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Proceedings of the National Conference;

Innovative development in Next Decade: Challenges Issue and Solutions, Feb 11-12, 2011
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jodhpur National University, Jodhpur

Akash Mittal
University School of Information Technology, GGSIPU email:

ABSTRACT • E-Parliament: Each parliament session in

Information Technology affects almost all the India costs Rs. 200 crores roughly according
aspects of our life. Not only our personal life has to With providing each state a
changed, it has left a deep impact on the business particular headquarter and thus using a e-
sector as well as other sectors like education, health parliament would help us in saving such
and development. With its foray in every possible magnanimous amount going waste but also
sector, how can governance are left behind? prevent the unruly behavior our Parliament
In e-governance, we look for possible implications is famous for. Of course, once in a while a
for government systems and community by involving centralized parliament session can take
or adapting a few forms of digital/ e-governance. place.
First of all, let’s try to understand what these terms Both these factors of course, would help us saving a
actually mean? large amount of money and manpower in the long
Information technology means the branch of run, which can be used for addressing other
engineering that deals with the use of computers and important issues.
telecommunications to retrieve and store and Along with it, I have also addressed various
transmit information. problems that e-governance faces, with the major
Governance is the act of governing. It provides a factors being poverty, illiteracy and the diversity and
platform for the discussions of both practical and the varied Indian languages.
theoretical in nature of politics, formulating public Apart from these, the reluctance of government
policy, administration, and the organization of the servants, the lack of awareness and the lack of
state. interest of the private sector are other few issues
When we link IT with governance, we hope that I address in this paper.
Information Technology could benefit us in the I would also address various other issues or setups
governance sector too. that are required. What are the different criterions
The main ideas I propose our: that needed to be fulfilled so that E-governance is
• Use of card system. Like the US, uses a possible?
social security number, provide a number It is important that the kind of setup involves
and a card to each individual. Every card authentication and is certified to various different
represents an Indian Citizen. standards. We would take a look at what all
This would benefit us in the long run. Namely by standards can be implemented.
helping in two interactions: Also we would see how this population and
o The Government to Citizen interaction which manpower can be used as a potential workforce and
would involve factors like education health the language barrier can be overcome.
and development in other domains. Taking no credit away from the government, I would
o The Citizens to Government interaction also focus on what the government has done by
which would involve factors like e-voting setting up Ministry of Statistics and Programme
and e-census. Implementation and the computer centre and the
Second, one issue I would like to raise is: Right to Information Act. Also I would address how
it can be enhanced for better productivity.
Proceedings of the National Conference; 2011

Also how setting up Cyber Law has helped in The various questions that need to be answered are
privacy and security for the Indian Citizens and as follows:
Government. • How do we bring about E-governance?
With this paper, I try bringing out what has been
done, what can be done and what all steps are • How do we implement it?
required to steady our thoughts in action and what
are the challenges faced by our government. • What is the scope of it?

KEYWORDS • What are the barriers?

E-governance, Information Technology, Parliament,
Infrastructure, Barriers, Education, Centralized, • What has happened?
Democracy, New Technology, Proposals, Social
Security, Local Governments, Verification, • And what more can be done?
Validation, Human Capacity,
Crisis Driven, Cyber Law, Accountability, I would try to answer all of them, one by one.
Reliability, Population, Poverty, Economy.
What can E-governance do for us?
INTRODUCTION E-Governance works as a bridge between the
Information technology has made its presence felt in Government Sector and the Citizens of India. It
almost every other sector. Not one domain do we see makes the various departments of our Government
that is not affected by use of Information accountable to its people, one thing that our
Technology. Having said that, what exactly is country seriously needs.
information technology? Information technology is
the branch of engineering that deals with the use of It defines the role of each particular sector and
computers and telecommunications to retrieve and what responsibility does it enjoy?
store and transmit information.
Implementation of IT in government sector has It gives the citizens a true right of freedom of
happened late, but it’s still a dynamically increasing
speech. Citizens can forthrightly, speak what they
Before we start with the technicalities and what is think is right or wrong. Citizens with e-governance
the scope of e-governance, let us discover what e- get a platform not only to put suggestions, but also
governance exactly is? E-Governance deals with put demand results and check for statistics of every
integrating Information Technology with the possible department.
government sector so as to benefit not only the
various departments under the Indian Government I would like to point out to two different
but also try revolutionizing the Indian democracy by interactions in my research:
providing control to the people of India, by proving
them a platform to express their opinions and to 1. The Government to Citizen Interaction which
keep a check on Indian Government and play a role would involve factors like education health and
in decision-making. development in other domains.
Another possible ramification of employing
Information Technology in government sectors is to 2. The Citizens to Government interaction which
lower down the various costs of the departments would involve factors like e-voting and e-
under the Indian Departments by focusing more on census.
computer-oriented labor than manual labor.
Government to Citizens:

vie e-lessons but also providing citizens a

platform to raise their grievances, a point on
With reference to what to Mr. Vikas Kanungo, which I would focus later.
Chairman SPEG says in his research paper
“citizen centric e-governance in India”, he 2. E-Health
identifies Citizen as the controlling
authority/power. Allow citizens to access health care in remote
areas and other parts of India by linking the
In this era of accountability and performance hospitals and providing quality healthcare
measurement government would face increasing using these satellite links.
pressure to make the services more accessible to
their citizens. The pressure comes directly from the I use my research paper, to provide a new
new legislatures and govt. policies to implement provision that my help India in its endeavor to
high-end technologies in governing the nations; but be a successful agriculture nation, an
also indirectly and perhaps more intensely from occupation she has relied on since years.
citizens. 3. E-Kisaan:
What I mean to say, that using such a powerful tool Link a farmer to an agriculture expert, and
like E-Governance it would be easy for citizens to what do you get?
be judgmental about their particular government.
Better crops, better returns and overall a
Government would be able to provide its citizens an better condition for the farmers in rural area.
array of domains that each Citizen should consider
as his right and each government, more importantly While the agriculture sector continues to
its duty. flourish in other countries, we still heard of
suicidal cases among farmers due to bad crops
or increasingly growing debt.
1. E-Education Using idea of, a TV
This is the fundamental right of every citizen, show for the farmers, why not provide village a
right to education. With E-Governance, we internet link allowing a farmer to directly
address how every citizen can use this tool for connect to a expert guiding him for better
his/her own benefit. crops and subsequently better returns.

Setting up education centers in small villages 4. E-Registration /Citizen

and areas separated from the mainland or Allow citizens to directly register online for
located in remote areas, this would allow driving licenses, registrations of
Information Technology to be torch-bearer of vehicles/property and allowing payment of
education. bills in association of banks.
Ministry of Education needs to setup small 5. E-Transport
units in every village connected via satellites
that not only help in education of young minds
Proceedings of the National Conference; 2011

A web based facility to get driver licenses, The major scope of e-governance is E-
provide vehicle registration, collection of PARLIAMENT.
challans and fees. I extend the idea of vahan
and sarathi models provided by the state states that every parliament session
transport authority, Tamil Nadu government in works at a cost of over Rs.200 crores. Imagine
a paper of E-governance at Regional spending that much amount of money for wasted
Transport offices. winter session which results in deadlock most of the
time. Also in a true democracy, worth of Parliament
cannot be ruled out.

Citizens to Government: So what can e-parliament do for us? Based on the

gravity of the issue, use Information technology to
Using the idea of OECD Handbook on bridge in every Member of Parliament/State or party
Information, Consultation and Public
Participation in Policy-Making, the citizen for hassle-free yet authentic communication.
shoulders the responsibility of being an active
How do we implement it, is provided in next topic.
citizen that involves in decision making from a
passive one, whose mere responsibility is to vote
once in 5 years. The approach and activities shown
in this handbook support and complement formal How to implement E-governance:
institutions of democracy, and strengthen the
democratic process. From what e-governance can do for us, we do learn
I try to envisage the citizen to government one thing i.e. the scope of e-governance is vast.
interaction by two protocols: Like, green revolution was a boon for Indian
1. E-Voting
Agriculture that cultivated the beginning of new era
Using Information Technology as a means of in 1965; it is the time for the Information
voting would enable us to provide our votes Technology era. Indeed with many departments
and formulating the conclusion at almost run- being computerized, this would lead to smooth and a
time. transparent democracy. Let us try to figure how E-
governance can be achieved?
2. E-Census
1. Social Security Number
Use e-governance as a tool, to implement
Information Technology during the time of I extend the idea of Employees’ provident fund
census. It focuses on being computer-oriented organization, initiative of Ministry of Labor
rather manual labor. and Employment, Government of India. In
this, provide every citizen of India, with a
Of course, both these fields require implementing unique 14-digit number called the Social
strict authentication and security protocols, but to Security Number (SSN).
implement it would mean, having to do away with
mass costs involved and also the labor. SSN would help us in a number of ways. Its
primary benefit would be to acknowledge
proper interaction of citizen to government and
vice-versa. It would help us in facilitating

proper groundwork for e-census and voting. A With each village getting a dedicated a satellite link
citizen would no longer be an individual with and interface like Computers/LCD screens and
different numbers and cards like ration card, means of communication it would benefit us in the
long run. How?
driving license and passport number.
a. E-Education: Setting up such links would
The SSN would help map a person to a help us in providing quality education to
number. How would it help? different schools/colleges at village level too.

a. Implementation of E- b. E-Health: Linking different hospitals, ones at

registration/Citizen: With the SSN village level to ones located in cities. Would
number, our implementation of E- help in improvement of quality of healthcare.
citizen would no longer be a
c. E-Kisaan: Provision of accessing quality
hypothetical argument. E-citizen would
information regarding crops with the
help our citizens enjoy a variety of
extensive use of Internet.
privileges various government
departments would provide. d. E-Transport: Usage of more models like the
vahan and sarathi as implemented by the
b. Ease of maintaining records: Every
State Transport Authority, Tamil Nadu.
person would no longer require
separate numbers. A common SSN e. Another major implementation such links
would work perfectly fine. would provide would be Grievances being
heard, an extension of E-
c. E-Census: A unique SSN would help us Citizen/Registration. E-governance would
perfectly identifying all our set of open up a very important functionality of
queries. Information Technology. What better than
the fact that now a citizen could open a
d. Control on Black Money/Hoarding: centralized Website and provide his
An indirect ramification, The Indian grievances against and local department/
Government would be able to access a state or central government which could be
used as a parameter to judge the government
particular person’s bank
as well?
accounts/assets more easily with his f. E-mail between politicians and between
SSN number. politicians and departments can be easily
established. Since many state governments
e. Illegal Migrants: Controlling the flow are providing Lap tops to their MPs and
of illegal migrants in our country. MLA’s, they can publish their home pages on
Internet, to act as constituency interaction
Setting up satellite links/computer units for E- center, an idea Mr. Vikas Kanungo SPeG
Kisaan and other Government to citizen envisages.
Interactions: g. Indeed this would help us taking e-
EDUSAT, an Indian satellite was specifically grievances at a local level before taking the
established for education system. More such matter to centralized government centers.
satellites and computer units are required to This would help us in our bid for a
facilitate better education networks and other transparent democracy in which every action
consequent actions it may lead to. of an incumbent will be scrutinized by not
Proceedings of the National Conference; 2011

only higher-level authorities but also providing facilities like E-Health aiming for
concerned citizens of India. better health facilities at every possible level, E-
h. E-Parliament: Of all the major education which aims at providing education for
implementations of E-Governance, the one
every child of every village or automating the
main implementation that no research paper
addressed upon was E-Parliament. Indian transport department in every state is a costly
Parliament session has its own set of issues and intricate task. An elaborate planning and
that needs to be addressed. An average framework is required for setting up such an
amount of Rs 200Cr. is spent whenever a infrastructure. Ministry of Information
parliament is in session. Apart from Technology should be provided more powers in
monetary reasons, most of the time the collaboration with Ministry of Planning to set up
parliament session is wasted in ruckus
guidelines for infrastructure development.
behavior, with no major decision being
made. Of course the importance of 2. Database Development
centralized parliament session cannot be
undermined. Any implementation at National level requires a
i. In such a condition, depending upon the proper database development. It is important
gravity of situation e-parliament can be
that a database is developed which is compatible
implemented. Whenever it seems as if no
major bill/issue needs to be addressed, e with the current database architecture. A
parliament is used. E-Parliament involves database at this level requires concepts like data
various state bodies or a collection of warehousing and data mining.
different states collaborating at a fixed
headquarters which would be equipped with Data Warehousing is a collection of corporate
state of art facilities. Not only would this information, derived directly from operational
help in cutting down major costs but also systems and some external data sources.
preventing the major ruckus/disorderly
behavior of MP’S in the parliament. Data Mining is a branch of computer science and
j. Of course, it is not necessary to implement artificial intelligence is the process of extracting
E-parliament at central level. Initiatives patterns from data.
should be taken by each legislative assembly
in the state to provide such interfaces to its These databases should integrate into a data
MLA’s. This would not only help in deciding warehouse for analytical data mining to support
how much E-Parliament would be successful
decision-making. Different applications may
in near future but also help us in providing
the necessary framework that would be require different languages, a coherent data
required to implement E-parliament at a integration policy need to be developed.
larger level.
National Citizen Database which is the primary
Setup Required for Implementing E-Governance unit of data for all governance vertical and
1. Infrastructure horizontal applications across the state and
central governments, an idea Mr. Vikas Kanungo
Setting up E-governance at a vast level that extends.
involves activities like providing every citizen of
the 2nd most populated country in the world i.e. 3. Authentication
India with a Social Security Number and then

Authentication is confirming something to be prerequisite for E-governance to be

true as said/ provided. In a computer successful.
oriented environment, it is much more
important. When dealing with sensitive 5. Verification and Validation
issues like voting/census or provision of With reference to a paper
social security number, authentication has a “Verification/Validation/Certification”,
huge role to play. Carnegie Mellon University
Allowing the private sector to provide I try to state how important verification and
authentication or building a proper validation is “In the development of an
framework both are possible solutions of embedded system, it is important to be able
authentication. to determine if the system meets
specifications and if its outputs are correct.
4. Language Diversity This is the process of verification and
validation (V & V) and its planning must
In a country with 1652 mother tongues, ten start early in the development life cycle. Both
major script systems, language development aspects are necessary as a system meeting its
and language use pose major challenges. specifications does not necessary mean it is
Through manipulation of language use in technically correct and vice versa. There are
education and enforcing the notion of a many different V & V techniques which are
dominant and a standard language or applicable at different stages of the
dialect, millions of children are made development life cycle. The results of V & V
illiterate in their mother tongue. A thought forms an important component in the safety
rightly extended by Jennifer M. Bayer in the case, which is a document, used to support
paper “Indian Television Globalizes certification. Certification is usually pursued
Multilingualism But Is Counterproductive”, due to either legal reasons or economic
he is quick to point that Television is advantages. The certification process also
important for the socio-economic starts from the beginning of the life cycle and
transformation of the country; language is requires cooperation between the developer
the conduit between the two; and therefore, and regulatory agency from the very start.
it is significant to study its impact as a means Thorough V & V does not prove that the
of a futuristic trend set to guide language system is safe or dependable, and there is
management in India. always a limit to how much testing is enough
It’s not just television that a huge role to testing. In addition, certification does not
play, also Internet and the Web applications prove that a system is correct, so it does not
to caters e-governance must make sure it eliminate the developer's legal and moral
provides the necessary mapping that spans obligations. Therefore, extreme care should
across all the dialects/languages. be taken in the development of embedded
Development of software compliant to all systems to make sure that the right amount of
languages is an uphill task, but is a time is spent on V & V, and also that
Proceedings of the National Conference; 2011

certification not be used to prove that a Unorganized Sector (NCEUS) said, most of
system is correct.” those living on below 50 US cents per day
were from the informal labor sector with no
Software Testing is an important term in job or social security, living in abject
Information Technology, as important as poverty. For most of them, conditions of
Development of software. Software testing work are utterly deplorable and livelihood
makes sure that the software implemented at options extremely few. What about these
highest possible level is maintainable and people?
tested with different loads for reliability and
has capacity to recover from errors and is How can we afford the 77% of people below
easy to manage in the long run. poverty line to make use of such software?

6. Certifications and testing for Standards For this an inexpensive platform that is not a
burden on the poverty stuck people is
Certifications are a set of fixed parameters required.
set up various multinationals with the main
aim to make sure that particular software This gives rise to one of the problems we
conforms to the requirements. would discuss ahead.

This is important that it tells us, where does Problems in implementing e –governance and
our framework stand? What capabilities solutions:
does it have, and what can we expect out of 1. Funding
our software. Whenever any platform has to be
7. Inexpensive software implemented at national level, a huge
funding is involved. In a pure economist
India can bear the onus of building huge term, funding needs to be planned on the fact
software to support electronic governance that how soon would the investment start
but can she bear the costs involved at yielding returns.
everyday stage?
The cost becomes manifold when we aim for
A recent government report said “seventy- Information-Technology oriented changes.
seven percent of Indians, about 836 million
people, live on less than half a dollar a day. Laying down a database that maps all the
India is considered as one of the hottest different civic agencies is a hard ask.
economies of the world but now it seems, it Any implementation at this level should
needs to do something about the enormous involve the private sector with scope of some
inequalities. margin of profit for them.
The report entitled “Conditions of Work and Funding should also aim at providing two
Promotion of Livelihoods in the Unorganized mechanisms:
Sector” by the state-run National
Commission for Enterprises in the a. Cost-Cutting mechanisms

b. Revenue Generation Standing 2nd at the population index and

tipped to topple over China, at any point of
With e-governance, we aim for an economy time how does India expect to implement
that is transparent, no more hassles of dynamic concepts like Social Security
department delays/bribery and corruption Number is unknown.
prevailing at almost strata’s of society.
The only solution I can think of is passing the
Also the amount of money that the onus to local authorities. If implementation
government spends to be media centric originates from the state governments, then
would drastically go down. No need for neither the implementation would be timely
manual flow of information too. nor would it be efficient to invade into rural
Revenue generation would involve sectors.
mechanisms like advertisements at successful An intelligent approach would be to make
web portals, providing special services at a each Local Panchayat responsible for its
premium. own village/basti. Distribution of social
2. Poverty and Population security cards, verification of records to
check for illegal migrants should be carried
Poverty and population are two different out by the local civic bodies under the
topics that indirectly affect each other, but I supervision of state agencies.
have clubbed them under one topic mainly
because of the reason that both have the This process requires a huge manpower and
same impact on implementing e-governance. time, an effort that would be able to generate
employment for the skilled and unskilled
According to the Urban Poverty Report, laborers for a while.
2009, “Urban India has a high incidence of
poverty despite being hailed as an engine of 3. Illegal Migrants
growth and instrument of globalization. Apart from the issue of Population and
Eighty-one million people subsist in urban Poverty another major factor is the Influx
areas on incomes that are below the poverty of Illegal Migrants. Illegal Migrants be it
line. The pace of urbanization in India is set due to economic reasons or due to
to increase, and with it, urban poverty and persecution of various reasons upsets the
urban slums.” scale of census/voting and other rights in an
In such scenario, Government shoulders a area.
more important responsibility to alleviate Due to the concentration of the illegal
poverty-stuck people rather than worrying immigrants in certain pockets, they
about providing software solutions to this determine the fate of the election there. Thus,
stratum. the person that wins will be chosen not by
Population is another roadblock that e- Indians, but by foreigners. They can well
governance faces during execution time. form significant blocks, whose interest will
necessarily clash with those of the country.
Proceedings of the National Conference; 2011

One thus sees a major security throat in the India, the most extensive means of
situation. In addition, economic policies will communication in India.
also be determined by foreigners, through
subversion of the political process. This would ensure that both the quality of
services and the delivery of services are
4. Language diversity maintained.

India is a land of diversities, be it in the Perhaps the most important resource in India that is
terms of what we eat, what we speak or what vastly untapped and has to be extracted and
we do. Go a hundred miles away and you see executed is India’s manpower. The desire to surge is
an apparent change in the dialect. In a an important factor that has to be cultivated and
country with 1652 mother tongues, ten major channeled in the right area.
script systems, language development and
language use pose major challenges. We call this term the Human Capacity. Let me
start with the problems being faced and then we
Steps must be taken to ensure that whatever would shift to what can be done to mitigate the
platform is implemented is common to all problem of Human Capacity.
and includes steps for language mapping.
1. Unawareness
5. Privacy/Authentication/Delivery of
Services In a country that shambles to achieve 100%
literacy, expecting the poorest to be a
Accepting the fact that e-governance faces major computer-literate indeed sounds far-fetched.
hurdles, even if it is implemented in small
sections like it is being done. It is important A lot has to be done, not only in the rural
that privacy of netizens is intact with proper section but also in urban section to aim for
mechanisms for authentication so that no computer literacy. Incentives should be
fraudulent work is carried out on the name provided by the government for computer
of a law-abiding citizen. education.

In a world of IT, the criminal faces have the It requires the state and the central
tendency to make use of existing platform to government to setup small computer units in
harm Government’s web portals and the each village, with a trained operative that
netizens concerned. It is important that steps could impart the basic computer-oriented
are taken to provide cyber security for all. skill set, in the local language to the
particular stratum.
Also it is important that E-delivery of services
takes place in a seamless way to the poorest 2. Brain-Reluctance
of poor located in some remote village. Brain-Reluctance is a euphemism to portray
An implementation of this is the brick and the sluggish attitude of the government
mortar method i.e. the Post office System of servants. With the exception of few,
Government offices continue in the state of
apathy with most of the government servants

preferring to roll the buck and idle away India including her villages. This would also
time in activities that are of no benefit to the facilitate in innovative learning and better
citizens and to the department as well. understandability.

3. Crisis-Driven 3. Identifying mentors

The Indian Government and its departments Provision of mentors for the citizens, to
both are crisis driven. The basic reason which they can refer to with their questions
behind is our approach. Instead of being and doubts at every level of society.
target-oriented, we are deadline-oriented.

It is important that instead of focusing on What the Indian Government has done and what
how to meet the deadline, the focus should be more is required?
on how to achieve those goals in a shorter
1. Establishment of Cyber Law: According to
time span with better results. IPR & Cyberspace – Indian Perspective
authored by Rohas Nagpal, Cyber Law is
The Government sector must take cue from
the law governing cyber space which
the private sector companies and both brain- includes software, hardware and other
reluctance and crisis driven attitudes can be database units.
met with an incentive-based policy. Cyber law makes sure that laws and strict
regulations are enforced and violation of
With majority of our problems of human these rules could lead to imprisonment.
capacity listed out, I would like to put forward Cyber law enforces strict implementations to
few suggestions that can be used to deal with provide data security. Cyber Law also
this. provides measures to enforce privacy and
guarding intellectual property.
1. Recruitment Procedure Cyber crimes are unlawful and maybe
targeted against individuals/organizations
A rather intelligent approach would be to and nations.
change the recruitment policies so as to lay The Indian government took the first step to
emphasis on computer education. People protect its cyberspace by passing the
with computer literacy should be preferred Information Technological Bill, 1999.
2. Establishment of ICT( Information and
for vacancies in government offices. This
Communication Technology) :
would should government’s pro-active On 27 May 2004, Dayanidhi Maran, the
behavior towards IT-oriented workforce. minister of communication and information
technology in India’s newly elected
2. Making IT education Compulsory government, released a 10-point plan to
encourage the development of the Country’s
It-education should be made a compulsory ICT.
subject in schools/colleges/and other The plan aims at creating and regulating
entrance exams. physical infrastructure to enable adoption
of technologies, a point I have focused on
This is an important step as this would help since the start. Also it focuses on shifting of
in achieving IT-based literacy in the whole of IPv6 from the current existing IPv4 which is
Proceedings of the National Conference; 2011

the Information Protocol for the next are able to deal with the unscrupulous
generation (also called IPng). elements aiming to hamper our growth.
3. Convergence Bill: The convergence bill was So laws like Cyber law and
implemented in 2000, and was meant to implementations like ICT are dynamic in
replace the Telegraph Act of 1985. This bill nature too, that are finely tuned with its
aimed at licensing and regulating all the environment.
communication and entertainment 4. A basic implementation that the
companies. The main crux of the bill government can enforce is compulsory
advocated the fact that the Information education and provision of
Technology, Communication Industry and diplomas/degrees with more centre of
the Entertainment Industry are merging and Information Technology setup across the
should be taken as a single entity. country.

The convergence bill and the ICT hardly were CONCLUSION

based on public interest and their needs; it The conclusion that I could arrive on in my research
did not broadcast what the citizens of India paper is that E-governance is an important step in a
wanted. Rather, it focused on how country as large as India. E-governance would lead
corporations could implement Information India to better governance, with decrease in
Technology. corruption, black money, and hoarding and thus a
It is important that public interest is kept in clearer and progressive economy.
mind as it is the underlying principle of E- The problems are magnanimous, but can be dealt
Governance. with.
In spite of poverty and population, efforts from other
1. It is important that the various departments responsible citizens of India would definitely help us
are held responsible for their actions. Any overcome all the hardships. Better education, better
department found lax in its working should health facilities, better communication and a clearer
be penalized and necessary action against democracy is something a country strives for and e-
incumbents taken. Not only would it governance would help us in realizing these very
increase the efficiency but also help in goals.
enforcing transparency in functioning of E-governance would provide us with a better
various departments. infrastructure and a platform that would give equal
2. RTI (Right to Information) is a strong and rights to all the citizens of this country, irrespective
powerful tool, so is PIL (Public Interest of their religion, region, caste and creed.
Litigation). The problems are numerous, yet the solutions and
It is important that these tools are further the aim reachable. While a lot has been done, a lot
strengthened so that the citizens have the more is required and Indian Government continues
right to look at how the government is to implement it on its road to E-Governance.
functioning, what policy it advocates and
how it goes about executing it? With e-
governance and tools like RTI and PIL, our REFERENCES
efforts to strive for a true democracy would 1. OECD e-book Citizens as Partners -
definitely bear fruit. Information, Consultation and Public
3. Cyberspace and Internet are dynamically Participation in Policy-Making
changing processes. With every passing [
day, technological advances are made in EBook/ 4201131E.Pdf]
this field. It is important that all our laws 2. SpeG, A society for promotion of e-

Governance [ 11. E-Governance in India- Problems and

3. E-Kranti, first TV show on agriculture. Acceptability by Dr.Sanjay Kumar Dwivedi
Ajay Kumar Bharti
4. Draft of EPF India on SSN,
Journal of Theoretical and Applied
[ Information
5. E-Governance at Regional Transport Offices
in Tamil Nadu,2007, National Informatics
Centre Tamil Nadu State Centre
6. Indian television globalizes
Multilingualism but is
Jennifer M. Bayer, PhD
7. Verification/Validation/Certification

18-849b Dependable Embedded Systems

Spring 1999
Author: Eushiuan Tran

8. Conditions of Work and Promotion of

Livelihoods in the Unorganized Sector

By the National Commission for Enterprises

In the Unorganized Sector (NCEUS)

9. Facts about poverty,



10. IPR & Cyberspace – Indian Perspective

Authored by Rohas Nagpal

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