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because They had to move because their building was to be torn down.
since Since he couldn’t take his wife with him, he decided not to go to
the conference.
as As he was in a hurry, he hailed the nearest cab.
now (that) Now (that) he’s inherited his father’s money, he doesn’t have to
work anymore.
whereas (for arguments, decrees, preambles, resolutions)
(formal) Whereas a number of the conditions in the contrast have not been
met, our company has decided to cancel the contract.
inasmuch as Inasmuch as every effort is being made to improve the financial
(formal) condition of this company, the term of the loan will be extended.
as (or so) long as As long as it’s raining, I won’t go out tonight.
on the ground(s) that His application for the job was rejected on the ground that he had
falsified some of the information.

Because may be preceded by intensifiers: only

Some phrasal prepositions may be changed to conjunctions by the addition of the fact
on account of the fact that (oleh karena, lantaran kenyataan bahwa)
owing to the fact that (berkat kenyataan bahwa)
in view of the fact that (mengingat kenyataan bahwa)
due to the fact that (informal – not accepted by all) (dalam kaitan dengan )

Certain participles plus that may serve as conjunction of cause:

Taking into consideration (the fact) that he began his business with almost no
capital, he has done remarkably well.

Certain structures where part of the predicate precedes the conjunction as may function
as clauses of cause:

Knowing him as I do, I can tell you that he’ll never pay you the money he
owes you.
The house was very quiet, isolated as it was on the side of a mountain.
Coward as he was, he ran back as soon as the enemy attacked.

If emphasis on reason is desired, for the (simple) reason (that) may introduce the causal
clause – He cannot be accused of that crime for the simple reason that he was out of
town when the crime was committed.
The alternate structures illustrated here are based on the adverbial clause in the sentence:
Because Mr. Black was an extremely timid person, he did not try to advance himself

Coordinate clause Mr. Black did not try to advance himself professionally, for
he was an extremely timid person.
Prepositional phrase On account of his extreme timidity, Mr. Black did not try to
with abstract noun advance himself professionally.
with gerund On account of his being extremely timid, Mr. Black did not
try to advance himself professionally.
Participial phrase Being extremely timid, Mr. Black did not try to advance
himself professionally.
Absolute construction Mr. Black being an extremely timid person, he did not try
to advance himself professionally.
Adjective clause Mr. Black, who was an extremely timid person, did not try
to advance himself professionally.
Appositive noun phrase An extremely timid person, Mr. Black did not try to advance
himself professionally.
Appositive adjective Extremely timid, Mr. Black did not try to advance himself
phrase professionally.
Abridgment of Clauses of Cause

A predicate adjective Her nasty remarks are all the more insulting since (they are)
A participle Since (it was) agreed on by the majority, this measure will be
carried out.

Occasionally a gerund phrase or a abstract noun phrase functioning as subject may

express cause.
(Examples from sentence with adverbial clause – Because he selflessly devoted
himself to his patient, he won the respect of all.)
Gerund phrase His devoting himself selflessly to his patient won him the
respect of all.
Abstract noun phrase His selfless devotion to his patient won him the respect of

1) The boy was severely punished because he was insolent.

2) On account of the fact that Japan is located on earthquake area, it is
very likely to get tsunami.
3) He has very little money since he does not work on regular basis.
4) You shouldn’t have hated her just because you don’t like her.
5) As the show is for everyone, ………………………………..
6) Now that he gets a promotion, ……………………….
7) Her foolish behavior resulted in many problems since it insulted
people around her.
8) Seeing that it’s so late, …………………………….
9) Since no one asked me ……………………………..
10) Considering that he’s seventy, my father is remarkably fit.

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