Social Networking Questionair

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Social Networking

Name: Sex:

Age: Occupation:

i) Do you know what “social networking” is?

Yes No

ii) Do you use any social networking site(s)?

Yes No

iii) From the below mentioned social networking sites, which sites are
you aware of?

Facebook Orkut Twitter

Blogger Myspace All

iv) Which Social networking site(s) do you use the most?

Facebook Orkut Twitter

Blogger Myspace

v) Is social networking affecting the trends?

eg: dressing styles, latest gadgets, latest hairstyles, keeping
Yes No

Is social networking affecting your privacy?

eg: Your personal information, your pictures etc.
Yes No Sometimes

Does social networking increase insecurity among youth (like leakage of

personal information)?
Yes No Sometimes

Is it helping you in making aware of the brands/trends/collections/new

launches of products in market?
Yes No

Does it affect your daily routine?

Yes No A lot
In a day, how many hrs do you spend on social networking sites?
1-2 hrs 2-3 hrs
3-4 hrs more than 4 hrs

Is it making communication easy for you?

Yes No
According to you is it a boon or a curse to the society?

According to you what are the advantages and disadvantages of social

networking on youth.

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