Creative Lighting: - Exposure Basics - Essential Gear - Modifiers - Putting It To Use

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Creative Lighting

presented by zack arias

• Exposure basics
• Essential Gear
• Modifiers
• Putting it to use
Exposure - Four Variables
Shutter Speed controls ambient exp.
Aperture controls flash exp.
Flash Power - 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, etc.

Flash To Subject Distance

Exposure #1 - Shutter Speed
All images shot @ f11
250th 30th 4th
Exposure #2 - Aperture
Aperture controls flash exposure
If the first exposure is off, you have not done anything “wrong”.
If the subject is over exposed, you need to stop down your aperture.
If the subject is under exposed, you need to open your aperture.
Exposure #3 - Flash Power
Of all these numbers, just pay attention to these.
Exposure #3 - Flash Power
Flash Power Settings
Power Settings Apertures
• 1/1 •f 22
One stop
• 1/2 •f 16
• 1/4 •f 11
• 1/8 •f 8
One stop
• 1/16 •f 5.6
• 1/32 •f 4
• 1/64 •f 2.8
• 1/128 •f 2
Exposure #3 - Flash Power

Flash Power Full 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/64

Aperture 16 11 8 5.6 4 2.8 2

Challenge: You find you are getting 5.6 at Full power

but you want to shoot at f 16. It is only 3
stops of light! How could you get there?
3 stops = $3,360

f5.6 f8 f11 f16

Exposure #4 - Flash To Subject Distance

Imagine 3 Subjects Here

Nikon flash in Westcott Apollo 50” Softbox ::
Nikon flash in Westcott Apollo 50” Softbox ::
60” umbrella
Nikon flash with 10º grid :: B&H# SPG710
Nikon flash with 10º grid :: B&H# SPG710

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