William Sturm Endorses Team Verry

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Andrew Wagner
Phone: (651) 895-2451
Email: verryforchair@gmail.com


Clemson College CR President and State Vice-Chairman Supports Verry.

Clemson, April 2nd, 2011: The President of the College Republicans at Clemson College and the Vice-Chairman for the South
Carolina Federation of College Republicans issued this statement in support of Team Verry:

“I am very proud to support a great friend and a hell of a Republican in endorsing Tyler Verry for Minnesota College Republicans
Chairman. When I met Tyler at the CRNC State Chairman training in DC last summer, I knew he was serious about improving the status
of College Republicans in Minnesota and expanding the federation in order to give as many young conservatives a chance to have their
voices heard as possible. In his first term as Chairman, Tyler has led the way by example in Minnesota giving other federations a positive
model to look up to and emulate. He has raised Minnesota's profile throughout the Midwest and if given a second term, I know he will put
the MNCRs at the forefront of the CRNC and continue to make College Republicans a force to be reckoned with in Minnesota and
national politics. I have enjoyed working with him this past year and I urge you to support Tyler Verry for re-election as Chairman of the
Minnesota College Republicans. With all due respect to Mr. Obama, we are the ones who will win the future, and Tyler Verry is a primary
element to making sure this happens.  

William Sturm
Clemson University '11
Clemson College Republicans-President
SC College Republican Federation-Vice Chairman”


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