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Ú Cloud computing is the provision of dynamically scalable and
often virtualized resources as a service over the Internet on a
utility basis.
Ú Users need not have knowledge of, expertise in, or control
over the technology infrastructure in the "cloud" that
supports them.
Ú Cloud computing services often provide common business
applications online that are accessed from a web browser,
while the software and data are stored on the servers
xisting System
Ú As we all know , for us to work on an app, we need to follow some
complicated procedures like downloading, installation, blah blah͙
then finally we get to work on that app.
Ú ven while workin on that app we often tend to wonder about the
new fetures and the upgradation part that takes lots of time and
Ú very computing machine need to install its own OS for it to work.
Ú Current internet system is not effective in managing efficiency, time
and costs simultaneously. ( In nerd͛s terms like not scalable, not
reliable etc. )
÷roposed System
Ú The concept of Cloud computing dates back to 1960 when JOHN
McCARTHY imagined that computation may some day be a public
Ú Cloud computing is a natural evolution of the widespread
adoption of virtualization, service-oriented architecture,
autonomic and utility computing. Details are abstracted from
end-users, who no longer have need for expertise in, or
control over, the technology infrastructure "in the cloud" that
supports them.[1]
System Requirements


Ú    : Any ÷rocessor above 500 MHz.
Ú G  : 1Gb.
Ú   : 80 GB.
Ú    : 650 Mb.
Ú d  : Standard Keyboard and Mouse.
Ú 3  : VGA and High Resolution Monitor.
Server side : ( configurated computer with apache or tom cat
app installed)

Client side : (Ordinary computer with only OS and browsing app


3 c : Windows 2000 server Family.

  : .NT, C#, Ajax , ÷H÷
! " #$$ % &

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