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The way the poster fades from the main

character to the city the film is set in

shows the link to the story and implies
there is a connection between the two
of them.
This is the main actress in the film.
She is the focal point as she is the
most important point for readers
The main title of the poster is written
to see. This is because they want
in a font which reflects the fade. The
people to be drawn to her.
symbolism of this and the size of the
font will draw audiences to look at it
and the title is catchy and emotional
so this will also help to do this.

This is the main actor in the film. Again,

the reason for him being prominent is to
The actor in this shot is wearing
attract viewers and to show us the
white. This is meant to reflect the
connection between him and the girl.
innocence in him and it also shows
that the characters are being drawn
to him. This is emphasised by the

The listing shows the actor’s names. Their This is the logo of the film’s distributor.
surnames are in bold because this is what the They include this to add extra advertising
audience will recognize them from the most. for their company and to also show that
They only list the three most famous actors as they have the copyright for this poster.
they feel these are the only ones people will

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