep footwells. A regular adjustable pedal
as said pedal arm pivots about said pivot axis
installed in the car would eliminate repositioning
between rest and applied positions wherein the
of the seat and such systems have been known to position of said pivot remains constant while said
exist. In newer cars computer controlled throttles pedal arm moves in fore and aft directions with
do not operate through force transferred from the respect to said pivot.
pedal by a mechanical link, but open and close
valves in response to electronic signals. For the
computer to know what is happening with the
pedal, an electronic sensor must translate the
mechanical operation into digital data. Computer
controlled throttles were known before the patent
held by Teleflex was granted. One of the key
issues during the debate was the location of the
sensor to sense the movement of the pedal.
KSR International, a Canadian company,
manufacturing and supplying auto-parts developed
an adjustable pedal system for cars with cable
actuated throttles and obtained a US design patent
6151976 in 1998. General Motors Corporation
chose KSR to supply adjustable pedal systems for
its trucks using computer controlled throttles. 12 - Control pedal apparatus 28 - Electronic throttle control
KSR utilized the ‘976 patent and added a modular 14 - Pedal arm 46 - Bracket
sensor to its design for computer controlled throttle. 18 - Support 62 - Guide rod
20 - Vehicle structure 64 - Longitudinal axis
Teleflex is a competitor of KSR in this business 22 - Adjustable pedal assembly 66 - Bearing member
of manufacturing and supplying adjustable pedal 24 - A pivot 70 - Spring center
systems. Teleflex is the exclusive licensee of a KSR countered that claim 4 of Engelgau patent
patent granted to Engelgau entitled “ Adjustable was invalid as it did not satisfy the criterion of
pedal assembly with electronic throttle control”. non-obviousness as stipulated in Section 103 in
(US Patent No 6237565). Claim 4 of the patent the US Patent Act which forbids issuance of a
was the main point under consideration of the patent when “the difference between the subject
court. Claim 4 reads as follows:- matter sought to be patented and the prior art are
“A vehicle control pedal apparatus comprising such that the subject matter as a whole have been
obvious at the time of the invention was made to
a support adapted to be mounted to a vehicle a person having ordinary skill in the art.” It is one
structure; of the rarest occasions that the highest Court in
an adjustable pedal assembly having a pedal USA has decided a case predominantly around
arm moveable in fore and aft directions with the basic issue of obviousness.
respect to said support; Contd on...3
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Contd from...2 and there are a finite number of identified, predictable
Inventiveness ............. solutions, a person of ordinary skill has good
Teleflex had first approached the District Court reason to pursue the known options within his or
which granted a judgment in favour of KSR. The her technical grasp. If this leads to the anticipated
Court heavily depended on the Graham v. John success, it is likely the product not of innovation
Deere Co. of Kansas City which set out an objective but of ordinary skill and common sense. In that
analysis for applying Section 103: The scope and instance the fact that a combination was obvious
content of the prior art should be determined, to try might show that it was obvious under
difference between the prior art and the claims at §103.” The courts must ask whether the improvement
issue should be ascertained, and the level of is more than the predictable use of prior art
ordinary skill in the pertinent art be resolved. elements according to their established functions.
Secondary considerations as commercial success, Granting patent protection to advances that would
long felt but unresolved needs, failure of others occur in ordinary course without real innovation
etc. might be utilized to give light to the circumstances retards progress and may, in the case of patents
surrounding the origin of the subject matter sought combining previously known elements deprive
to be patented. The Court employed a “teaching,
prior inventions of their value or utility. The
suggestion, or motivation” (TSM) test under which
Supreme Court unanimously rejected the verdict
a patent claim is only proved obvious if the prior
of the Court of Appeals on following grounds:
art, the problem’s nature or the knowledge of a
person having ordinary skill in the art reveals 1. The first error of the Court of Appeals was
some motivation or suggestion to combine prior that it held that courts should look only to the
art teachings. District Court in the present situation problem the patentee was trying to solve
applied the TSM test and found little difference rather than taking a larger view. It failed to
between prior art and Engelgau’s patent. recognize that the problem motivating the
The Court of Appeals reversed the decision of patentee may be only one of many addressed
the District Court on the grounds that it did not by subject matter of earlier patents. The Court
apply the TSM test properly. of Appeals also applied the TSM criterion in
a rigid manner and failed to take a broad
The Supreme Court examined the judgments of view. The Supreme Court took a much larger
two courts and also carried out a detailed analysis view and opined that the obviousness inquiry
on how inventiveness or non- obviousness of a could not be confined by a formalistic conception
patent should be determined. The courts in USA of the words teaching, suggestion, and
have held for many years that a patent for a motivation, or by overemphasis on the
combination which only unites old elements with importance of published articles and the explicit
no change in their respective functions does not content of issued patents and there was no
satisfy the requirement of inventiveness. (For example, necessary inconsistency between the idea
if you put torch bulbs around an umbrella and underlying the TSM test and the Graham
operate them with the help of a battery so that analysis. But when a court transforms the
people could see you walking in the rain in the general principle into a rigid rule that limits
night when it is dark, then this will not be treated the obviousness inquiry, as the Court of Appeals
as a patentable invention because old elements did in this case.
are so combined that they do not show any
change in their respective functions). Similarly, 2. The Court of Appeals assumed that a person
the combination of familiar elements according of ordinary skill attempting to solve a problem
to known methods is likely to be obvious when will be led only to those elements of prior art
it does no more than yield predictable results. designed to solve the same problem. Common
The Supreme Court opined “When there is a sense however teaches, that familiar items
design need or market pressure to solve a problem may have obvious uses beyond their primary
Contd on...4
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Contd from...3 forms, the patent gives you exclusive right to
Inventiveness ............. combine their uses on the same object. But if we
have right to use three things separately, I see
3. The Court of Appeals concluded wrongly
nothing in reason or in the law, which forbids our
that a patent claim cannot be proved obvious
using them all together. A man has a right to use
merely by showing that the combination of a saw, an axe, a plane separately; may he not
elements was obvious to try. combine their uses on the same piece of wood?
4. The Court heavily relied on hindsight thinking He has right to use his knife to cut his meat, a fork
and bias. to hold it; may a patentee take from him the right
to combine their use on the same subject? Such
The Court took into consideration many patents a law, in stead of enlarging our conveniences, as
as prior art documents while arriving at the above was intended, would most fearfully abridge them,
decisions. The prominent patents were US Patent and crowd us by monopolies out of the use of the
Nos. 5,010,782; 5,460,061; 5,241,936 and things we have.” (Thomas Jefferson letter to
5,063,811. The Supreme Court was of the view Oliver Evans (January 16, 1814) in 14 Writings of
that the Court of Appeals did not understand the Thomas Jefferson). (Ref. http://patent
fundamentals. It also declared that the District
Court was correct to conclude that claim 4 was
The fall out of the above decision will be far
obvious to a person of ordinary skill to combine
reaching and may even bring about a paradigm
earlier patents on adjustable pedals. There existed
shift in the patenting concepts in USA, if not in
a market, which created a strong incentive to other countries of the world in the coming days.
convert mechanical pedals to electronic pedals. Among many possible effects would be a reduction
It has been stated that we build and create, by in number of patents granted especially poor
bringing to the tangible and palpable reality around quality patents. An effect may also be felt in the
us, new works based on instinct, simple logic, jurisprudence of other countries and practices of
ordinary inferences, extraordinary ideas and many other patent offices. The width of interpretation
sometimes even genius. These advances once of obviousness in different jurisdictions of other
part of our shared knowledge, define a new countries will depend on the new jurisprudence
threshold from which innovations start once more. which those countries are likely to witness and
TSM criterion has been followed by the Court the new jurisprudence would be a function of the
of Appeals for the last 20 years in deciding issues social, cultural, economic, scientific, technological
and political dimensions of the countries. The
related to obviousness (inventiveness). This is
present case deals with physical object which
perhaps the first time, after the requirement of
can be seen and felt; therefore relatively easy to
inventiveness was enacted in USA in 1952, that
handle. In cases of chemicals, drugs, nano-particles
the Supreme Court looked into this matter in and software, it would be difficult to arrive at
depth. Although it may appear that this case such decisions quickly. A great degree of abstraction
happened in USA and perhaps, the applicability may be involved. The message is clear that routine
of the decision would be limited to USA but, it variations in the prior art are not the subject
may be reckoned that inventiveness generally has matter of patent. If the test of patentability becomes
the same connotation, if not explicitly but certainly lenient and allows routine variations on prior art
implicitly, in the scientific logic and manner of to be patented anew, the public’s free use of
thinking. The following writing of President Jefferson information in public domain is clouded by a new
would help one to understand the spirit behind monopoly. Moreover, the public receives no value
the US patent law:- in the disclosure of minor variations of inventions
already known and described.
“[I]f a new application of an old machine be a
ground for monopoly, the patent law will take The Indian Patent Act 1970 in its original form
from us much more good than it will give. Perhaps, and in the amended form addressed similar issues
it may mean another thing, that while every one upfront by prescribing exclusions from patentability
has a right to the distinct and separate use of the of certain types of inventions. These exclusions
buckets, screw, the hopper boy, in their old would be in line with the above thought process.
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When employees become patentable in US, so it was treated as invention
for the purpose of this Act. The Court opined that
inventors! the inventions made by Dr. Pinkava were not
A case law on inventions by employees made in the course of his “normal duties” but
Legal confrontations take place between the were instead made in the course of “specifically
employers and the employees about the ownership assigned duties” after he was asked to develop an
of the inventions that brew out of the work exchange tradable credit derivative. Perhaps the
undertaken by the employees under the normal invention had a wider application to the original
course of their duty. But sometimes there arise task assigned to Dr Pinkava, it was related to and
confusions around the fact that what does the flowed from it.
normal course of duty comprise of. Recently a Dr Pinkava took the matter to the UK Court of
case has been decided in favour of an employer Appeal appealing against the decision that the
by the UK Court of Appeal. The case was fought inventions were made in couse of his duties
between a company called Euronext-Liffe and an specifically assigned to him.
ex employee of this company, Dr Pavel Pinkava. The Court of Appeal held that the Patents
Court had not paid sufficient regard to the fact
Case Facts
that a contract evolves over the course of time,
Dr Pinkava had developed a system and related nor to the fact it is unsafe to have regard only to
inventions permitting the electronic trading of the terms contained in an initial written contract
various financial instrumentation in July 2004. In of employment. Some duties not set out in Dr
April 2005 he filed four applications for US Pinkava’s employment contract had evolved over
patents. With this started the suit between the time to become “normal” and the Court of Appeal
employer Euronext-Liffe and the employee Dr therefore concluded that the normal duties of Dr
Pinkava. Liffe being the employer claimed his Pinkava did indeed extend to the design of such
rights over the confidential information relating a system. Finally, the Court of Appeal agreed with
to the systems and the patent applications based the Patents Court’s finding that it was reasonable
on it. On the other hand, Dr Pinkava submitted to expect that an invention might result from the
an application in the USPTO claiming to be the carrying out of those duties by Dr Pinkava. The
owner of the inventions. Court also held that if any invention was reasonably
to be expected to result from the carrying out of
Court Proceedings an employees’ duties (whether normal or specifically
The proceedings were heard in the High Court assigned), then it belongs to the employer even
which first applied the three-limbed test derived if the particular invention in question had not
from Section 39(1)(a) of the UK Patents Act 1977. been expected.
According to this Act, “an invention made by an The most important point to be noted through
employee shall be taken to belong to his employer this case, however, is that the Court adopted a
if: much broader view of what constituted an
employee’s ‘normal duties’ and said that evolved
* It was made in the course of the normal duties
over time and were not limited to the strict
of the employee; or
scope of a written employment contract.
* In the course of duties falling outside his
The above case has been decided at a time
normal duties, but specifically assigned to when IP policies are being finalized in many R&D
him; and institutes and universities and where a lot of
* The circumstances in either case were such stress is being given to employee’s right to
that an invention might reasonably be expected compensation for contribution to patented inventions.
to result from the carrying out of his duties. For this reason employer should ensure that they
The given invention does not fall within the have in place effective employee-inventor
patentability criteria of UK and Europe but is compensation/incentive schemes.

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PFC on the move Four interns were sent to the National Institutes
of Health (NIH), USA for training under a joint
PFC has opened an Intellectual Property project entitled Indo-US Technology Management
Facilitation Centre (IPFC) at Indian Association training and exchange programme by Indo-US
for Cultivation of Science (IACS), Kolkata. The Science & Technology Forum, PFC and National
center will liaison with scientists from the three Institutes of Health (NIH), US Department of
institutions, namely, IACS, Bose Institute and S. Human & Health Services (HHS).
N. Bose Centre for Basic Sciences for understanding
The Geographical Indication (GI) for Muga
the IP potential/feasibility for their research
silk from Assam has been registered by the Patent
programmes from the conceptualization stage.
Information Centre (PIC), Assam with PFC’s technical
The center shall also aim to provide patent searching
and financial support and continued encouragement.
facility, advise and assist scientists in IP management,
GIs were registered with PFC’s support for Kullu
provide patent clinic facility, organise occasional
Shawls and Kangra Tea from Himachal Pradesh.
training activities in the relevant field and encourage
It will be interesting to note that PICs for the states
more and more scientists from the above institutions
of Assam, Himachal Pradesh and West Bengal
to enter into IP generation.
A patent awareness workshop was organised
by PFC in association with PIC, Chandigarh at
National Institute of Technical Teachers Training
and Research (NITTTR), Chandigarh on May 17,

(Third batch of women scientists)

have been authorized by their respective states to

file GI applications in respect of goods of the
states. Incidentally, PFC provides them technical
( in progress at NITTTR, Chandigarh) and financial support.
The second batch of women scientists recruited
for training in IPR successfully completed their
Final update of Ekaswa-A and Ekaswa-B was one year training. Most of the candidates of this
brought out upto December 2004 on CD as well batch have found placements in patent attorney
as on the website ( firms, govt agencies and IP departments of other
As from January 1, 2005, Patent Office started organizations. The third batch of the 37 women
publishing the data in the Official Journal in place scientists has been selected after an all India
of the Gazette of India, so to retrieve the new form written test followed by a rigorous interview.
of data, PFC has brought out a new searcheable After a one month orientation programme held
database called 'Ekaswa C' for the same. This during May 2007, the candidates have been placed
database can also be accessed through PFC website. with different govt agencies, patent attorney firms
and MNCs for on the job training.
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Contd from...1 or inaccurate results. Such patients may simply
Detection ............. be treated with conventional therapies, such as
The method steps include administration of with antacids or drugs which inhibit stomach
urea-containing compositions prior to assay. Stewart acid secretion. While such therapies might provide
et al., 5,139,934 disclose substrate compositions temporal symptomatic relief, a cure is often not
and method of urease immunoassay. The method effected.
is an in vitro immunoassay that includes the use
Description of the Present Invention
of pH indicators. Nagatsu et al., 4,147,692 disclose
methods and compositions for measuring enzymatic The patent discloses a method of detecting the
activities and correlating such activities with hepatic alkaline pH change in vivo. The disclosure teaches
diseases and gastric cancers. the use of colour indicators to detect alkaline pH
changes in the stomach. A change in colours of
Vasquez et al., 4,851,209 discloses in vivo
the indicators is viewed during endoscopy. Presence
diagnostic procedures for the clinical evaluation
of H. pylori is detected through change in pH.
of gastrointestinal ulcer disease using radioactive
isotopes. Procedures involve prior administration A dense pharmaceutically acceptable carrier is
of a diagnostic pharmaceutical followed by used which is divided into two separate groups,
scintigraphic imaging of the gastrointestinal area the first combined with a first reagent indicator
of interest with scintigraphic imaging equipment. and the second combined with a second reagent
indicator and urea. The carriers are preferably
Although the use of urease or other indicators
food soluble products, such as sugar beads having
has been used in combination with pH indicators,
a diameter of approximately 0.2 to 3.0 mm. The
all except a few are conducted in vitro.
carrier and reagents can be combined through
Drawbacks of Prior Art coating the carrier or mixing the carrier and
Helicobacter can be diagnosed by blood test reagent. The treated carriers and urea are encapsulated
for antibodies, breath test, or biopsy of the stomach in a pharmaceutically acceptable soluble capsule
lining. Antibodies, however, can remain positive that is then administered to a patient. If desired,
for many months after the bacteria have been a buffer can be added to obtain more specific
eradicated. The presence of antibodies presents results. The density of the carriers cause the
a falsely positive result in approximately 10 to capsule to migrate to the gastric mucosa where
15% of patients. Biopsies are relatively quick; the gastric juices dissolve the reagents and urea
however, they add time, expense and risk. Although containing capsule, thereby placing the two reagents
relatively minor, there is a 1 in 20,000 risk of and urea combination in direct contact with the
bleeding from a biopsy site. Biopsies cannot be gastric mucosa. The urea reacts with any urease
performed on patients who have a tendency to present on the mucosa thereby creating ammonia
bleed, such as patients with hemophilia and liver which causes the pH within the stomach to
disease. Additionally, it has recently been found increase. The two reagents react differently, through
that helicobacter is patchy, thereby requiring color change or other indices, to the increase in
multiple biopsies to obtain 100% accuracy. The pH, which is viewed through use of an endoscope.
cost for a biopsy is approximately $100. Biopsies A preferred first reagent is bromothymol blue
also increase the risk of the person handling the (dibromothymolsulfonphthalein), which changes
tissue being exposed to HIV. If a urease test is to yellow in the presence of urease, and a preferred
used, the biopsy sample must be placed in the test second reagent is phenol red (phenolsulfonphthalein),
by the nurse, thereby requiring an additional which turns red in the presence of urease. In the
person during the test. However, the diagnostic following example Reagent 2 is yellow at acid
methods typically employed in the art are often pH, changing to red at alkaline pH and Reagent
slow, cumbersome, costly and may yield equivocal 1 is yellow at acid pH, changing to blue at

Contd on...8
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Contd from...7 said first pH indicator second indicium and
Detection ...... said second pH indicator combination third indicium
alkaline pH. The instant invention relies on a indicating an alkaline pH range indicates said
differential color change to identify a true positive stomach is alkaline and no determination regarding
from a false positive reaction. It is the differential a gastrointestinal disorder can be made; and said
which is of importance, not the colors themselves first pH indicator first indicium indicating an
and any colors and/or reagents specifically used acidic pH and
herein are examples and in no way limit the scope said second pH indicator combination third
of the invention. indicium indicating an alkaline pH indicates the
Claims presence of ammonia and the presence of urease
producing Helicobacter.
The patent has in 7 claims. Claim 1 which is
Novelty and Inventiveness
the most significant is being reproduced here.
The novelty of the invention lies in the device
1. A diagnostic device for detection of urease
for in vivo detection of H. pylori in the stomach
producing Helicobacter pylori within a subject’s
and the inventiveness is in the fact that the device
stomach comprising: a soluble container, said
is able to achieve the goal in vivo without really
container containing a combination of: disturbing the body. No previous indications of
(1) a pharmaceutically acceptable first pH indicator this type of device were available in the prior art.
with a pH range from about 5.5 to about 9.0, The test dramatically cuts down the number of
said first pH indicator having a first indicium biopsies required and is safe for patients having
to indicate an alkaline pH and a second any bleeding tendencies while being rapid and
indicium to indicate an acidic pH, low cost. Additionally, through the color change,
it can be determined if the change is a true
(2) a pharmaceutically acceptable second pH
positive or a false positive reaction.
indicator with a pH range of from about 5.5
to about 9.0 and having a first indicium to Current Status
indicate an acidic pH and a third indicium to There are a number of patents granted to Marshall
indicate an alkaline pH range, and a reagent, after the above described invention (US 6,517,809,US
said reagent reacting with urease to generate 6,929,926, US 6,998,250, US 7,008,777, US
ammonia, 7,087,398, CA 1,277,232, EP 1,789,094, KR
940006322B and MXPA 04003083) which deal
said first pH indicator first indicium and said with in vivo as well as in vitro detection of H.
second pH indicator combination first indicium pylori in stomach. Patents have also been granted
having the same indicium, and said first pH to other scientists from Japan (US 7,201,891, US
indicator second indicium and said second pH 6,828,298, US 6, 797,268 and US 6, 793,921),
indicator combination third indicium having different Switzerland (US 6,290,962) and Australia (US
indicium from one another and from said first pH 6,649,360) in the same field. Now a number of
indicator first indicium and said second pH indicator companies (Biowhittaker, US; Cortex, UK; Dresse
first indicium, Monteriggioni, Italy; Orion, Finland) are
said first pH indicator and said second pH manufacturing kits to diagnose H. pylori on a
indicator combination reacting to a presence or large scale. Thanks to the pioneering discovery of
Marshall i.e., Helicobacter pylori that these diseases
absence of urease producing Helicobacter by
are no longer chronic.
change, or lack of change, of indicium, wherein:
Although there are many well validated methods
both said first pH indicator and said second pH
that can be used to detect H. pylori, there are
indicator combination indicating an acidic pH nevertheless continued improvements to current
indicates an absence of said Helicobacter and tests and the development of new tests, driven by
said stomach is acidic and there is an absence of considerations of cost and a search for speed and
urease producing Helicobacter; technical simplicity.
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Litigation watch clarified that Ajanta could exhaust Domestic News
stocks of the injuncted cans within
Microsoft has been ordered a period of two months from India and Japan have signed
to pay $1.52 billion in damages May 25, 2007.
an MoU in the field of Intellectual
after a US federal jury found it (The Economics Times, 5 Property Rights (IPRs). Three main
guilty of infringing audio patents Jun, 2007)
areas covered in the MoU are
owened by Alcatel-Lucent. capacity building, human resource
Abbot Laboratories, the US
(Patent World, April 2007) maker of drug and medical devices development and public
Tata Tea has sued Hindustan sued India based Wockhardt Ltd awareness programmes. It is
Unilever in Mumbai High Court over infringement of one of its hoped that the MoU will go a
over a process patent for the patents related to controlled long way in fostering cooperation
preparation of instant tea from release formulation which is valid between India and Japan.
cold water, which was granted, up to Dec-2018, to block the
(The Economic Times,
to HUL in 1997. According to regulatory approval to a generic
form of the epilepsy drug- 26 May, 2007)
Tata Tea the patent is invalid
because the process for preparing Depakote. It may be pointed out The Department of Industrial
instant tea from cold water is that Wockhardt is seeking a
Policy and Promotion (DIPP) is
known for centuries in India USFDA approval to sell a low
working towards setting up online
but HUL has claimed that the cost version of the medicine
whose active ingredient is platform for filing and registration
invention is of its parent company of patent, trademark, design and
Unilever, which is patented Divalproex sodium.
(The Economics Times, 25 geographical indications. The
currently in USA and Europe.
May, 2007) project named “Total IP Solutions”
Mumbai High Court has referred
the case to the appellate tribunal aims to bring in transparency
Bristol-Myers and Sanofi- and efficiency in the way IP
of the Indian Patent Office.
Aventis who share the profit of applications are filed, processed
(Bussiness Standard, 14 Jun, world’s third largest selling drug-
2007) and granted. Under the proposed
Plavix have succeeded in stopping
system, companies and individuals
World”s second largest plasma the generic version of the drug
can electronically file their
display maker LG Electronics has as a US Court has given verdict
in their favour. This verdict has application in a PDF format.
sued Japan’s top electronic Following this, the applicant
company Hitachi in the District come in response of a lawsuit
filed by Apotex, a Canadian drug would be given a unique ID that
Court of Texas,USA for violation
maker claiming that the use of would help him track the status
of its plasma display patents.
LG Electronics has sought compound-Clopidogrel of his application. The application
monetary compensation along bisulphate-an active ingredient for the patent would also be
with cease of the sale. of Plavix in developing its generic published online and opposition
(The Economics Times, 19 version would not infringe any to the grant of patent received
Jun, 2007) patent corresponding to Bristol- electronically.
Meyers and Sanofi-Aventis because
The Delhi High Court has (The Economic Times,
the compound is already covered
injuncted Ajanta India Ltd from in a patent that had already expired. 26 May, 2007)
using a red and white packaging (The Economics Times, 21 Geometric Software Solutions
for its tooth powder cans on the Jun, 2007)
ground that it infringes the trade has acquired intellectual property
mark and copyright of Colgate Qualcomm which has filed rights (IPRs) and all existing related
and Palmolive and directed Ajanta 11 lawsuits against Nokia in the contracts for PLM adapters from
India Ltd to file an affidavit of past 19 months saying that Nokia MeritSpring Technologies AG of
compliance while issuing the products infringe 6 of Nokia’s Switzerland to strengthen its
injunction. The court further
Contd on...11 Contd on...10
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Contd from...9
Domestic News ......
more data by reducing fiber non- International News
linear effect.
portfolio. The PLM adapters - (Hindustan Times, 8 Jun, Indonesia and many developing
Teamcenter and Windchill – are 2007) countries have found that the
used extensively in aerospace virus samples being given freely
and other engineering industries Dr. Debabrata Das, a professor by them to the WHO were being
and are expected to broaden its of biotechnology at the Indian used in activities such as patenting
offering in the PLM interoperability Institute of Technology, Kharagpur and commercial production of
space. The addition of these has patented a technique to harvest vaccines and that too without
adapters will help to accelerate hydrogen from a commonly found their knowledge. The developing
the creation of innovative, strain of bacteria, providing a countries are then being asked
interoperability solutions and possible alternative to current by the drug companies to buy
significantly expand the markets. hydrogen extraction techniques vaccines made with the help of
which are expensive. The the viruses they supply, freely
(The Financial Express,
technique induces the bacteria, under the WHO scheme. The
13 Jun, 2007)
enterobacter clocae, to discharge prices coated by the companies
The Chandigarh-based Venus free hydrogen, via a fermentation are too high for the countries.
Remedies is in the process of process. Indonesia gave its specimen of
patenting a combination antibiotic (Mint, 20 Jun, 2007) the H5N1 virus of avian flu to
drug of latest generation WHO’s Global Influenza
cephalosporin, combined with The Finance Ministry is introducing Surveillance Network, which
beta lactamase, in 48 countries new norms to curb IPR violation comprises the WHO’s
including US, Japan, EU, Australia by imported goods. The new rules collaborating research centres,
and New Zealand. Venus had will enable companies to complain which are national institutions
filed the Indian patent for the and stop import of goods if they located in developed countries.
drug in 2004. find violation of patents, The GISN guarantees that the
trademarks, copyright or even virus cannot be passed on to
(Business Standard,
geographical indications, third parties without the knowledge
17 Jun, 2007)
according to Central Board of of the country of origin.
Optical fibers provider Sterlite Excise and Customs sources. The
(Business Standard,
Optical Technologies Ltd has been new norms would arm companies
10 Jun, 2007)
granted a US patent for its single with the power to hold up fakes
mode optical fiber. The patented or items which violate IPR in German drug maker Boehringer
product is capable of reducing any form at ports by complaining Ingelheim GmbH has decided
the fiber non-linear effect like to the customs departments. not to enforce patents on its anti-
four-wave mixing for better dense Detailed instructions have been HIV drug, Nevirapine, in 78 low-
wavelength division multiplexing issued to customs officials posted income African and Asian
performance in the wavelength at ports on the new norms related countries, including India. These
region of 1530 nm to 1565 nm to IPR protection. Once customs agreements are free of license
and 1565 nm to 1625 nm. officials are alerted about IPR fees or other charges. Financially,
Dispersion optimized fiber with violation, they would maintain it does not mean a lot to them,
higher spot area is specially a vigil for 12 months to ensure but the goodwill from governments
designed for long haul, high data that the IPR owner does not suffer. and patients may make up for it.
rate and multi wavelength (The Economic Times, The list of 78 countries for
transmission. That will help 7 Jun, 2007) Nevirapine includes India,
telecom service providers to push Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh

Contd on...11
Visit us at
Contd from...9 Vertical Computer System Inc. Contd from...10
Litigation Watch ............. has launched a patent infringement International News ......

patents. It may be pointed out lawsuit against Microsoft

and almost every African country,
that a series of legal cases are Corporation in the US District
but doesn’t include the bigger
spread over Europe and USA. Court for Eastern Texas claiming
that Microsoft’s.Net software markets such as Brazil and China.
(Business Standard, (more details can be seen at
violates Vertical’s US patent
26 May, 2007)
6826744-a system and method
Broadcomm-a chip maker has for generating websites in an Boehringer.htm)
complained in United States arbitrary object framework. (Mint, 31 May, 2007)
International Trade Commission (Patent World, Jun 2007)
A new dosage of a known
(USITC) that Qualcomm is
The US District Court for the medicine is now eligible for patent
infringing a battery saving patent
in its product. USITC found it western district court of Oklahoma protection in New Zealand Earlier,
true and ordered Qualcomm to has given an amended judgement the Intellectual Property Office
pay $19.6m as damages to in a case where Dr.Jan K Voda of New Zealand (IPONZ)
Broadcomm. - a cardiologist had filed an considered a new dosage regime
infringement case against Cordis to be a method of medical
(Hindustan Times,
Corporation-a Florida based treatment and therefore not
30 May, 2007)
Johnson and Johnson company
patentable. This will resolve
Pfizer Inc. sued a unit of Israel”s awarding Dr. Voda over $12
the uncertainties regarding the
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries million in compensatory damages
and an additional $2 million in patentability of new dosage
Ltd., accusing it of infringing a
attorney fees and court costs. regimes that was caused by
US patent for the cholesterol-
lowering drug Lipitor in the Federal (Patent World, June 2007) IPONZ.
Court in Delaware. (Patent World, May 2007)
A Fedral Court in Delaware
(The Hindu, 8 Jun, 2007) The UK Government has
has ordered food ingredient
French pharma major Sanofi- supplier Danisco to pay out $4 changed the name of the UK
Aventis has filed a lawsuit in the million in damages for willfully Patent Office to the UK Intellectual
US District Court of New Jersey infringing a patent numbered- Property Office (UKIP) with effect
challenging Para IV filings by 6867031 owned by from April 2, 2007.
Dabur Pharma Ltd for marketing Novoenzymes who had filed a
(Patent World, May 2007)
the generic versions of Eloxatin, suit in March 2005 against
an injectible used in the treatment Genencor International Inc. which On 28 th May 2007 the
of bowel cancer, in the US. Sanofi- was acquired by Danisco. Dominican Republic became the
Aventis has alleged that Dabur’s (Patent World, April 2007) 137th contracting state of the Patent
applications infringe US patents Cooperation Treaty (PCT). The
numbered 5,338,874 and Texas MP-3 Technologies Ltd
accession to the treaty means
5,716,988. has filed a suit against MP-3 trios-
that in any international
(The Economic Times, Apple, Samsung and Sandisk in
a US district court alleging that application filed on or after that
23 Jun, 2007)
they are infringing its US date, the Dominican Republic
Domestic pharma company Patent 7065417 which describes will automatically be designated
Lupin has reached an out of court a method “for an MPEG portable and automatically elected in any
settlement with the US pharma sound reproducing system and demand for international
major Abbott and Japan’s Astellas a method for reproducing sound preliminary examination filed in
Pharma for the marketing of data compressed using the MPEG respect of an international
Abbott’s block-buster antibiotic method
drug Omnicef in the US. application. Also, as of that date,
(Patent World, April 2007) nationals and residents of the
(The Economic Times,
21 Jun, 2007) Contd on...12
Visit us at
Contd from...11 weed management
management. In the areas portfolios. Some other tie ups
International News ...... of insect resistance
resistance, the two which have recently taken place
Dominican Republic will be able companies have entered into a are : LG and Samsung are planning
to file PCT applications. royalty bearing agreement giving cross purchasing, joint R&D and
(Patent World, May 2007) Bayer Crop Science rights under collaborating in developing
certain Monsanto intellectual patents; Sony & Samsung are
Japanese electronics giant property. Other agreements enable tapping each other’s vast
Hitachi Ltd. & US Software firm Monsanto to commercialize portfolios; Microsoft & Samsung
Oracle Corp will jointly market products containing multiple insect are sharing patent sharing pact
wireless tags in China that can resistance genes with different for developing electronics; Mirc
be used to identify counterfeit modes of action.The two Electronics & Dolby Digital have
goods. This is a step taken by the companies have also cross tied up for sound patents;
Chinese govt. to crack down on licensed each other under their Videocon has bought 40 LCD
counterfeiting & protect respective patent estates for RNAi patents from IBM.
intellectual property rights. technology. (New Economic Times,
(The Economics Times, 31 May 2007)
Korea’s LG Electronics Inc has
4 Jun 2007)
signed a cross-licensing agreement A move to streamline and make
Thailand, which has with Microsoft Corporation the US patent system more efficient
overridden international patents covering a variety of hardware is on the anvil. A bill known as
on three drugs in the last one & software products.Through the the Patent Reform Act of 2007,
year, plans to issue two more agreement, LG will obtain access seeks to amend Title 35 of the
local licenses this year for copycat to Microsoft’s patents that may United States Code relating to
versions of medicines. The new be used in the products such as procurement, enforcement and
licences would be for the country’s computers and other home validity of patents. The three
top killing diseases, especially appliances. Microsoft will gain main propositions of the Reform
cancer. access to LG’s patents relating Act are :
(DNA, 29 May, 2007) to computer related devices for
its products. 1. To change from first-to-invent
Bayer Crop Science AG and system to first-to-file system;
(Business Standard,
Monsanto, two of the leading 2. To introduce a European-style
11 Jun, 2007) opposition system, complete
agro-companies worldwide have
entered into a series of long term Electronics rivals LG and with protection from misuse.
business and licensing agreements Samsung along with their affiliates It is hoped this will reduce
related to key enabling agricultural LG Philips LCD & Samsung SDL the time and expense of
technologies. The agreements are planning to work together in litigation
provide Monsanto with an option research and development and 3. To align damages awards to
to market corn and soybean seeds developing patents, besides cross harm caused by
(the two largest field crops in purchasing. Samsung Electronics infringements.
the United States), which would also has a tie up with Sony Corp (Patent World, June 2007)
provide farmers with additional to tap each other’s last patent

Published by: Patent Facilitating Centre (PFC)

Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC)
Department of Science and Technology (DST)
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Editor: R. Saha, Director, PFC
Bulletin Team: Sangeeta Nagar & Yashawant Dev Panwar
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