Protein Binding

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A) Distribution Sites

1) Amlodipine Besylate

a) Protein Binding

1) 93% (Prod Info NORVASC(R) oral tablets, 2010)

a) According to ex vivo studies in hypertensive patients, amlodipine is

approximately 93% bound to plasma proteins (Prod Info
NORVASC(R) oral tablets, 2010).

A) Distribution Sites

1) Protein Binding

a) 91% to 99% (Prod Info Lasix(R), 2004; AMA Department of Drugs,

1990a; Gilman et al, 1990; Reynolds, 1991; Knoben & Anderson,
1988; Turmen et al, 1982a; Cutler et al, 1974; Kelly et al, 1974)

1) Furosemide is primarily bound to albumin which is reduced in

patients with uremia, nephrotic syndrome, cirrhosis,
hypoalbuminemia, hyperbilirubinemia, and in the elderly (Prod Info
Lasix(R), 2004; Reynolds, 1991; AMA Department of Drugs, 1990a;
Wells, 1990; Gilman et al, 1990; Viani et al, 1989; Knoben &
Anderson, 1988; Turmen et al, 1982a; Cutler et al, 1974; Kelly et al,
1974). Protein binding can be reduced by up to 10% in patients with
renal insufficiency (Prod Info Furosemid-ratiopharm(R), 1998). In 1
study, the percentage of unbound furosemide in cirrhotic patients was
10.2% compared with 4% in normal subjects (Verbeeck et al, 1982).

1) Protein Binding

a) 99% (Prod Info DiaBeta(R), 1997; Heptner et al, 1969).

B) Distribution Kinetics
1) Distribution Half-Life

a) 20 to 30 minutes (Ings et al, 1981; Haupt et al, 1972).

1) Protein Binding

a) 98% or more (Lennernas, 2003; Prod Info Lipitor(R), 2003)

B) Distribution Kinetics

1) Volume of Distribution

a) 381 liters (Lennernas, 2003).

1) Following a 5-milligram intravenous infusion, the volume of

distribution was 381 liters (Lennernas, 2003).


a) 50% to 80% (Hardman et al, 1996).

1) Free salicylate concentrations in serum are dependent upon the

total salicylate concentration and the serum albumin concentration.
However, a correlation between free salicylic acid and albumin is not
present in all patients, so that the albumin level may not be a major
determinant in the free fraction of salicylate (Costello et al, 1982).
2) At concentrations of 100 mcg/mL (10 mg/dL), about 90% of total
salicylate is protein bound; at 400 mcg/mL (40 mg/dL), the bound
fraction decreases to about 76% (Boyd, 1997a).

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