Seminar On iOS4

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Seminar on iOS4

• iOS4 is Apple's mobile operating system
based on unix, mac os x.
• iOS4 is based on the concept of direct
manipulation, using multi-touch gestures.
• iOS4 brings a handful of crucial features--
like multitasking and a unified e-mail in-
box--that Apple's products have lacked for
far too long
Company / developer Apple Inc.

Programmed in C, C++, Objective-C

OS family Mac OS X/Unix-like

Working state Current

Initial release June 21, 2010
Available languages Multilingual
Supported platforms ARM (iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad)
Kernel type Hybrid (Darwin)
Default user interface Cocoa Touch (Multi-touch, GUI)
License Proprietary EULA except for open source
Official website iOS Dev Center
Layers of abstraction
• Core os layer
• Core services layer
• Media layer
• Cocoa touch layer
• Core services layer
includes device manager ,display support ,network
services and internet security.
It also helps to protect system from interference of
external destructive program.

• Cocoa touch layer

Cocoa Touch is an API for building software programs to run
on the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad from Apple Inc.
The Cocoa Touch frameworks that drive iOS4 apps were
built with a special focus on touch-based interfaces and
Application Development
• With the iOS SDK 4, you can get started developing your
iOS application for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch.
• Development tools in ios4
iPhone simulator
interface builder
• Development Resources
Apple developer forum
iOS Reference Library
Application life cycle

• iOS4 supports applications execution in background

however till iPhone OS 3.x (iOS 3.x) background
execution of was not supported.
• UIKit, loads the application’s user interface and start its
event loop.
• At key points in the application’s life, UIKit sends
messages to the Third Party application's delegate
object to let it know what is happening.
Depiction of events on iOS4
• Multitasking
• Virtual Keyboard
• Bluetooth Keyboard Support
• Home Screen
• Unified inbox
• Camera Zoom
• Geolocation
• Safari Search
• Game Center
• FaceTime
• The Camera Functions
• Folder Settings
• Unified Inbox

• Semi-thread message
• There is no real features upgrade for iPod
• Mail does not support attachment
Known Issues
• AV Foundation
• Xcode
LLVM GCC and LLVM compiler are now included as
optional compilers for iPhone development.
• Interface Builder
iOS 4 includes a new UINib class to support rapidly
unarchiving nib files.
• Gamekit
The desiredPlayers property has been removed from the
GKMatchRequest class.
Software updates
• ImageIo
An uninitialized memory access issue exists in
ImageIO's handling of BMP images.
• Application Sandbox
The Application Sandbox does not prevent
applications from directly accessing the user's photo
• Libsystem
A buffer overflow exists in the floating point binary to
text conversion code within Libsystem.
• LibXml
Multiple use after free issues exist in libxml2, the
most serious of which may lead to an unexpected
application termination.
Comparing iOS4

• Folder navigation isn’t friendly in android whereas in ios4

you can easily navigate between folders ,select or
deselect the messages.
• iOS4 remembers the address of senders you doesn’t do so.
• Android OS 2.2 supports just a limited set of Exchange
ActiveSync (EAS) policies.
• Although iOS 4's EAS support is nowhere near as
extensive as what BlackBerry and Windows Mobile offer,
it remains the most compliant of any new-gen mobile OS
With the introduction of iOS4 apple marks significant and
welcome jump in iPhone evolution. But still long way to
travel in order to compete with newer technologies such
as meego of nokia ,newer versions of android etc.

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