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This month’s famous science fiction birthdays: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

January 1, 1888 – Chesley Bonestell
January 2, 1920 – Isaac Asimov
January 3, 1892 – J.R.R. Tolkien
January 6, 1905 – Eric Frank Russell
January 9, 1931 – Algis Budrys
January 10, 1947 – George Alec Effinger
January 13, 1893 – Clark Ashton Smith 28 29 30 31
January 14, 1921 – Kenneth Bulmer
January 15, 1935 – Robert Silverberg

January 19, 1958 – Allen Steele
January 20, 1884 – A. Merritt
January 20, 1948 – Nancy Kress The Website at the End of the Universe
January 21, 1923 – Judith Merril
January 22, 1906 – Robert E. Howard A science fiction community and weblog
January 24, 1911 – C.L. Moore
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This month’s famous science fiction birthdays:

18 19 20 21 22 23 24
February 2, 1940 – Thomas M. Disch,
February 4, 1938 – Ted White
February 8, 1828 – Jules Verne
February 9, 1928 – Frank Frazetta

25 26 27 28
February 12, 1933 – Juanita Coulson
February 12, 1942 – Terry Bisson
February 13, 1959 – Maureen F. McHugh
February 14, 1925 – J.T. McIntosh
February 16, 1925 – Ed Emshwiller

February 17, 1911 – Margaret St. Clair
February 17, 1912 – Andre Norton
February 19, 1937 – Terry Carr The Website at the End of the Universe
February 21, 1913 – Ross Rocklynne
February 24, 1909 – August Derleth A science fiction community and weblog
February 26, 1918 – Theodore Sturgeon
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This month’s famous science fiction birthdays:

March 5, 1942 – Mike Resnick
March 6, 1937 – Edward L. Ferman
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
March 7, 1944 – Stanley Schmidt
March 9, 1955 – Pat Murphy
March 11, 1952 – Douglas Adams
March 12, 1925 – Harry Harrison
March 13, 1911 – L. Ron Hubbard
March 14, 1957 – Tad Williams
March 16, 1948 – Margaret Weis
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
March 17, 1936 – Ken Mattingly
March 17, 1948 – William Gibson
March 20, 1948 – Pamela Sargent
March 22, 1911 – Raymond Z. Gallun
March 23, 1904 – H. Beam Piper
March 23, 1952 – Kim Stanley Robinson
2007 The Website at the End of the Universe
March 28, 1912 – A. Bertram Chandler A science fiction community and weblog
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This month’s famous science fiction birthdays:
April 1, 1926 – Anne McCaffrey
April 1, 1942 – Samuel Delany
April 2, 1948 – Joan D. Vinge

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April 4, 1948 – Dan Simmons
April 4, 1954 – Bruce Sterling
April 5, 1917 – Robert Bloch
April 5, 1931 – Boris Strugatsky
April 7, 1914 – Henry Kuttner
April 18, 1884 – Frank R. Paul

April 20, 1939 – Peter S. Beagle
April 26, 1912 – A.E. van Vogt
April 28, 1948 – Terry Pratchett The Website at the End of the Universe
April 29, 1908 – Jack Williamson
April 29, 1960 – Robert J. Sawyer A science fiction community and weblog
April 30, 1938 – Larry Niven
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This month’s famous science fiction birthdays:
May 2, 1890 – E.E. "Doc" Smith
May 7, 1931 – Gene Wolfe
May 9, 1920 – Richard Adams
May 10, 1886 – Olaf Stapledon
May 13, 1937 – Roger Zelazny
May 13, 1947 – Stephen R. Donaldson

27 28 29 30 31
May 15, 1856 – L. Frank Baum
May 18, 1930 – Fred Saberhagen
May 18, 1952 – Diane Duane
May 21, 1903 – Manly Wade Wellman
May 22, 1859 – Arthur Conan Doyle

May 23, 1921 – James Blish
May 25, 1926 – Phyllis Gotlieb
May 27, 1934 – Harlan Ellison The Website at the End of the Universe
May 29, 1906 – T.H. White
May 30, 1922 – Hal Clement A science fiction community and weblog
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This month’s famous science fiction birthdays:

June 2, 1915 – Lester del Rey
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
June 3, 1930 – Marion Zimmer Bradley
June 3, 1931 – John Norman
June 8, 1910 – John W. Campbell, Jr.
June 8, 1928 – Kate Wilhelm
June 9, 1925 – Keith Laumer
June 9, 1930 – Lin Carter
June 9, 1943 – Joe Haldeman
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
June 14, 1949 – Harry Turtledove

June 16, 1896 – Murray Leinster
June 22, 1856 – H. Rider Haggard
June 23, 1964 – Joss Whedon
June 24, 1941 – Stephen Silverberg The Website at the End of the Universe
June 25, 1903 – George Orwell
June 27, 1941 – James P. Hogan A science fiction community and weblog
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This month’s famous science fiction birthdays:

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
July 1, 1891 – Otis Adalbert Kline
July 2, 1950 – Stephen R. Lawhead
July 7, 1907 – Robert A. Heinlein
July 7, 1931 – David Eddings
July 10, 1903 – John Wyndham
July 11, 1910 – Hugh B. Cave
July 11, 1913 – Cordwainer Smith
July 12, 1923 – James Gunn
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July 16, 1928 – Robert Sheckley
July 17, 1971 – Cory Doctorow

July 23, 1914 – Virgil Finlay
July 23, 1922 – C.M. Kornbluth
July 23, 1947 – Gardner Dozois The Website at the End of the Universe
July 24, 1948 – Brian Stableford
July 27, 1938 – Gary Gygax A science fiction community and weblog
July 13, 1966 – J.K. Rowling
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This month’s famous science fiction birthdays:

August 3, 1904 – Clifford D. Simak 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
August 6, 1934 – Piers Anthony
August 7, 1933 – Jerry Pournelle
August 9, 1927 – Daniel Keyes
August 16, 1884 – Hugo Gernsback
August 18, 1925 – Brian W. Aldiss
August 19, 1921 – Gene Roddenberry
August 20, 1890 – H.P. Lovecraft 26 27 28 29 30 31
August 20, 1951 – Greg Bear
August 20, 1961 – Greg Egan

August 21, 1911 – Anthony Boucher
August 24, 1915 – James Tiptree, Jr.
August 24, 1951 – Orson Scott Card The Website at the End of the Universe
August 22, 1920 – Ray Bradbury
August 28, 1916 – Jack Vance A science fiction community and weblog
August 30, 1797 – Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
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This month’s famous science fiction birthdays:

September 1, 1874 – Edgar Rice Burroughs
September 1, 1942 – C.J. Cherryh
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September 6, 1904 – Groff Conklin
September 6, 1972 – China Miéville
September 12, 1921 – Stanislaw Lem
September 12, 1942 – Charles L. Grant
September 15, 1940 – Norman Spinrad
September 15, 1942 – Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
September 19, 1922 – Damon Knight
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
September 19, 1947 – Tanith Lee
September 20, 1948 – George R.R. Martin

September 21, 1866 – H.G. Wells
September 21, 1947 – Stephen King

September 24, 1934 – John Brunner The Website at the End of the Universe
September 24, 1945 – David Drake
September 30, 1960 – S.M. Stirling A science fiction community and weblog
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This month’s famous science fiction birthdays:

21 22 23 24 25 26 27
October 1, 1914 – Donald A. Wollheim
October 2, 1944 – Vernor Vinge
October 7, 1942 – Lee Gold
October 8, 1920 – Frank Herbert
October 8, 1943 – R.L. Stine
October 9, 1950 – David Brin
October 15, 1911 – James H. Schmitz
October 15, 1953 – Walter Jon Williams
28 29 30 31
October 17, 1948 – Robert Jordan
October 21, 1904 – Edmond Hamilton

October 21, 1929 – Ursula K. Le Guin
October 22, 1919 – Doris Lessing
October 23, 1942 – Michael Crichton The Website at the End of the Universe
October 24, 1952 – David Weber
October 29, 1906 – Fredric Brown
October 31, 1959 – Neal Stephenson
A science fiction community and weblog
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This month’s famous science fiction birthdays:

18 19 20 21 22 23 24
November 1, 1923 – Gordon R. Dickson
November 7, 1914 – R.A. Lafferty
November 7, 1954 – Guy Gavriel Kay
November 8, 1847 – Bram Stoker
November 8, 1932 – Ben Bova
November 10, 1960 – Neil Gaiman
November 11, 1917 – Mack Reynolds
November 11, 1922 – Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
25 26 27 28 29 30
November 15, 1930 – J.G. Ballard
November 16, 1919 – Frederik Pohl

November 21, 1945 – Vincent di Fate
November 24, 1916 – Forrest J Ackerman
November 24, 1948 – Spider Robinson The Website at the End of the Universe
November 27, 1907 – L. Sprague de Camp
November 28, 1898 – C.S. Lewis A science fiction community and weblog
November 30, 1962 – Daniel Keyes Moran
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This month’s famous science fiction birthdays:

December 1, 1964 – Jo Walton
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
December 7, 1915 – Leigh Brackett
December 13, 1949 – R.A. MacAvoy
December 15, 1937 – John Sladek
December 16, 1928 – Philip K. Dick
December 16, 1917 – Arthur C. Clarke
December 18, 1939 – Michael Moorcock
December 18, 1941 – Jack Haldeman
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
December 22, 1951 – Charles de Lint
December 24, 1910 – Fritz Leiber
December 25, 1924 – Rod Serling
December 28, 1945 – George Zebrowski 2007
30 31
December 31, 1931 – Bob Shaw The Website at the End of the Universe
December 31, 1945 – Connie Willis
December 31, 1949 – Ellen Datlow A science fiction community and weblog

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