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Breast cancer is a disease which affects women all around the world, no matter of their

social status or occupation. There are some rare cases when men can develop too the disease,
contrary to popular belief. In order to understand the disease we have to understand the causes of

The exact cause of breast cancer still remains uncertain, but scientists have identified a
number of risk factors that increase a person’s chance to develop breast cancer. These risk
factors can be categorized in: genetics, hormones, demographic, lifestyle and environmental.

Genes are often linked to breast cancer. About 5% to 10% of all breast cancers are
hereditary. Scientists have identified certain genetic mutations (permanent changes in genetic
material) that place people at increased risk of breast cancer. First-degree relatives, (mother,
sister, daughter) are most important in estimating risk. Several second-degree relatives
(grandmother, aunt) with breast cancer may also increase risk. Breast cancer in a male increases
the risk for all his close female relatives.

Hormones especially the sex hormones (estrogen) may increase the risk of developing
breast cancer. The cancer

n some cases, breast cancer cells can be stimulated to grow by the female hormone oestrogen.

Breast cancer risk is increased in women with the longest known exposures to sex hormones,
particularly estrogen (female sex hormone). Therefore, breast cancer risk is increased in women
who have a history of

 early first menstrual period (before age 12),

 late menopause (end of menstruation),
 no pregnancies,
 late pregnancy (after age 30), or use of
 birth control pills (the 'Pill;' oral contraceptives - 'OCs').

It should be mentioned that the Pill's exact hazards are difficult to assess, since risk apparently
disappears in women who have not used oral contraceptives for more than 10 years.
Estrogen replacement therapy (ERT), also known as hormone replacement therapy
(HRT), is used by many older women to relieve the symptoms of menopause. Certain studies
indicate that ERT may increase the risk of breast cancer after long-term use (10+ years). Yet
there is no official consensus on ERT, because scientists also have found that the increase in
breast cancer risk is eliminated within 5 years of stopping ERT. In addition, some researchers

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