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Volume 1 Issue 6 Good News Jaguar Journal

April 1, 2011
APRIL 2011

April Principal’s Message
Mr. Buchanan
Admin. Intern. - We are still really waiting for spring…but it is April so it cannot be that far away!
Or at least we hope it will be here soon!
Ms. Erlendson
Office Manager- April this year is an important month for us and our faith. Holy week is a time we
all prepare for. I hope that each of you takes time to make Holy Week a part of your
Mrs. Schneider
life. It is a time for personal reflection and community prayer. All of our student s will be
involved in the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Tuesday, April 5. Father Richard will be
speaking to the entire student body about Reconciliation in the morning and then return-
ing in the afternoon to allow those students who are prepared and wish to, the chance to
receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. As a school community we will be praying the
Stations of the Cross on Thursday, April 21 as we prepare to break for Easter.
As a staff we will be taking time to pray and reflect together on Friday, April 1.
Statement This is the day of our staff retreat. It is an important time for us and it is a day we look
St. Joan of Arc forward to. There will be no school for students on Friday, April 1.

Our involvement as a school with the Holy Childhood Association will be empha-
sized during the month of April. On Friday, April 8 at an assembly to end the day, a num-
We are called to ber of students will be having the opportunity to pie staff members. This is the culminat-
ing activity for our penny drive…and to be honest, for some reason an activity the stu-
develop our rela-
dents really seem to enjoy!!!
tionship with
God, self and As the school year continues to fly by, it is always important to reflect and give
community, thanks for the community which we are nurturing at St. Joan of Arc. It is not always
easy, but it is always rewarding to work as a community and it gives a person strength to
so that in Christ
know that we are in this for our students together. Epicurus once said, “It is not so much
we learn
our friends’ help that helps us, as the confident knowledge that they will help us.” It
(academic excel-
truly is nice to know that we are working together on this journey with our students.
lence) and grow
(demonstrating God Bless!
Gospel values). Mr. Bryce Buchanan
Page 2 Good News Jaguar Journal


Holy Trinity
Mass times Holy Thursday April 21st 7:00 pm
5:00 pm Saturday
9:00 and 11:00 am Good Friday April 22nd 3:00 pm
Easter Vigil April 23rd 8:30 pm

Easter Sunday April 24th 9:00 & 11:00 am

Prayer for Parents
Gracious God,
You show your love for children through the love, example and prayers of their parents.
Watch over all mothers and fathers and bless them with your joy and peace.
Deepen their love for each other and help them to teach and raise their children in your love.

Faith Tip for Parents

Lent can be a very long season for adults, let alone children. The Church recognizes this and
has given us the gift of Laetare Sunday. The Latin word laetare literally means rejoicing so
Laetare Sunday (the fourth Sunday of Lent, April 3rd) is Rejoicing Sunday. This Sunday is
celebrated differently than the other Sundays of Lent. It’s like a preview of Easter, a day to
rejoice in God’s gifts to us during Lent. Traditionally the priest will wear rose-coloured vest-
ments on this day which may have developed from the custom of bringing the first roses of
spring to church on this day. Laetare Sunday is the only Sunday during Lent where flowers
are allowed to decorate the altar. A great idea would be to decorate your home with roses or
other flowers on this day and, if you have a rose-coloured table cloth, to put it on the kitchen
table. Your child(ren) will wonder what the special occasion is and you can use the opportunity
to explain to them about Rejoicing Sunday. Then you can take time as a family to thank God
for the gifts of Lent and ask God to continue to help your family on your Lenten journey.
Here is a prayer that you could use: Loving God, all good things come from you. We thank you
for the many gifts that you give us every day and especially the ones we receive during this
Lenten season. Please give us what we need to complete our Lenten journey so that our joy
may be complete on Easter Sunday when we celebrate your resurrection. Amen.
Page 3 Good News Jaguar Journal



In September 2010, the Regina Catholic School Board informed ratepayers and the
public of its plan to move forward with a High School visioning project. The Board would
like to announce it is now in stage two of this process; and is reviewing the material and
considering the recommendations made by an independent consulting unit.

The Regina Catholic School Board plans to have more information about the
recommendations and the potential for the implementation of the recommendations in
the coming months. It is also the intention of the Board to take into consideration the
recommendations of this report while continuing to recognize its interest in the
construction of a new high school in the southeast end of Regina.

The Board would also like to announce that our Annual Ratepayer’s Meeting will be held
on Monday, May 16th, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Gratton Room. The Gratton Room is
located at 3120 14th Avenue. All are welcome!

As we journey forward through the Lenten season, may we remember the promises we
made to sacrifice or to give of ourselves to others.

For God’s foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and God’s weakness is stronger than
human strength. 1 Corinthians 1:25

Wishing you a peaceful, warm and blessed Easter!


We are currently accepting Kindergarten registrations for the 2011-2012 school year.
Students who will celebrate their 5th birthday prior to December 31, 2011 (born in 2006)
are eligible to enroll. Please contact the Mrs. Schneider, at 791-7350 to arrange a suitable
time to come in, register, and tour our facility. Please notify families with Kindergarten-
aged children. We welcome the opportunity to speak to interested parents about our
school’s programs.
Volume 1 Issue 6 Page 4


Starting the week of March 28th and ending with an Assembly on
Friday, April 8th, we are asking students to bring in their spare
change, in any denomination they wish, to support our Pie-in-the-Face
Fundraiser. For every $100.00 raised, a staff member’s face will be
added to the wall in the gym and they will be on the roster to receive a pie in the face at
the Assembly. More information will be included with your child’s report card this
month. We thank you for your anticipated support.


Being a good role model for your children is more thank teaching them right from wrong; it
requires you to be active. Physical activity is often set down by the wayside these days as
it competes with busy work schedules, homework and desire to just relax. Here are a few
ideas to get your kids (and yourselves) moving.

* Be active with your kids. If they see you moving, they’re more likely to get active

* Spend time outside. Involve your family in outdoor activities and sports to keep up
with an active lifestyle.

* Limit TV time. With unlimited access to TV, computers and video games getting
physical can be forgotten. Give kids some time to relax and enjoy the electronic
world, but designate some time for physical activity as well.


Is offering a Parenting after Separation and Divorce Program .. For more information or to
register for these sessions call 787-9905 . Classes are for adults only—no child care is
provided. Registration is mandatory. There is no fee for these sessions.
Volume 1 Issue 6
April 1, 2011

Congratulations to the following students for Term 2 Honor Roll

Grade 6 - Mrs. Sirdar

Analia Ashley Savannah Taylor

Hannah Renee Brett Calista
Cailey Jaelynn Mhel

Grade 7—Mr. Fuchs

Johnna Joanna Emily Jaime

Mark Jeremy Cameron Brent
Sydney Jayden Brydon Minna

Grade 8—Mrs. Hart

Andie Greg Stephanie Shayla Justin

Theresa Spencer Cole Breanna

Important Dates and Non School Days

Friday, April 1st Staff Retreat—no school for students

Monday, April 4th—Thursday, April 8th Penny Drive
Tuesday, April 5th Reconciliation 9:30 & 1:00
Thursday, April 7th Badminton –Junior at St. Joan/Senior at St. Francis
Friday, April 7th Grade 8 Retreat @Holy Trinity
Friday, April 8th Pie In The Face @3:00 Assembly
Thursday, April 14th Badminton-Junior at St. Bernadette/Senior at St. Joan
Thursday, April 14th Band Days—grade 6 morning
Friday, April 15th Band Days-grade 7 morning
Monday, April 18th Badminton-Gr. 7/8 Cities at Miller High School
Tuesday, April 19th Kindergarten visit Hall of Fame
Tuesday, April 19th Badminton-Gr. 5/6 Cities at Miller High School
Wednesday, April 20th CSCC Hot Lunch
Thursday, April 21st Stations of the Cross
Friday, April 22nd Good Friday—no school
Monday April 25th—Friday, April 29th No School
Monday, May 2nd Students return to school

April 1 – 6:30 pm St Athanasius – Bread & Water Banquet featuring 14 different kinds
of bread, followed by Youth led Stations of the Cross. Admission is FREE but a suggested
donation for the bread banquet is what you would pay for a regular meal out, however any
amount is accepted. A bread & water supper is being held to remind us of all those who go
without food and may only have bread and water to eat. Proceeds will be donated to a
foster child, Nadia, from a Ukrainian Orphanage. Come out and partake in something dif-
ferent for this Lenten season. We will even include child participation for those

April 6 – 7:00 pm - St Basils church –One day Mini Lenten Retreat – with speakers – Fr.
Mudri, Fr. Andrei, and Fr. Lazurko. A luncheon and social will follow in the hall.

April 16 – 1:00-3:00 pm – St Basils Hall – UCWLC Easter Tea & Bake Sale. Come out
and purchase Easter baking featuring traditional Ukrainian Foods for sale.

April 17 – 9:30 am – St Athanasius Church – 1st Communion Service for 6 children and
Lunch to follow. For lunch tickets please contact the church office at 543-8008.

May 1 – 9:30 am – St Athanasius parish Feast Day celebration with a traditional Easter
Dinner and a formal welcome for Father Andrei.

St Athanasius Easter Schedule:

Wednesday, April 20 - 7:00 p.m.: Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, with the gospel
account of the betrayal of Jesus by Judas
Thursday, April 21 - 7:00 p.m.: Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great, with the gospel
account of the Last Supper
Good Friday - April 22 - 3:00 p.m.: Vespers with placing of the Holy Shroud in
the tomb
- 7:30 p.m.: Jerusalem Matins (the wake before the tomb)
Saturday, April 23 - 3:00 p.m.: Blessing of Easter Baskets
Easter Sunday - 8:30 a.m.: Resurrection Matins and Divine Liturgy

For any more information or for any upcoming events, please visit the website

A big congratulations goes out to the Grade 6 and 7/8 Band Stu-
dents for some outstanding performances at the Optimist Festival
in March! The students played very well and did an amazing job representing our school
out in the community!

Regina Catholic Schools Band Days Festival:

Our program is once again hosting our annual "Band Days Festival" at LeBoldus High
School from April 10 - 16, 2011. The week-long festival includes over 900 solo perform-
ances, over 300 ensembles, a Grade 7/8 Select Band, and a High School Honour Band.
The week concludes with a Grand Concert on Saturday, April 16th at 7:00pm in the Le-
Boldus High School Gym. Keep an eye out for more information which will be sent home
with your student very soon!

Band Students:
As Band Days is approaching very quickly, make sure you are practicing your solos and
ensembles regularly! We only have a few weeks left until our performances!

Report Cards:
Your band student should have received their Band Report Card along with their regular
classroom reports. Please read through this with your student, sign, and return it to
Miss Hognerud at your child's next band rehearsal (if you have not done so already). If
you have any questions or concerns, you can contact Miss Hognerud at the information
on the bottom of the report card.
Come Out Walkers! Come Out Runners! Come Out Everyone!

Regina Catholic Schools 2nd annual MOVING IN FAITH event is a faith-based physical activ-
ity for the whole family to enjoy! Participants of all abilities are encouraged to take part in a
2 kilometer walk, jog, or wheelchair, a 5 kilometer walk or run, or a 10 kilometer run on Sunday,
May 15th, 2011 at 2 p.m.
The 2km walk/jog/wheelchair event is chaperoned and held entirely on the track. The 5km and
10km events are held on Regina’s pathway system.

The event will also include a small carnival which will be set up inside the track area at the
Athletic Complex beginning at 1 p.m. A face-painter and balloon animal creator will be on hand
as part of the carnival and a dino-bouncer will be rented. Father John Weckend will lead the
group gathered in a Liturgy prior to the race.

To register for or to find out more about this event, please visit our webpage
movinginfaith. You can also pick up a registration brochure from your local school or the Catho-
lic Education Centre at 2160 Cameron Street if you do not have website access. There is no
fee to participate in this event.

This year’s Moving In Faith walk/run event will support a global charitable organization A Bet-
ter World Canada. This project is an initiative to build 100 classrooms for children in Afghani-
stan. In lieu of a registration fee, participants may choose to make a donation to this charity.
A Better World Canada will issue a charitable tax receipt for donations $10 or above upon
completion of a donation form found on We are pleased to welcome
Azalea Lehndorff from A Better World Canada as a participant! Please join us.

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