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There shall be a Secretariat under this Constitution for local representation of the
Private University Student Association of Ghana-PUSAG


The Local PUSAG representation shall consist of two (2) members elected by the general
student populace.

 The Local PUSAG President

 The Local PUSAG Secretary


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The functions of the local PUSAG Secretariat shall be to:

 Maintain a consistent and permanent communication link between the students͛
front of this University and the Private University Student͛s Association of Ghana

 Inform students on current progress and developments in NUGS and PUSAG.

 Organize and prepare students for all PUSAG programmes and activities.

$ Convene emergency meetings of the General Assembly in consultation with the
SRC Council for the purpose of providing information on NUGS and PUSAG

! Participate in all General Assembly meetings of the SRC and student meetings to
inform students on PUSAG matters.

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The Local PUSAG President shall perform the following functions:

( Preside over meetings and proceedings of the Secretariat

  Act as the official spokesperson of the Secretariat.

  Represent the Secretariat on the General Assembly and the SRC Council.

$ Be the chief spokesman on PUSAG affairs on campus.

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The Local PUSAG Secretary shall perform the following functions:

 Take custody of all records and documents of the Local PUSAG.

 Issue notices of Local PUSAG activities to students, in consultation with the

 Keep and maintain accurate records and minutes of all Local PUSAG meetings.

$ Act as President in the absence of the PUSAG President.

! Attend all meetings of the General Assembly.

 Perform any other duty as may be assigned to him by the Local PUSAG President,
the General Assembly, and the PUSAG Secretariat.

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The provision of Article 6(3) on the qualification and eligibility for elections into the SRC
Council shall apply to members of the PUSAG.

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All the activities of the Secretariat shall be charged to the SRC ACCOUNT.

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