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Tacto MASE
born on 1976.08.16
living in Kyoto

Solo Exhibitions

2015The Sky of the People, by the People, for the People etw, in Kyoto (Japan)
* programmed in KG+ on KYOTOGRAPHY International Photography Festival
2003in-between Alternative Space Haco, in Fukuoka (Japan)
2 exhibits : Early Morning / By Candlelights *cyrcle project
2001ASAGAO *cyrcle project Nagoya City Science Museum, in Aichi (Japan)

Group Exhibitions / Collaborations (Selection)

2016 / ENSO - installation that scenic art for collaborational performance series :
/ Eldrich Autumn Night UrBANGUILD, in Kyoto (JAPAN)
MOON NOOM ANEWAL Gallery, in Kyoto (Japan)
2011Charity Art for the East Japan Earthquake Gallery COEXIST, in Tokyo (Japan)
/ Zero Foundation - O Pearch Charity Stickers Project
200688, Earthday Night Black Chamber, in Osaka (Japan)
* directed a mix-media performance: dance with soap bubbles, video and live music.
Meet The Forests *cyrcle project
2004Hotel Pupik 04, Prsentation 1 Artists in Residence, Schrattenberg (Austria)
Spiders Ruin *cyrcle project

Other Activities (Selection)

2011 / O Perch (an attempted project for Ezo land / Hokkaido)

* selected on International Art-Proposal Competition for Sapporo Biennale (Japan)
2004Artist in Residence Hotel Pupik, in Schrattenberg (Austria)
2002Full-moon Fes. on Soweto Mountain of Hope SoMoHo, in Josburg (S. Africa)
* cooperating w/ NGO and local people, organized pre-openning program on WSSD
for cultural exchange of our victims between Minamata and Soweto.
2001Artist in Residence Cite Internationale des Arts, in Paris (France)


1998completed CCA Kitakyushu - Research Program: Artist course. (Japan)

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