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Dorian Walker


        M a r g u e r i t e , R o d g e r . W r e c k e r s h o m e o t h e r a n d t e r m i t e s . t e r m i t e s . 1 s t
ed.,. New York, New York: Crabtree publishing, 2011. 4-29. Print


Termites are some of the dangerous insects known to be on this planet earth. Although these
insects are dangerous they give of fertilizer to plants. They tear trough your homes furniture and
wood in your home. Also they cause millions of dollars to many homes a year. Most can fly
some guard their tribe and others are workers for the queen.  Queens are much larger than the
kings and all the other insects in their tribe. Also they care Vitim that they realest in a bite or a
sting. 20% of the world in mostly termites and beetles and all the other that fall in their category,
for example ants.  These  insects can be dangerous around people and especially to kids. If  a
soldier beetle was to bite you it could be life threaten.
The tallest termites mounds are was found in Africa and Australia. The Australian mound was
20ft and 6,(m) wide. The one in  Africa was 42 ft. and 13(m)  high. Their termite’s nests are
almost as tall as an elephant eye. Their nest are also a tasty treat for predators. Many of these
beetles larva are laid in dirt. Geckos and ants are termite eaters.  Ants will eat other ant species
also. Anteaters, Aardvarks, and Armadillos eat ants. Overall these insects are  bad and good and
they are  the most populated insect in the world.

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