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Jocelyn sits in her room with her ear phones in her ear trying to force away the quiet

and her overwhelming

thoughts and feelings. It was 4 in the morning and once again, Jocie couldn’t sleep; her mind haunting her awake.
She was too compassionate and ever since it had all built up on her slowly draining and suffocating her of her own
and everyone else’s problems and feelings as if it ate her slowly away, leaving nothing but their pain in her and she
wished it would stop.
She freezes as picture of a young comes into place in her mind in front of her and he doesn’t stop until his lips touch
her forehead “don’t worry Bry” he whispers and she feels his lips turn into a smile on her forehead still before he
disappears and she finds her eyes open in her room again

Jocelyn arrives to school quietly tight into herself. She didn’t like contact, didn’t like the emotions of others it had
grown to be too much. With her earphones still in from early this morning she strolls her way through the gates of
her school early still.
Jocie stops suddenly meeting eyes with the same boy in her mind hours before. He was hiding a smile as he was
approaching her hands in pocket
“Hey Bry” he greets her, his smile smug now as he brushes at her side then in same movement he pulls her back and
pressing his face into her hair near her ears after taking her earphone out he whispers again “come on”
With that, they leave school and into the bush
“Why are you calling me that?” she asks
He turns and smiles “Jocelyn Bryda Marie and I call you Bry” he states tugging her along “where are we going…?”
“Nate, my name’s Nate Ryka, and we are going further into the bush- I wanna show you something” he tells her not
slowing, almost running now making her stumble “woh…” she murmurs
Nate takes the opportunity to thread his arm around her waist, but Jocie moves them off; not comfortable with his
touching and closeness, he ignores her though and pulls her along until they reach a mother of a tree with huge
glorious vines that swayed in the wind and twirled around itself like a blanket. It was breath taking
“Come on” Nate encourages and they climb taking their shoes off. The tree was warm
He stops her high up to look at a plant and a puddle of water where there were tadpoles and a protective green frog
sitting in them “wow” she murmurs. Just then Jocie looks up as thick water droplets land on her hand and head from
the high canopy. Looking up the dew rain drops glisten with the sun rays delicately as they roll of the leaves and fall
towards them and to the ground below them, overwhelmed, Jocie curls a little into herself feeling completely
insignificant towards this new wide world.
Nate chuckles making Jocelyn look to him questioningly “it won’t bite I promise” he teases
She ignores him “it’s lovely up here” she looks away from him again to admire its hidden beauty. It was peaceful and
tranquil she found, finding it soothing for once; the quiet, taking her other earphone out of her ear from behind her
brown spiky short hair that was long enough to keep her ears hidden
“See, you’re not as alone as you think” he whispers to her from just beside her surprising Jocie as she looks up to
meet gentle eyes and leans back not expecting it and eyes him warily
“…who are you?” she asks hesitantly
Nate smiles revealing his brilliant white teeth to her “Nate Ryka” she grimaces at him “a friend for now” he vaguely
tells her, not reassuring her at all “okay…” she murmurs back and shifts back getting her footing “well Nate, I’ve gotta
get going” she tells him moving down the tree
“Why” he asks watching her
“Why not?” Jocie replies challenging him, meeting his gaze, she continues to climb easily down. She may not have
been out here before but she was good at climbing trees and getting around in the bush, which seemed to surprise
Nate as she was already on the ground
She looks up meeting his surprised gaze, gives him a small smile “Cya” and walks away leaving him in the tree then
arriving to school at recess
Next day Nate is at school again in uniform “Hey” he greets with his bag on his back and walking with her as they
head to their lockers “Hi, so you’re a new kid then huh?” Jocie asks conversationally
Nate shrugs “more or less”
“How come you moved” she asks hesitantly not knowing if she really wanted an answer as they get their things from
their lockers conveniently close together before mentor that morning
He doesn’t answer except smiling until he turns abruptly to her, pecks a kiss on her lips and whispering “for you” he
leaves around the corner to his class leaving her stunned and blushing with people looking just as surprised at them.
Jocie looks down and continues on her way

He wasn’t in any of her morning classes Jocie realizes and again is surprised as a hand takes hers warmly as they walk
to their lockers. Nate’s hand squeezes hers and Jocie looks up from the ground surprised again then meets his eyes
who leans in closer beside her face “morning”
“Ah, hi?” she replies making him chuckle. He does the same gesture once she takes her recess and they head to eat
on some rocks closest to the bush again
“I guess you didn’t make any friends then huh Nate?” Jocie teases as they sit down
Nate looks at her seriously then making her look away to her peach in her hand as her hands fumbled with it then
with a shrug, refusing him any satisfaction or attention she moves it to her mouth and takes a bite out of it. She liked
peaches; it was the one of the best parts of summer she loved.
Jocelyn looks up to the sky seeing the clouds beginning to build for their ritual tropical thunderstorm that essentially
happened late afternoon or sometimes it would catch them walking home. Most complained but to Jocelyn it was
enticing and exciting each time.
Suddenly the familiar hands jerk her up and into a run into the bush again making Jocie let out a startled giggle as
she drops her drink bottle keeping tight hold of her bitten peach in hand trying to stable herself from the force of
Nate while asking “what are we doing?”
No reply
“Nate…” she asks feeling a little uncomfortable now as she looks over her shoulder as they disappear from the
curious now gossiping school students watching them go further into the bush
“Nate, let go” she says in a sterner voice keeping it from shaking
“We’ll be back by lunch, don’t worry” he finally speaks looking back with a smile
“Where?” Jocie presses
Nate sighs “away” then continues “it’s too uptight there and you’re too quiet”, his response confusing her but she
gives up and follows, though with no choice
Eventually Jocelyn pulls out of his grasp and with the force she falls against a tree softly panting from their running.
Nate turns to her also panting lightly seeking out her eyes
“I'm a quiet person, it doesn’t matter the scenery, boss” she tells him, irritated
Nate has his hands on his hips now not looking too happy for some reason and Jocie continues “and as for uptight,
you are the new kid, what do you expect and then sitting with me? What do you expect?” she repeats and looks to
him meeting his eyes leaning against the tree now with an obvious dubious look
“What is the issue with being with you then Bry?” he asks defensive making her raise an eyebrow at him but then
she startles quietly laughing and shaking her head gently because it was an obvious fact at the school that she be
avoided; each school had them and she was it. The loner, but she didn’t mind in fact she had encouraged it, making
it easier on herself; she didn’t like close proximity nor did she relate as well anymore with them because as soon as
she learnt or heard something she emphasized to the point where she was the shoe, not just momentarily wearing it
like they were told to do in history ‘if you were in their shoes..’ what she wouldn’t give to be out of everyone’s shoes,
out of their minds, out of their fears, pains, regrets, memories. Jocie shivers quickly shoving it all away into that far
away part of her mind that was growing bigger and bigger and surfacing stronger and stronger each week.
“And you know pulling someone around in the bush is probably a bit weird too right?” she finishes teasing hoping to
hide her small episode and lighten it up
Nate smiles at her in a smirk that told her she was aware of her though
“And do you call that quiet?” he asks amused. Jocie glares at him on the tree but then as he moves over to her and
stands in front of her close again she freezes, unsure.
Nate tucks part of her hair behind one of her ears leisurely them brushes his fingers down her cheek then to her lips
tracing them “we’ve both got double biology next so either way we’d be together- might as well be out here rather
than in there” he tells her right before bending down and tenderly kissing her on the lips as he moves his caressing
fingertips to around her neck slowly and Jocie found they had both closed their eyes instinctly.
He pulls away his face only and leans his head against her forehead while they catch their breath before smiling,
taking her hand and around wondrously in the magical tranquil bush where music wasn’t needed, where silence was
welcomed with grace, love and trust.

Thunder starts abruptly and early and there are drenched while running back to school for lunch laughing hand in
hand stumbling for cover from the loud, heavy and bright storm above them.
“Miss Marie and Mr. Ryka” Mr. Gibbs calls out at their arrival, catching them red handed
“I'm sorry Mr. Gibbs, I thought I saw something in the bush at recess and took Jocelyn with me, then I'm afraid we
got lost” Nate coolly lies making himself look embarrassed and guilty while Jocie just watches their principle analyse
him until making a decision with an understanding smile
“Okay Mr. Ryka, seeing as it is your first day… for now on please confine yourselves to school grounds or else next
time you will find yourselves suspended from school” with the warning, he leaves them be
Nate takes her hand again and squeezes it affectionately again then lips at her ear and dripping hair he kisses it “see
it wasn’t so bad after all” he whispers making her shiver then they walk to their lockers to get their lunch out, Jocie
with her bottle of water this time only
Nate frowns disapprovingly at her “come on Jocie, you’ve gotta have more than that” he scolds but she ignores him
and taking a sip she walks ahead and once again he follows taking her free hand in his
“You are insane you know” she mutters to him
He sounded amused “and why is that, are you not the one that sits awake at night with everyone else’s feelings,
torments and pains waffling around you making you drown in it and also see a strange boy in your dreams?” he
pretends to joke with a seriousness making Jocie stop and stare intensely to him. Nate keeps firm hold of her hand
and turns meeting her warm penetrating brown eyes against his equally blue ones. She tugs at her hand but he
keeps it firm tucked in his
“come on” he gestures with his head to sit at the rocks again then gently adds walking “there’s nothing wrong with
me wanting to spend time with you Bry” he earnestly tells her; his thumb caressing her warm hand as he then pulls
her down beside him close
“oh really…” she mutters to herself but Nate hears and leans over her and warm and fondly, he kisses her delicately
moving one hand caressing against her cheek against him before pulling away from Jocie who was blushing and
looking away
He smiles “really”

Months pass together becoming best of friends and close inseparable partners
Jocelyn lay in her room with her feet up against the wall reading leisurely when someone knocks at her closed door
“Come in” she curtly responds and as the door slides open she looks to the side to see Nate coming in “oh hey” Jocie
smiles pleasantly surprised; not expecting him and slides her feet off the wall and into an upright sitting position
He walks over to her and bends over to kiss her in greet with a smile sweetly “hey, thought I’d come and say hi” as
he then hops onto her bed beside her easily “you reading again?”
Jocie nods “and let me guess…” Nate takes her book from her revealing ‘the host’ cover and he groans “haven’t you
memorized this book yet?” he teases
“Well page 102 is when Wanda is captured… page 247 is when Kyle tries getting rid of her and page 621 is when…”
Jocie jokes but Nate opens her book and goes to the reference pages and sighs in relief, making Jocelyn laugh and
push playfully at him, taking her book back “at least it hasn’t gone to waste- what’s the point in buying a book if
you’re only going to read it once or twice” she shrugs
Nate raises an eyebrow “that book of yours has been spoiled rotten because I’d say you’ve read it just about 100
“Hey it’s a nice book” Jocie defends her favorite book hugging it. Nate looks at her then taking the book out of her
grasp he replaces it with his hands and bending closer to put the book in the bench beside her he sneaks a kiss
making her smile, then he just lays down beside her and they fall into one of their many typical casual chats that last
well until they would either fall asleep or Nate
“…So a guy can’t be good looking and nice?” Nate clarifies lying beside her looking to the ceiling while their bodies
close and touching together comfortably. Nate had his arm and hand intertwined with her closest one and his
relaxed fingers rubbing her hand. Humored he adds “so what does that make me?”
Her eyes were closed with her head leaning into his shoulder next to her with a small smile “that’s what I don’t get
about you” she mumbles
Nate pulls their twined hands onto his stomach squeezing it close then turns his head to kiss her sleeping face still
smiling “is that why you call me insane? Coz I'm both”
Jocie smiles tiredly at him amused and Nate just turns closer into her breathing her in before closing his eyes; falling

“Ugh, I’ve had enough of this” Jocelyn breaks down in the house. With that, she grabs a bag, Teddy, some water and
his food and takes off in her car upset and desperate to get away as far as possible.
She travels through the rest of the day and the night then in the morning she parks her car east and with a compass
she brought, she takes the water and teddy’s food then takes off North into the bush aimlessly hiking away.

“Nate here”
“Hi Nate this is Helen”
“Oh hi, can I help you at all Mrs. Marie?” Nate asks confused still; she didn’t like him at all and the fact he spent so
much time with Jocie and probably, he muses, because she was actually smiling and happy around him
“Jocelyn’s taken off and I well, thought she may have stayed with you yesterday” Bry’s mother tells him politely
“What? So she left yesterday?” he states taking his mobile out and texting Bry already worried
“She’s not answering her phone at all Nate” Helen suspecting what he was doing
“I haven’t seen her since Friday. I’ll get on it” he states and with that hangs up and immediately speed dials Jocie
with a stern frown wondering what had happened to finally make her run; he’d expected it once or twice before
He calls 4 times and each time getting message bank before giving up on that knowing she wouldn’t answer to him.
He takes his keys then and goes out the door driving to the bush near their school then travelling further away from
their town until that afternoon catching sight of her small car parked and empty. He looks up towards the bush the
car was directed at and taking a drink bottle of his own, he goes in
“Bry” he calls a few times before hearing a familiar dog bark then seeing her and Teddy sitting on a rock. Bry looked
lost with her arms around herself and her hiking bag beside her as she looks to him with hollow eyes making him
pauses and pay watchful wary attention to her knowing something was wrong
He smiles wary keeping his tone light and casual “hey Bry, whatcha doing?” he asks as he climbs his way closer to her
and Teddy
She doesn’t reply, Bry just sits and watches him motionless and emotionless as if she wasn’t there anymore. Her
empty raw stare made him force himself not to shiver at its touch “you know you can’t survive that long out here-
especially Teddy” he defends trying to make her see reason in her seeming darkened black eyes
Jocie slides down the rock next to teddy and leans against a tree seeming lifeless in her actions. Soulless
“Bry… what’s happened to you?” he asks in a quiet sad and frightened voice watching her with horror and sorrow
wielding into him. Her eyes become sharp and she grits her teeth as her eyes close and her hands press against her
head and Nate remembers then what he was doing to her and grimaces
“I'm sorry I'm just worried though… I’ve never seen you like this…” he fades as her ice hollow eyes meet his again
“Yeah I know” her voice was just as empty and lost as well. It didn’t sound like her at all. Her eyes were no longer
their warm brown depths that had always mesmerized him, and that frightened him more. Instead it made him
watch with more concern and worry he had ever felt.
“I told you, you were insane to go near me” she reminds him with a small empty pained chuckle
Nate takes a small step towards her “yeah, I remember, and I said I wasn’t. There is nothing wrong wanting to spend
time with you” he replies trying to bring her back desperately
A shiny reflection from the sun catches his eyes and as Nate looks down to the pocket knife in Jocelyn’s hand he
stiffens as recognition and danger flash him alert
“Jocie, give me that” he asks her looking at her eyes intensely as she evenly meets his unmoving keeping it tight in
her hold trying to contain his control
“Jocie, give me that” he states again in a slow, low even voice as if not to scare her off or startle her, and holds out
his hand expectantly
Jocie just looks at it and plays with it in her hands ignoring him

Jocie whispers “Teddy, go to Nate” and he obeys as he walks forward to his feet and Nate automatically pats his
head but with a pained expression
“I’ll be back in a few hours” Jocie states dismissively and Nate straightens back up and looks intensely back to her
“No, you’ll be home in a few hours because if I leave you out here you won’t come back” Nate truthfully states
“That’s the funny thing about house and home; they’re different”
“House is the threats and lies, the distrust and violence, of anger and resentment, of abuse and fights and insecurity
and inequality… It’s of past memories. Home is the wind and the earth beneath the feet where it is solid, warm and
fresh because home is where you’re supposed to belong and feel safe and secure” Jocie explains as she presses her
feet harder into the soil beneath her then repeats “House and home are different”
“Home to me is where I'm supposed to be, where I'm sheltered, safe, protected and where I'm not vulnerable.
Where you are loved” Nate states back to her. His face turns pained again “Jocie, you gotta come back, come back
with me. My home… is with you” he looks up shyly to her from the ground seeking her eyes “you make me feel, and I
ease your pain” he tells her knowingly
Jocelyn takes a step back and picks up her backpack and pulls it off the rock to the ground beside her then meets his
gaze again “you don’t want to feel, and pain…” she takes a deep breath “pain never goes away. It only grows and
boils” she tells him seriously
Jocie takes a smaller backpack out he could tell contained water and then moved the backpack of only Teddy’s food
towards him a little “Teddy would have been fine. I would have taken him back home; he doesn’t deserve all of this”
referring to herself “you can take him though” she takes another step back not leaving eye contact
“Jocelyn…” he warns her
Jocie holds up a compass on her neck “I know what I'm doing and where I'm going. I’ve hiked and lived out here
before” she tells him and Nate didn’t forget the fact she hadn’t promised to come back again
“Don’t do this” Nate pleads shaking his head with a pain and aching he never thought was possible
Jocey shakes her head at him. Her eyes showing nothing, holding nothing
Nate tries again “Jocey, give me that pocket knife” he tells her sternly not allowing his mind to allude to why she had
“No” she coolly states to him holding it tight in her grasp
“Well then there’s no damn way you’re going anywhere” he tells her, his anger breaking through his façade.
She flips the knife open and Nate’s heart stops.
“Bry” he pleads with a breaking heart at her sight he whispers in a strained desperate voice “I… I love you, please
don’t do this”
Bry whispers to him “I warned you. I warned you… to stay away from me” and then somehow, she just disappeared
from his sight. One minute she was standing before him and the next he is looking around at nothing but an empty
tree and rock and bag in front of him
Nate closes his pained eyes as hot tears rush down his face with her last words echoing in his mind like her horrifying
eyes and soulless voice
“I’ll die at home, at as much peace as I can find and as much as I can give. Don’t do this to yourself Nate. Some are
meant to survive and thrive while others… aren’t. Some are strong and some are weak just like the leaves, the wind,
the tadpoles and the rain and I know I'm one of those. I'm sorry I met you and I'm sorry that I… loved you too but this
was inevitable and I'm sorry I did it to you”
Jocie whispers “…take care” she didn’t bother to smile knowing it would be no better

Jocelyn travels wandering through the bush with only her water, rain or shine for the next 2 days as she fled from
herself, from Nate, from everyone and their feelings and their pains that were bestowed upon her. Out here it was
eased that little bit.
Jocie had kept moving the whole time not bothering about food or rest; she didn’t care of it, she clenched her thirst
but nothing else and as she grew weaker and weaker and she began coughing as the cold nights and lack of nutrients
began catching up with her it all seased to mean much of anything anymore
She stumbles over herself falling to the ground suddenly landing on her stomach and consequently her open pocket
knife fell into her other hand with accidental force making her hold back a yelp and winces
Jocie puts her head down and tears begin rolling down her face then landing to the ground just as lifeless and plain
as she was, nothing like the glistening raindrops of the bush that first day
Her hand was leaking out blood and she holds it up in wonder as her life force flows freely out and away from her.
Jocie then jabs out the knife and it begins again pulsating out, and she just watches
Jocelyn bows her head in defeat at herself. She had fallen, and then she closed her eyes and fell asleep; lying it all
down now.
Jocie puts her hands to her head weakly ; pained “go away” she mumbles willing all of the feelings and anguish away
and leave her in peace, her eyes still shut and her body drained of any other movements “It’s okay” Nate’s figurative
voice tells her

“Bry… Jocey” Nate follows with Teddy up north hoping she used her compass to stay on track and with her car in the
east she had said but with her dog and their connection, he followed
She hadn’t come back like he knew she wouldn’t as he travelled for the two days except he had supplies unlike her,
and a phone unlike the one she had left with him “Bry” he calls out again “I know you’re out here, I can feel you” he
tells himself searching
Nate stops and goes cold finding her lying limb on the ground. He could see blood though
Then she coughs and he rushes over seeing it was her hand that was bleeding and that she was still alive “Bry” he
calls out again
“No… go away” she mumbles in a fevered voice, her hands pressed against her head again. Nate ignores her and lifts
her up a little way cautiously.
He lets out a held breath seeing the explanation to the blood.
“Bry” he whispers in a hug “stop being crazy and come back” he tells her pressing his cheek to her warm face
Jocie opens her eyes with a confused look “Nate?” she asks pulling back as much as he would allow her
“You’re wrong” he severely tells her, referring to her last words
Nate abruptly kisses her hard on the lips before pulling back seeing Jocie’s eyes widen, he takes her hand then and
with a bandage Nate wraps it tight to stop the bleed “where’s that damn pocket knife Jocie” he asks growling stern
Jocie furrows with confusion and winces “huh?” making him look to her and study her and sigh “you don’t look so
She wearily grimaces “I don’t feel so good” she replies in a weak voice
“Come on sweetheart” he helps her to her feet and quickly catches her as she falls again and coughs sickened,
pulling her into a tight hug again. She felt too warm though; feverishly warm and it was worrying him “How’s your
head” he asks
“It’s better now isn’t it” he looks at her with a knowing serious look “told ya it was better when we’re together Bry”
Jocie’s hands starting flaying, hardly at him though “Jocie?” he asks warily again “go away” she mumbles again eyes
He gives her a small shake “Bry, no one’s there, only you me and teddy” Nate tells her truthfully then phone to ear
he calls for help
“Emergency lines” it answered
“Hi my names Nate and I’ve just found a friend and a dog in the bush somewhere but she’s sick and we are lost” he
states calmly
“Stay where you are Nate and I will get some help for you. They will arrive shortly we have you coordinates. Stay
calm and keep your friend dry and warm”
“Okay” he states then the line dies
“They’re coming to help” he tells her kissing her cheek and holding her arms beside her in his hug as they sit and
wait keeping her talking in her quiet voice
“Why would you go this far Bry?” referring not only to the distance but her determination and will but she mumbles
an off answer while her voice though sounded more her, it was distant- but he preferred it to her empty soulless
being that had taken her days before and forced her away to such extremes. Nate shivers at the memory and
presses tightly down on her bleeding hand
“If we didn’t have the weak there wouldn’t be such thing as the strong, if we didn’t have the cruel, the mean or the
selfish we wouldn’t have the nice… natural selection remember?”
“Yeah okay fine. Then do you remember the artificial selection Bry? Well I select you and you gonna come back with
me and you’re gonna stay with me forever okay? My home; please don’t take that away from me” he pleads
“You said your home makes you feel safe, sheltered and protected. I'm not your home”
He manages a small smile “Yes you are; you’re all those things to me no matter what you think. I also said where I'm
“You’re crazy” she mumbles away
“Only for you” he states affectionately and presses his head on hers comfortably; holding it there

About half an hour later he hears a helicopter followed by a few brightly suited men that came towards them “come
on Bry” he tells her sitting up, she didn’t respond though and she lay limb against him “Bry” he calls to her warily
feeling uneasy suddenly then shakes her to wake her up
“Jocelyn” he shouts louder in a stern disbelieving voice pulling her hair back; her eyes closed
“Sir” they greet and Nate looks up panicked “she’s only just gone out and I can’t wake her” he tells them, they hadn’t
expected her it seemed or their youth but they rushed over and took her out of his hands “wait-“ he protests
“It’s okay sir, now let’s get you both- all three of you” seeing teddy “back and up to the hospital.”
Another man led him to the helicopter gently and one carried their dog
When he arrives Bry was already strapped in with oxygen on her face making him frown. Her face was pale but she
looked too warm still “just clarify with me sir, your name is Nate”
Nate nods sitting next to Bry and taking one of her hands
“And you’ve been out here for how long?” he asks though he knew there had been a report for them
“Myself; 2 days, the dog and Bry- 4 to 5 days” he states in a strained distressed voice
They arrive at the hospital and she is taken away from him while he goes into casualty to be assessed. Finding him
dehydrated he is admitted into hospital for the night while he didn’t hear or see of Bry until morning no matter how
much he persisted and pestered the nurses and doctor, his father or Bry’s older sister. They didn’t know anything
yet. He searched for her and throws his head back on the bed frustrated and anxious

Bry wakes in the night in a strange room with a mask she could see on her face that would fog up at every let out of
breath. She looks to the side following the small tubes to an IV and a monitor that was in rhythm she presumed with
her pulse and heart as it evenly beeped and the lines races across the monitor different colours and numbers
Then as sudden as usual, she throws her head back and winces with a pained grunt aloud holding her body rigid and
clenched at her cruel over sensitive mind. The beeping increased and started flashing at her she could tell
Two people in uniform came in with alerted but gentle faces as they went to the monitor then to the
Her mind wandered then Nate was there in her mind the same as the first time “don’t worry, I'm here” he kisses her
forehead and she falls asleep with nothing but her own in her mind; Nate took away the pain. Every time

Morning rise, the blinds open in her room and she looks to it already awake. The light shone in bright and clear
showing a vibrant blue sky
Knock, knock
Jocie turns to the door expectantly as she then sees Nate and he had a gauze on his arm as well but otherwise he
was dressed “I was let out this morning” he explains seeing where her eyes moved to as he leans briefly at the door
before coming through and sitting next to her on the bed where she was already up and pulling the mask off when
his hand took it from her hands and put it back on
Jocie glares at him then with a quick hand she flips it in a flash off stubbornly. His eyes were stern but she was

Nate lets out a half exasperated sigh before meeting her gaze again glad to see her warm brown eyes met his.
Relieved, he bends closer and kisses her forehead but once he leans back he find her asleep; eyes closed and limb
making him frown in concern. Nate looks to the monitors hearing their even slow beeps then back to her seeming
peaceful he relaxes. His gaze finds her braced hand and he frowns with memory
Nate takes the oxygen mask from where she had hit it off the second time and gently puts it back on- showing in the
blood saturation moving back up more healthily almost immediately then takes her injured hand in his and he lies
next to her on the bed beside her easily staring at the ceiling waiting for her to wake and be better
Two hours later a nurse comes through with a tray of food for her and frowns “we’ll need her to wake up; she’s
refused any food so far and we can’t let her out until she has something” she states quietly. With that Nate shifts
towards her and lightly shakes her shoulder “Bry, Bry wake up” he tells her and slowly her eyes flutter open then
meet him with a wary smile “you fell asleep” he explains then looks to the nurse with food and her gaze follows “hi
deary, I’ve just got some lunch for you. See if you can have some” she smiles compassionately and Nate warily turns
to Bry to see her reaction who was stiff and nods once “okay” she tells her and the nurse gives her the tray as Nate
gets of her bed still watching her
“thanks” she curtly tells her as the nurse then leaves and she eyes the food then turns her gaze to him “you’re going
to sit there until I eat something aren’t you” she asks him expectantly
He flashes a humorless smile “you know me” he states and Jocie sighs and pushes her head into the back pillows
behind her glaring at the food tray
Question time
“Bry… how’d you cut your hand?” he asks and she remains staring away at the food
“…Did you…” he presses in a quiet voice
“I fell over with it in my hand” she states at him straight. Her tone and then as she met his eyes even showed him
she was telling the truth and he sighed relieved, but then as he opens his eyes up again she was looking away
obviously not interested in the food she hadn’t had in now a week
“You know you’re not going to get any better or be able to leave with us if you don’t have anything” he tells her
pointedly with a raised eyebrow challengingly
No reply
“Hey Bry…” he coaxes her to look at him but she doesn’t making him stand and walk over to the bed again
“remember how I said you’re my home? Well you’re not going to the house again Bry, you’re gonna come home
with me and dad. Your sister was in before and she told us it would be best; we offered” he explains to her watching
her reaction as she relaxes her shoulders from the stress and strain she had been carrying suddenly, still thoughtful
“So can you please eat something for me so that we don’t have to stay in this place any longer than we have to?” he
asks her hiding a smile
Nate then picks up one of the carrots on her plate and dangles it in front of her turned away face before one of her
hands takes it and she takes a small bite out of it before turning back to face him as he brushes her hair “see, not so
bad is it?”
“No” she admits but now eyeing her braced hand “Jocie…” he warns her but she surprises him with a laugh; a full
normal, free laugh
Just then, Nate’s father walks in with a warm smile to her and walking over to them he pulls out a peach after
hugging her and they both laugh then. Jocie willingly takes it and bites into it pushing away the other hospital food
“She can’t have that it’s not sterilized!” a nurse protests
Bry takes another big bite out of it before unwillingly giving it over “thanks” she tells his father who leans closer and
then whispers “don’t worry” then passes her another peach with a smile and gratefully, Bry takes it
Again as she bites into it the nurse walks in “now Miss Marie you’re going to have to stay the next few days before
going…” she explains obliviously as Jocie jerks the peach desperately under the pillow and chews quickly
“How big of a bite did you have?” she asks seeing her
“A big one” Nate states hiding a smile like his father and like Bry and then the nurse leaves
Another knock on the door and Bry quickly hides her peach again with a guilty grimace on her face “you’re never
gonna get to eat you peach are ya?” Nate teases but as Bry’s sister Rachel walks through the door she sighs in relief
and brings her peach out and takes a bite, ignoring the other 3 people’s laughing
Rachel gives her a warm hug as always; she was one of very, very few that touched her and she took advantage of it
always with then placing a kiss on her cheek and brushing her hair as if she were a small child and like an obedient
puppy that knew they had no hope in escaping, she purses her lip with clenched teeth and waited for it to be over,
but then Rachel just sat there with her hand on her covered leg while both of her hands were holding the precious
peach as she nibbled on it

Nate in 2 days’ time comes and with her sister and they go home “now Miss Marie, you need plenty of rest” the
doctor finishes as Nate and Rachel walk into the room “what do you need plenty of?” he asks as she jumps up
abruptly; eager to get out
“I need plenty of…” she fades “air” she finishes
Nate and Rachel chuckle “I thought you were gonna lie and say peaches” Rachel tells her as Nate then puts an arm
around her waist; holding on to her “nice try” he whispers at her ear
“Jocelyn needs plenty of rest and sleep in order to recover” Dr Taman fixes her statement and Nate laughs again
They say good bye “come on, let’s get you home” he tells her squeezing her gently and with that they walk out the
doors to Rachel’s car where they drive home where Nate’s dad opened the door welcoming and warm as they

Resting on a soft cushioned bed as Nate had forced her to in his room (her room apparently wasn’t done yet) he
came in again looking tired and with a bowl of soup for them both. Nate puts them onto the side table and collapses
beside her onto their bed -because he refused to take the lounge and when she tried to go to the lounge room he all
but locked the door with her in his room. It had a feature wall the colour of peach, her old bed and things along with
a wooden outline leaning roof with peach carpet and some artworks of Nate and pictures of them or ones they liked-
but it wasn’t finished. The small peak of it though made her laugh aloud when they gave her a preview of it; they
were enjoying themselves and so was her sister who had to also call Michael Dad she didn’t mind though in fact she
loved it, saying she was like an older sister to the two of Nate and Jocie
Michael, Nate’s dad had insisted on being called Dad instead because “by living in my house” that made me like his
daughter. He would then ruffle her hair and say admiringly “I’ve never had a girl in the family” and by the state of her
hair; she knew that were true.
“Dad’s gonna be angry” she cautions in a lifting voice trying to make it sound intimidating but it never worked and
Nate just slumped further into the bed next to her “be quiet and rest, I'm sleepy” he mumbles
“yeah shaggy, I could never tell” she rolls her eyes at him as she lay there on her side with one of her hands on his
shaggy hair- hence her new nickname for him
Nate props his head sluggishly up onto his folded arms angled facing her with his intense weary eyes and smile “you
know I love you” he tells her in a soft quiet voice
Jocie gives him a small sleepy smile in return and winks as she ruffles his hair lightly again “yeah, I know” she states
in an equal toned voice then she meets his eyes
“I love you too” Jocie whispers

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