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“Education is the most powerful tool to change the world”- by, Nelson Mandela

I believe that schools should provide their students with a safe and healthy learning environment.
Schools should make their students feel at home, feel accepted and wanted. All faculty staff should be
strike but friendly. They should communicate with the students and listen to them. Schools should
provide every student with an equal opportunity to learn all the information they need, regardless of
the students race, background, or family situation. No school should ever deny a child of their
education, or make them feel like they can’t succeed. Schools should put forth a one hundred percent
effort to make sure their student have all the resources they need to get the information that they
desire. I feel school should also provide more opportunities for their students to seek extra help and
have programs available to assist the students with any problems they might come across when

My views on education are that I think it is the most important thing in our society. Educational
programs have their positive and negative aspects but overall it is beneficial to our society in every way.
Education allows our society to grow and expand their knowledge in every field of study. It allows us to
push our limits and test any boundaries in life we might stumble upon.

I feel a good teacher is a teacher that can communicate with their students. They have to be caring,
understanding, but stern. A teacher is someone who helps their students with their problems inside the
class room and out. They are a person their students respect and trust. A teacher is a mentor, a
counselor, and a friend. In order to be a good teacher I feel the individual has to love what they are
doing and want to be in the profession of a teacher because of the passion for the job, not the pay.
Teachers are role models and a personal dictionary for students. They are sources of information for
their students, and form of communication for their students needs.

I feel a good school is one that provides their students with the materials they need to learn. I place
that takes precautions to have a safe and healthy learning environment. A good school is a school that
provides multiple opportunities for their students to excel and grow.

I feel that I can help children succeed by relating to them on a personal level. I struggle in school and I
know how it feels to not get the information. I would help my students learn in ways that they
understand the concepts that are trying to be taught.

John Locke believed that education was and is essentially a training of character rather than simply rote
instruction in knowledge. He believed that education systems help individuals prepare for life, rather
than a university.

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