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Table of content

1. Introduction ………………………………….. 2
1.1 Mission Statement ………………………….. 2
2. Executive Summary …………………………. 3
3. History and information of P&G ……………...3
3.1 History ………………………………………..3
3.2 Products of P&G ……………………………..4
4. Strategic management ………………………...5
4.1 Mission ……………………………………....5
4.1.1 Vision ……………………………………...6
4.1.2 The main vision of P&G …………………..6
4.1.3 Four pillars of P&G ……………………....6
4.2 Values and principles of P&G ……………….7
5. SWOT Analysis ………………………………7
a. Strength ……………………………………...8
b. Weakness ………………………………….…8
c. Opportunities ………………………………....8
d. Threats ………………………………………..9
6. Performance of P&G ……………………….…9
7. Developing Marketing strategies ………….….9
8. Strategies use by P&G …………………….…10
9. Target Market ………………………………..10
10. Implementing and Managing Marketing Strategies … 11
11. Conclusion …………………………………12
12. References …………………………………13
1. Introduction
For most companies a most important point to start marketing strategy is to define its
Mission or Purpose .
Defining the business mission requires the company to ask fundamental questions like
• What business are we in?
• Main aim of the company?
• What are the products and services the company offer ?
• What are responsibilities of company towards Stockholders?

1.1 Definition of Mission Statement

( Hutt D. Michael Business Marketing Management (B2B) 10th edition )

Mission statement of company is report which tell about the nature , goal and
target of the company. For example: what it stand for ? i.e. What type of service
and product company wants to give to customer . It also tell the people or mission
statement act as window of organisation which help the financial investors and
shareholders to be aware about purpose of company in which the planning to
invest there money.

The mission ensures the clearness in investor and staff so they had confidence on
using any company’s resources. A mission statement is also create or design to
make all stakeholder ensure about the company’s purpose so stakeholders also
focus on same objective and goal . When an customer try to see statement of
business plan they wanna see range of activities on which company will focus.
a) Mission statement will include the following:

a. Current product and service offerings

b. Technological and business capabilities

2. Executive Summary
The mission statement of company mainly focus on nature of the business in
which company is dealing. There are some other terms like statement of business ,
statement of purpose , statement of belief etc which can be use in place of Mission
Statement . But for our research I will use Mission statement.
The main aim or objective of our research is to examine and analyse the role and
purpose of Mission statement in Proctor & Gamble Company. I will cover the
P&G company background, there current position and there strategic management
process. We will do SWOT analysis to see the Strength , Weakness ,
Opportunities and Threats of P&G company .
By using their interior competences to use the opportunities in the surroundings
while neutralising the threats and removing or eliminating their weaknesses,
Proctor & Gamble has become one of the success stories of our time! And to
maintain their competitive advantage over the lifetime, even with numerous
challenges and court cases , crafted and follow a highly credible policy of price-
based strategies, differentiation and lock-in.

3. Background and History Of P and G company


Proctor and Gamble was created or founded by Two brothers in law in 1837 .There
Name were William Proctor and James Gamble. This company is one of the biggest
name in consumer goods products. P&G operates in around 85 countries in all around
the globe and also in the market it has about 300 different brands or product in more
than 150 countries. About 50% of company's profit is derived from in a foreign
country .
The Trademark of P & G company is moon and star since 1851 as a symbol of quality
to distinguish there products from its competitors .

P&G Trademark
P&G was Headed by family members in the beginning .But in 1930 and 959 , Mr
William dupree become its president and chairman respectively. Under him the
company become USA’s Largest package good seller.

3.2 Various Product segmentation of Proctor and Gamble are

1. Beauty and Grooming

a. Soaps = Pears , Camay
b. Perfumes and Deodorant = Rexona , Gucci Fragrance ,La-Costa
c. Shampoos = Pantene, Rejoice , Head & Shoulders etc.
d. Beauty Products = Olay , Old spice

2. Health Products
a. Oral B
b. Tampax
c. Crest
d. vicks

3. Fabric Care
a. Tide
b. Arial
c. Tide Bar

4. Other Products
a. Food = Crisco , Folgers , Pringles etc
b. Duracell
c. water purifier
d. Mach

4. Strategic Management
( The marketing book by Bake Michael 3rd edition)
Strategic management is a activity done in company which mainly help in meeting or
completing the goal of the company. This process is very important to set up and
understand the goal , mission and procedure of the organisation. The strategic
management process is mainly created or plan by company’s owner or top
management. This process is responsible for completing all task such as directing and
guidance for the staff in setting up there goals and to help in designate the job to all
the employees. Sales and marketing projection is very important work in strategic
paln . It include all steps which help to get access the work of each department.

Strategic Management process



The main Mission of Proctor and Gamble is to offer high quality and high value
products and services to the customers and also try to improve consumer life. Due to
there mission Customers try to reward them with leadership in sales , profit and in
value as compare to there competitors in which they live and work and try to improve.

4.1.1 VISION
While setting up the vision for company following points should be consider

• Realistic:

A vision must be realistic and nature and must have some meaning for the

• Credible:

A vision must be convincing to the people. Mainly , to the workforce and

members of the company. If employees of P&G do not think vision is credible
then they can’t work to full potential.

• Attractive:

If the vision of P&G is to inspire and motivate the workforce in the company then
it must be attractive. Vision should be like this that more and more People want to
be part of the company .

• Future

The vision is not for the present, it is mainly for the future. In this respect, the
image of the leader seeing off into the distance to create a vision may ” A vision is
not where you are now, it's where you want to be in the future”

4.1.2 The main vision of P&G are

The products made by P&G touches the life of about 1.75 billion customer
everyday. For example they use various visions for there different products.

For products the say rough feels good because the have got shiny hair and nice
smile or keep our homes fresh and clean or b most common and famous line
“enjoy a great cup of tea , satisfying meal or healthy snack”.

4.1.3 Four important visions of P&G are

1. P&G always try to make a healthier future for customer .

2. P&G try to make consumers feel good, give the impression of being good and
more out of life with there products and services .

3. P&G will always try to increase new ideas of undertaking company with the goal of
increasing-up the range of organisation and will try to reduce other outside
environmental impact.

4. P&G is embarking a long-term programme of work with there consumers supplier

sand other investors to realise this goal.
The values or morals of company have to bring the set of ethical and moral tones to
guide the company’s all work or operations.


P&G is for people and the values by which they live.

P & G always try to attract and hire the best workforce in the globe. They try to create
there company from inside by various employees incentives like rewarding and
promoting the employees without look upon to difference unrelated to performance.
The always proceed on the confidence that the people working in Procter and Gamble
will forever be there most valuable and important asset.

• Proctor and Gamble respects there employees, customers, and consumers, and
take care of them as they wanted .
• P&G company has always full confidence on each other goals and
• They believe that people work best when there is a foundation of trust.
• P&G always believe that the staff or employees always try to give there best
where there is sense or foundation of trust.

5. SWOT Analysis or Analysing market and competition

SWOT Analysis
( Kotler Philip Marketing Management , 10th Edition Pearson education )
It is an effective way to analysing the organisation’s potential by identifying Strengths
and weaknesses and also examines the opportunities and threats which can affect
them very much .
SWOT Is stand for

S Strengths
W weakness
O opportunity
T Threats

A. Strengths
1. The main Strength of P&G is there working on large level .. It is a one of the
biggest leader for different product categories like home products fabric baby and
beauty products, health products and personal care items in most of the countries of

2. The second significant strong point of P&G is there famous Brand name along with
convenient low pricing policy of commodities.
3. P&G has there products in almost all shops so it is very easy to calculable to all
type of customer whether they are rich or not

4. P & G invests large amount of money in there research and development. About
$1.8 billion is invested by P & G for getting better and introducing new products in
the market.

B. Weaknesses
1. Many of the top brands of P & G are losing their market share rapidly due to
increase in competition by coming of Unilever , Johnson and Johnson etc

2. P & G do not create or offer any personal brand products for there retailers and
customers and thus missing an opportunity of widening there product .

3. The worst or big problem of P&G is size of the company. The size of P&G is so
large that many time it is difficult to carry on there work in proper manner.

4. Slow procedure Heavy Culture and P&G Views Product Performance only .

c. Opportunities
1. An opportunity for P & G is health and beauty products for men. With the
acquisition of Gillette, the company now has several growth opportunities in this
market segment.

2. As P&G has lot of monetary resources which can be invested in other market
segments like electronics , medicine etc.

3. P&G has also big opportunity to increase there sales Using the online social
networks and internet marketing like advertising on Face book , My space , Yahoo

4. Company is constantly trying to pursue growth overseas.

d. Threats
1. Due to emergence of Kimberly Clark , Unilever and other Big companies there is
serious competition for P&G in Fast moving Good market.
2. The competitors of P&G are using different type of advertising and Marketing
strategies .Due to which competitors products are diverse Day by day .

3. In today’s market there are many P&G products substitute or replacement are
available at cheaper price.

4. Due to recession in past 2 to 3 years the customer’s purchasing power has

decreased in all countries. And also the prices of raw materials also increase due to
increase in petrol and diesel price.

6. Performance Of P&G For year 2009


♦ Return on Assets: 4.01%

♦ Return on Equity: 8.98%
♦ Revenue: 60 B
♦ Gross Profit: 29.12B
♦ Market Capital: 14.41B
♦ Current: 7.41
♦ Debt to Equity: 0.521
♦ Total Debt: 0.342

7. Developing marketing Strategies and strategies use by

P&G Company TO meet its mission

The main points we should keep in mind while developing Marketing Strategies are
a. To develop the concept of combined and reliable strategies
b. all the Moves and approaches of the company should be towards achieving goals .
c. The marketer or planner should continue the review and refinement of
d. The Marketing strategies should easily adjust to internal and external forces of

8. The strategies use by P&G are

1. Fast moving Customer Goods

The main strategy use by P&G Company is to create Fast Moving Consumer Goods.
As today FMCG’s industry is very popular and big with billions of customers
worldwide. The products include in P&G which are FMCG are food , beverages and
household products. As they mainly consist of daily use products which consumer
generally use.

2. Better Customer Relationship

In terms of managing its products promotion P&G usually use all promotional mix to
deliver its products .Which are Sales promotion , public relation , personal selling etc.
The P&G mainly use or develop the Integrated Marketing communication (IMC)
Strategies. IMC mainly encompasses factors like proposition driven , values driven
etc .

3. Brand Proliferation Strategies of P&G

P&G mainly use this Strategy for its hair products like Pantene , Rejoice and head and
shoulders etc so new and old competitors would have limited market .This strategy
also used by P&G in other products like Ivory , Tide and Paper towels such as bounty
and charming in American market.

9. Market Targeting or Target Audience

( Dr Sharma D.D Marketing research principles and cases , 8 th edition sultan Chand &
Sons )

In marketing a target audience or market target is normally a group of people which

share some common characteristics or common needs , Most of marketing campaign
now are mainly aim for a particular set of audience. A Target audience can be people
of any age group , gender etc.

The P&G target audience is wide .They target all type of age groups and genders

Like for children they have = Pampers.

Man = Gillette, Mach etc
Women = Beauty products like Olay, pears , Camay etc.

10. Implementing and Managing Marketing Strategies

This stage is mainly consist of marketing organizing , implementing and
controlling the strategies .
It is mainly consist of
a. preparing the marketing plan
b. implementing
c. managing the ongoing basis

a. Implementation of Advertising strategies by P&G

P&G mainly promote there brand like Pantene , head & shoulder, Vicks , Camay
,hugo boss and other products mainly through newspaper, TV, Radios and magazines
add. It take the help of different advertising agencies like Darcy masins and Saatchi
and Saatchi .
P&G also use other strategies to meet his goal and mission .Like by use of sales
representatives to promote its products. Retailer also play major role in advertising
P&G products in pamphlets, newspapers etc

b. Implementation stage also include following work in P&G

A. making there plan happen or work
B. to structure or develop an organization
C. to create a budget and listing the financial resources of company .
d. To motivate and create reward structure for employees
E. creating and maintaining good work environment
By this study we conclude that a strong and appropriate mission goal promotes
the development of the business model which is mainly focused on bottom-line
successes such as achieving continuing profits, market growth in shares,
defense of industry leadership positioning and employee welfare development.

By reviewing the P&G company’s Mission Statement and there Strategic

Management process we conclude that P&G is one of the leader in FMCG’s
industry and it maintain its success by widening its product worldwide. Its
Mission Statement shows that all employees , HR Department and Customers
are most important assets for P&G company. By it strategic management
strategies we conclude that P&G has healthy relationships with government,
retailer customers and other authorities.

We also conclude that from time to time a P&G company’s vision and mission
statement require to be check and changed in accordance in the changing
environment and changing conditions of the market and consumer taste so
P&G can continue to stay relevant and successful.

12. References
a. Hutt D. Michael Business Marketing Management (B2B) 10th edition
b. Kotler Philip Marketing Management , 10th Edition Pearson education
g. Dr Sharma D.D Marketing research principles and cases , 8th edition sultan
chand & sons
h. The marketing book by Bake Michael 3rd edition

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