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vocab list 10:

English I Vocabulary List 10

1. Abhor; verb- to hate; to dislike intensely

Josie abhorred her irritation and demanding boss, so she quit her job after two months.

2. Alacrity; noun- promptness; quick willingness

The alacrity of her response showed that Sally was eager and willing to help.

3. Animosity; noun- strong hared; feeling of hostility

The mob showed its animosity toward the mayor by pelting him with rotten eggs.

4. Augment; verb- to increase or enlarge

When her rent was raised, Julie had to augment her income with a second income.

5. Bogus; adjective- false; not genuine

A bogus resume got him the job, but he was fired as soon as the boss discovered it was a phony.

6. Censure; verb/noun- (v) to disapprove; to scold; (n) negative judgment; a rebuke

Of all the criticism he received, his father’s censure was the hardest to bear.

7. Congenial; adjective- friendly and sociable; compatible

The host’s friendliness and warmth made the inn a congenial place to spend the holidays.

8. Cursory; adjective- hasty and inattentive; quick and shallow

Because he did only a cursory reading of the textbook, Dennis was not prepared for the exam.

9. Digress; verb- to stray from the main topic while speaking or writing
The plot became too hard to follow when Meredith digressed from the story’s main idea.

10. Elated; adjective- delighted; joyful; elevated in mood

After a tough campaign, she was elated by her reelection.

11. Ephemeral; adjective- temporary; fleeting; short-lived

Adam’s relationships with girls were always ephemeral; he could not endure long term romances.

12. Fallible; adjective- liable to make an error or mistake

Hands showed just how fallible his sense of direction was; after ten minutes he was hopelessly

13. Gregarious; adjective- sociable; outgoing

With her gregarious personality; Doreen is always surrounded by a group of friends.

14. Hypothetical; adjective- supposed; presumed to exist

How to track down the Loch Ness monster is a hypothetical problem because it’s not real.

15. Inadvertently; adverb- unintentionally; by accident; carelessly

The frogs got into the house when Mindy inadvertently left the front door open.

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