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Venus – the Goddess of love, passion and beauty

By Steven Menezes
Venus, in Sanskrit is called ‘Shukra’ literally means semen and referred as the morning star,
symbol of luxury, wealth, beauty, art, elegance, grace, charm and power. Mythological texts refer
Venus as teacher of demons who taught them all aspects of traditional warfare and tactics from
casting charms to hypnotize and immobilize the enemy. Venus, a Brahmin, teacher of demons
depicted in two different images, the first being a fair skinned youth personified with sensual, love
and graceful expressions with hypnotizing eyes and radiant physique and other image is that of a
supreme Brahmin teacher of the demons with matted hair with fully grown beard and focused
eyes. These images indicate two distinct sides of Venus – the sensuous side of human side which
influences aspects of love, passion, lust and other quality of regularizing and leading demonic
forces. Venus stands to represent all worldly pleasures and power that can unseat the mighty and
the power drawn through sexual unions that relates to Tantra and as we see that dilution of sex is
mandatory means of practice of tantra. Venus also connects with witches, charms, occult, black
magic and other means of deadly practices and draws tremendous strength in the morning hours.

Venus belongs to the Brahmin caste (Priests and teachers class, highest in order among 4-caste
pattern of social classes practiced in Hinduism in ancient days) and regarded as advisor in
celestial cabinet. The ancient astrological texts bear the mention of classifying this celestial body
as female gender and attributed to the rajas guna. The nature of this cosmic force is categorized as
benefic. This cosmic force has been considered as an average stature and command over the
southeast direction with the element of water. The Venus is personified as the desires and
cravings and identified as significator of spouse in relationship index. Counsel is the method of
persuasion applied by this cosmic force in human interaction.

Venus owns the constellations of Taurus (Vrishab) and Libra (Tula).

Taurus, being the negative domain of Venus that is 2nd of the zodiacal order located at the 30 to
60 degrees symbolized by a ‘bull’ with unusual horns with the element of earth and representing
mouth of the cosmic man. This stretch exalts Moon and works at strengthening human
relationships and partnerships that promote social, conjugal harmony and peaceful existence.
This stretch is also known to acquire, preserve and improve all that it comes into contact with
respect to human relationships and fosters growth and fertility.

Libra, being the positive domain of Venus which is 7th of the zodiacal order located at the 180 to
210 degrees symbolized by a ‘scales’ or ‘balance’ with the element of air and representing lower
abdomen of the cosmic man. This stretch exalts Saturn and debilitates Sun. This stretch
indicates power, fight for humanitarian causes, leadership and ideas and brings new social orders
by revolutions, reforms, fanaticism and changes by constant application of balance. This stretch
causes very strong belief in truth and righteousness and evokes the masses to correct the political
system and judiciary.

Venus gets exalted in the constellation of Pisces (Meena) at 27 degrees and gets debilitated in
Virgo (Kanya) at the 27 degrees. First stretch of 20 degrees in Libra is the ‘Multrikona’. Venus
has lordship over Nakshatras (lunar mansions) of Bharani, Purva Phalguni and Purva Ashada and
is significator of the fourth house (bhava Sukhasthan – house of happiness, comfort & harmony)
also signifies the seventh house (bhava Yuvathisthan - house of union) with Jupiter.

In natural relationship with other planets Venus is friendly with Mercury and Saturn, inimical to
Sun, Moon and Neutral to Mars & Jupiter.
Steven J Menezes is an internationally acclaimed astrologer with over 20 years of experience in Vedic astrology. He has
specialized in Prasna Astrology, a branch of Vedic astrology. He hails from the Barkur located in the state of Karnataka in
Southern India. Barkur was ancient capital of Tulunadu dynasty, the vibrant place that is known to have enjoyed the
reputation of having 365 temples and have been the home for the study of Vedas and Vedantas since 345 AD.
The author can be contacted at

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