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Persuasive Techniques
 Celebrity

The ad shows a
popular celebrity
promoting a product.
Viewers transfer the
respect they feel for
the celebrity to the
 Bandwagon: The  Emotional Appeal or
commercial tells the Transference: The
viewer that commercial is
everyone uses the intended to make
product. Viewers viewers feel certain
emotions, such as
buy the product to
happiness, sadness,
fit in or because
or excitement. The
they assume if viewers may transfer
others use it, it their feeling to the
must be good. product.
 Humor: The
commercial's main
 Security The
purpose is to make the commercial draws
audience laugh. It often on viewers' fears
gives little information that their jobs,
about the product. families, or lives may
Viewers will remember be in danger if they
the commercial and
don't buy the
have positive feelings
about the product. product.

Plain Folks: Uses images of people
"just like themselves."

 Snob Appeal: Arouses
the desire to achieve
status or wealth or to
feel superior

 Slogan: A memorable
phrase is used in a
campaign or a series
of commercials
 Glittering Generality  Product
 The commercial is Comparison: The
filled with words commercial features a
comparison between
that have positive
the product and its
connotations competition, showing
attached to them, the competition as
such as "tasty" or inferior.
Informative advertising
 A promotional
effort to generate
interest in a good,
service or
organization by
consumers with
Entertaining Ads
 A promotional
effort to generate
interest in a good,
service or
organization by
entertaining the
Methods of advertising
 Any place an 1. Billboards
"identified" sponsor 2. Flyers
pays to deliver their 3. Television
message through a 4. Magazines
medium is
5. Newspaper
6. Internet
Body image in ads
Questions to ask when using ads
1. Who is the sponsor?
2. Who is the audience
3. What is the purpose
4. What is the
5. What information is
6. What techniques
are used to attract
your attention?

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