Cyber Terrorism

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Cyber terrorism

• Cyber terrorism is a criminal act

perpetrated by the use of computers and
telecommunications capabilities, resulting
in violence, destruction and/or disruption
of services to create fear by causing
confusion and uncertainty within a given
population, with the goal of influencing a
government or population to conform to a
particular political, social, or ideological
Cyber terrorism occurs when the destructive
nature of the “act itself” is carried out via
computers or other cyber/electronic means.

Example: Terrorists hack critical

infrastructure system (such as a
telephone switch) causing a loss of
communication for an extended period
of time.
Cyber Terrorism
• Cyber terrorism is generally understood as the crossing
over of terrorism and cyberspace. This leads to unlawful
attacks and threats of attacks against computer,
networks and the info stored therein.

• In order to qualify as cyber terrorism an attack results in

violence against person or property, or at least causes
enough harm to generate fear.

• Many of these attacks are done using powerful software

applications made readily available across the world
wide web.
Cyber Terrorism
Open war is upon you whether you would risk it or not

• Cyberspace is constantly under attack, be it from spies,

thieves, saboteurs or thrill seeking 11 year olds. DOS
attacks are launched, data is sabotaged, inbox’s are
flamed. Not to mention the countless virus’s that are
released, many make use of fraudulent transactions and
harass workers, companies, and home users.

• These attacks are serious, and costly.

Cyber terrorism

• In order for Cyber Terrorism to work two

things must happen, there must be targets
that are vulnerable to attack which could
lead to violence and harming someone;
and also somebody to carry out these
Cyber Terrorism
• We can clearly see that the infrastructure is weak and
can be manipulated by various mean…but what of the
people who have the ability to do this…is there motive.
This is why Cyber Terrorism is so dangerous, most
hackers do posses the knowledge, but lack the
motivation to create such violence and severe disruption.
However many terrorist pride themselves on his ability.

• Despite the many actions of the few, there are few

indications that this is going to become a widespread
tactic of terrorists.
Cyber Terrorism
• Three groups have been defined:

• Simple unstructured: Conduct basic hacks against

individuals using tools created by someone else. Little
command and control.
• Advanced structured (2-4): Conduct more sophisticated
attacks against multiple systems or networks and
possibly the ability to create or modify tools. Elementary
command and control.
• Complex coordinated(6-10): Capability for coordinated
attacks causing mass disruption, integrated defenses
including cryptography, Ability to create sophisticated
hacking tools. Highly capable command and control.
Cyber Terrorism
Drawbacks -
• Systems are complex, and thus harder to control an
• Unless people are injured there is less drama and
emotional appeal
• Terrorist close minded, and less likely to switch from old
means of attack unless inadeuqate
Cyber Terrorism
• In conclusion at the present cyber terrorism to the
extreme is not as much of a burden, however general
cyber crime is very much a part of today’s cyberspace;
and cyber terrorism is very likely to be a few years in the
future but nevertheless coming.
Imagine Planning for These
Why Cyber Attack on Critical
 National Security
– Reduce the U.S.’s ability to protect its interests
 Public Psyche
– Erode confidence in critical services and the
 Economic impact
– Damage economic systems
 Enhancement of Physical Attacks
– Physical damage/distraction efforts
 Asymmetric Warfare
– Lack of attribution, low cost/high potential impact
Vulnerability Types
 Computer based
– Poor passwords
– Lack of appropriate protection/or improperly
configured protection
 Network based
– Unprotected or unnecessary open entry points
 Personnel based
– Temporary/staff firings
– Disgruntled personnel
– Lack of training
 Facility based
– Servers in unprotected areas
– Inadequate security policies
Cyber Terrorism Prevention – Old
Methods for New Problem
 Liaison
 Critical Infrastructure Companies, i.e. FBI
 Internet Service Providers
 Universities
 Internet Cafes
 Hacker clubs
 IT companies, developers
 International, local law enforcement
 Look – on the Internet
 Coordinate - national security, terrorist personnel
Sophistication of Cybercrime
• Simple Unstructured: Individuals or groups
working with little structure, forethought or
• Advanced Structured: Groups working with
some structure, but little forethought or
• Complex Coordinated: Groups working
with advance preparation with specific
targets and objectives.
Terrorist Groups
The Future of Terrorism
 Terrorism is carried out by disrupting activities,
undermining confidence, and creating fear.
 In the future, cyberterrorism may become a viable
option to traditional physical acts of violence due to:
– Anonymity
– Diverse targets
– Low risk of detection
– Low risk of personnel injury
– Low investment
– Operate from nearly any location
– Few resources are needed
What can be done to prevent an electronic
terrorist attack?
Effective use of intelligence gathered from all sources
Continued enhancement of resources
Public/Private interaction
Computer security and awareness training
Continuing education regarding terrorist trends and
Perpetual readiness to defend against attacks
Commercial Sector a Key
Communication systems
 News organizations
 Telephony suppliers
 Component suppliers (boots, food, radios, etc.)
 Civilian consulting companies
Financial institutions
 Government funds tied up in commercial banks
Healthcare industry
 Pharmacies, hospitals, clinics
 Drug companies (vaccines, antibiotics)
But Companies Not the Only
Power grids
 For 11 days in Feb 2001, a development server at
cal-ISO electricity exchange was left connected to the
internet and was being quietly hacked
Transportation systems
 “A foreign adversary could significantly hinder U.S.
Forces in reaching, say, the Persian gulf or Taiwan
straits by attacking the computers at commercial
harbor facilities used to ship ammunition or the air
traffic control system that would be needed to support
and airlift personnel and supplies” (Bruce Berkowitz)
Water authorities
Some Specifics:
Be Prepared
Maintain high alert & vigilance
Update OS and applications regularly
Enforce strong passwords
“Lock down" systems
Keep anti-virus software installed and up-
Employ intrusion detection systems and

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