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Volcanologist 1. What does a volcanologist do?

A. study volcanoes
By Cindy Grigg B. learn about the Earth's interior
C. take samples of lava, ash, and gases
A volcanologist studies D. all of the above
volcanoes. He or she must
learn about the Earth's 2. A seismograph ______.
interior and surface. In
college, a person who wants
to be a volcanologist would
need to take many classes
in sciences, especially
geology, chemistry, and
physics. Volcanologists
study how volcanoes form.
They look for signs of 3. You can infer from the reading passage that ______.
eruptions so that people living near a volcano can be warned. The job
can be dangerous. Samples of lava and ash must be gathered from A. Volcanologists usually work in hospitals.
active volcanoes. When exploring an active volcano, safety clothing B. Volcanologists usually work in office buildings.
and gas masks must be worn. A gas mask protects the person from C. Volcanologists usually work in outer space.
breathing the gases coming out of volcanoes. Gas samples must be D. Volcanologists usually work outdoors and in labs.
collected, too. They can give clues about a future eruption. Ground
vibrations are another clue to volcanic activity. Volcanologists use 4. The author's main purpose for writing this story was to
seismographs to measure and record ground movement. Many ______.
volcanologists work for the U.S. Geological Survey. Some work at A. express the writer's personal feelings about this career
colleges. Volcanologists may travel all over the world to study B. persuade you to become a volcanologist
volcanoes. If you would like an exciting career, being a volcanologist C. inform you about the job of a volcanologist
might be just what you're looking for! D. entertain you with stories about volcanoes

5. Volcanologists might collect samples of ______ from a

A. gases
B. ash
C. lava
D. all of the above

6. Cause and effect: Volcanologists wear safety clothing when

exploring an active volcano. What is the cause of this effect?

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