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Basic Emphasis Pattern: Structure Words,

Part 2

Reducing structure words even more:

The reduced and
The conjunction and is one of the most common words in
English, and it is usually contracted to /ǝn/, or simply /n/.

cream and sugar

/’kʰriy:mǝn ’ʃʊgǝr/
/’kʰriy:mn ’ʃʊgǝr/

Let’s practice this contracted form in the following

expressions. Always link the final sound of the first word to
the schwa sound in and. If possible, try to drop the schwa
sound to make it just an alveolar dental sound, /n/.

01. cream and sugar

02. sandwich and coffee
03. big and little
04. rich and famous
05. men and women
06. boys and girls
07. rock and roll
08. knives and forks
09. peanut butter and jelly
10. hamburger and fries
11. tables and chairs
12. nickels and dimes
13. radio and television

Now, let’s read a dialogue.

At the Café
A: I’d like a chicken sandwich and coffee.
B: Do you want everything on the sandwich?
A: What’s everything?
B: Mustard, mayonnaise, lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles.
A: Everything but the mayonnaise.
B: Cream and sugar with your coffee?
A: No. I like it black. Black and hot.

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